enabling secondary display for 4.2.2 - android

I wanna use the secondary display API presentation and enable this feature in my build, but where to integrate and from where to start I am not able to figure out.
Please help

I think http://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/Presentation.html will help you to start. It contains examples that helped me figure out what should be done and what should be taken care of.


Time range picker

I would like to build this google calendar’s timeslot-picker but unfortunately, there is unfortunately no similar online tutos or blogs explainging so. I have no single idea how to start it. Anyone can give me some hints which Flutter widgets I need to use to build it?
It also has two dots to make the timeslot longer or shorter..
I appreciate your help.

Grouping views in settings android

I'm building a app and I want to create grouping of my settings for the app, like you can do with a Preference Screen. I'm using the Support Design Library to be able to use Floating Labels and so on.
I've been searching like crazy but can't seem to find any answer...
Hope someone here knows how to do this and can help, and hope you understand what I want to do, despite my rusty english :)
I would like the below image but not using the "PreferenceActivity".
Thanks in advance.

How do you make a pattern lockscreen in android studio?

I was just wondering if anyone could help me with this problem. I am trying to make a pattern lockscreen for my app in android studio, but I can't find the code anywhere and I can't find any video tutorials telling me how to make one. I am new to android studio and I am trying to make a simple app that just stores the user data and I am basically done with it, I just need a lockscreen. Thank you everyone for taking the time to read this, and also extra thanks for helping me out!
There is an implementation on GitHub. Or you can implement your own customview based on the code.

Building Android Loading Dialog Box with AIR

I am starting to develop android applications using AS3.
As much as I've searched I did not find how to make android loading box using AIR!
It seems there is no way to do so!
Can anybody help me in this regard please?!
I kindly beg you to search more and more. Your topic is a rare and helpful one I also appreciate that but I think you just need to increase your Googling Abilities :D
I guess I know what you were searching for so I just searched about your topic and the result is exactly what you need I am sure.
You know,, you can not access android device-specific libraries and features with AS3 for these are not available in the built-in AS3 classes. There are some air extensions provided to help us the air developers who want to make Android or iOS apps though.
Am I clear enough? if not go to this link please. Here you can learn more and even use some extensions in your projects if necessary: http://www.adobe.com/devnet/air/native-extensions-for-air.html
And a happy link for you and your topic:
Just tell me if this is what you wanted. I'll be happy!
This is fairly standard and has been covered here a few times. Like this for example.
as3 loading screen
or this ROC tutorial
as3 preloader
U basically calculate the current percentage in a progress event and change a bar's width or scale accordingly.

How to use Flipboard effect on Android

I really like some effects in iPad. Especial flipboard, but I am an android developer at the moment, so I want to build an app which has the same effect. But I cannot find any source code about it on the Internet. On youtube I found a video I really like. Can someone help me?
Hey… Here is a quick guide for getting the clipboard effect on your Android phone. Just go through this tutorial for getting it. Hope it will be helpful to you.
http://openaphid.github.com/blog/2012/07/27/how-to-handle-touch-events-for-flip-animation/ there u go, but it is on opengl, and i'm not sure if it supports complex views as ListView. If you want to make one from the scratch i also recommend you this link. It is on Flex, but the principle is similar. http://oreilly.com/pub/a/javascript/archive/flashhacks.html?page=1

