How to take screenshot and send to server in android? [duplicate] - android

I want to take screenshot of screen programatically.I also downloaded android-screenshot-library, but i am not understanding how to use it. Please help me.

Follow this guide: Developer guide for android-screenshot-library.
Also read this: How to capture the android device screen content? may be become helpful to you.


Write data on google sheets through android app form

I am new to android and I want to publish my form data which is created in an android app to google sheets. Can anyone help me out with this problem
Check this detailed step by step guide with image screen shot.
This is totally doable. Checkout the Android Quickstart for Sheetsv4 to give you an idea of the code flow. Then the main thing you have to know is to Write on A Single/Multiple Range using
You can find actual writing sample in Basic Writing:!A1:D5?valueInputOption=USER_ENTERED

Android app interface like g+

How can i implement a design like this image
i searched a lot and didn't find anything useful. Can anyone give me a starting point to create an interface like this?
There is some source library that dose just what you need .
Please follow below link . I hope it helps you .
Google Plus Profile Screen & Android-Parallax

enabling secondary display for 4.2.2

I wanna use the secondary display API presentation and enable this feature in my build, but where to integrate and from where to start I am not able to figure out.
Please help
I think will help you to start. It contains examples that helped me figure out what should be done and what should be taken care of.

Description for Android app

I create an app, and I know how to put describe for my app. But I don't know how to put description for my app. Help me please!
i could not get you what exactly you want but as much as i can understand i am providing following solution link for help.

how to take snapshot of screen programmatically?

I want to take screenshot of screen programatically.I also downloaded android-screenshot-library, but i am not understanding how to use it. Please help me.
Follow this guide: Developer guide for android-screenshot-library.
Also read this: How to capture the android device screen content? may be become helpful to you.

