could you tell me where to down the Page Turner widget in old early sdk.i want to use it. can you give me a link? and if give me have been modified code,i feel more happy.
thank you?
See source: Googled it and found this.
PageTurner was removed from Android before the first open source release, and so it is no longer available.
Help please, studied the existing issues and they do not work. I need to open a pdf file on android so i use google docs as a layer{https://mypdf.pdf}
Right now I need to go to a specific page of the document, I tried with iframe and onload which was suggested here but it doesn't work for me. I tried with &a=bi&pagenumber=3 and it doesn't work for me either.
Maybe I should change google docs, but I don't know what. Thanks
I have a editiText in which I can type anything. What I want is, when I type any link in this edittext and press enter, it should return the image and other info of this link to me, so that I can attach that link like facebook does.
How can I achieve this, please help me.
Thank you so much in advanced.
A quick search in Google gave me this.
As you can you see, it is a lean crawler and exactly what you need. You can look at the source code and understand how to achieve that or simply use the API.
Next time use Google.
I'm trying to make a simple eclipse project that only takes one screenshot using the android-screenshot-library. The thing is that the documentation is very very poor and I'm having a hard time understanding how to set up this very very simple project.
Anyone knowing about some example project in the web? or useful tutorial (step-by-step kind of thing).
Have look at this.
Android Screen Shot Library
Follow the tutorial here. It isn't about pictures and cameras, but it's simple enough to get you started. Then post code of what you have tried and ask and more pointed question:
As the new clock layout in Android 4.2 is awesome, I would like to use it as a basis for my apps.
Thanks to the beauty of Open Source, the source code is available, but I have been browsing it for hours and never found it.
I know posting no code on StackOverflow is not cool, but I strongly believe that sharing this info might be usefull for other developers.
Google has provided something really usefull:
zapi links are giving the same results, thanks for the help.
Not sure if that's it but have a look at
Should be some keyguard_* layout and the source for the digital clock widget would be
Edit: github seems to be outdated, the following ones should be more accurate
I create an app, and I know how to put describe for my app. But I don't know how to put description for my app. Help me please!
i could not get you what exactly you want but as much as i can understand i am providing following solution link for help.