Description for Android app - android

I create an app, and I know how to put describe for my app. But I don't know how to put description for my app. Help me please!

i could not get you what exactly you want but as much as i can understand i am providing following solution link for help.


iOS Android - How to create a download link for an app?

Can anyone please guide me. I want to create a link that directs to App Store and Google Play Store and also make a record where the link is clicked from.
the link might look something like this:
Is there a place where I can create this? Or do I have to do it all by myself?
Smarturl will do it for you but the url will be If you want to implement it on your website, you have to do it by yourself. This might help you.
Hope it helps :)
It seems that you need a kind of DeepLink. For example you can take a look at or Firebase Dynamic Links

How to take screenshot and send to server in android? [duplicate]

I want to take screenshot of screen programatically.I also downloaded android-screenshot-library, but i am not understanding how to use it. Please help me.
Follow this guide: Developer guide for android-screenshot-library.
Also read this: How to capture the android device screen content? may be become helpful to you.

How to load Link images and title info in android

I have a editiText in which I can type anything. What I want is, when I type any link in this edittext and press enter, it should return the image and other info of this link to me, so that I can attach that link like facebook does.
How can I achieve this, please help me.
Thank you so much in advanced.
A quick search in Google gave me this.
As you can you see, it is a lean crawler and exactly what you need. You can look at the source code and understand how to achieve that or simply use the API.
Next time use Google.

Android app interface like g+

How can i implement a design like this image
i searched a lot and didn't find anything useful. Can anyone give me a starting point to create an interface like this?
There is some source library that dose just what you need .
Please follow below link . I hope it helps you .
Google Plus Profile Screen & Android-Parallax

about Page Turner widget

could you tell me where to down the Page Turner widget in old early sdk.i want to use it. can you give me a link? and if give me have been modified code,i feel more happy.
thank you?
See source: Googled it and found this.
PageTurner was removed from Android before the first open source release, and so it is no longer available.

