Help please, studied the existing issues and they do not work. I need to open a pdf file on android so i use google docs as a layer{https://mypdf.pdf}
Right now I need to go to a specific page of the document, I tried with iframe and onload which was suggested here but it doesn't work for me. I tried with &a=bi&pagenumber=3 and it doesn't work for me either.
Maybe I should change google docs, but I don't know what. Thanks
I'm currently learning how to build applications for android online, following tutorials on youtube and Udemy.
I want an entire Android Studio app package to tinker with to help me learn how to code properly. In the same way I learned about fixing cars by taking one apart and putting it back together, I was hoping somebody could point me in the direction of a place where I could get an app and mess around with it.
Ideally I'd like a fitness app but I'd take anything except games at the moment.
HYelp anyone :)
You can find tons of samples and examples on github. For an example checkout this fitness app.
Please use those sample codes in compliance with the License.
Is there a way to search through a dropbox account to find a file with your own app using their API.
For example I want to find all *.jpg in my drop box account from my app. or all files containing the word 'smile' in the title. etc.
I have been searching but either its not provided or i'm not searching with the right terms.
Have you tried the full core REST API? I found this in their documentation:
It looks like you can search the way you want using that API. I have never used the dropbox API, but figured I'd help if I can. Hope it helps!
Can we have page curl between activities , i have gone through many forum's like Google forum git-hub. but all are for images or view's like layout but nothing i found which can work between activities can any one please help on this.
This guy has implemented it and was kind enough to share the code too. Only watch the video and download the code. And don't forget to give him credit in the code.
I know it sounds and actually is stupid. I am trying to promote my app with AdMob. In the promotion form there, I put
URL: market://details?id=com.xxxx.xxxxxx.xxxxx
DisplayUrl: ????
Whatever I enter for DisplayUrl, system is giving me invalid format error.
I have read the guidelines but it does not help at all. Can someone help me?
UPDATE: I fed up with that option Text & Tile and went with image option with which I can upload my own image and be done with it. So much for 1 cent/click saved.
I don't know if this helps you, but I was having the exact same problem, which I might add, was very frustrating! :-P
I believe what they're looking for, for that field (which they should really explain BETTER), is they want a url to a website, that a desktop browser can go to. Like for example...
URL: market://details?id=com.xxxx.xxxxxx.xxxxx
Now please keep in mind, I tried adding both http:// and https:// and got the same
There were problems with your submission. and Invalid Display URL format. error
I know that fixed my problem! :-)
Honestly, since I'm sure at least 60% of ads are to the Google Play Store, I think they should really suggest that, or maybe give an alternative suggestion. Since they are such sticklers on the format, they should give us more guidance, and maybe an example? :-P
I hope that fixes your problem :-)
From the documentation, it would appear that the DisplayUrl is specifying the location of a html document that is to be retrieved and displayed in the ad box. Do you get a webpage at the url that you are putting in this option if you view it in a normal web browser? Also, have you given your app permission to the internet?
Also, here are the directions on adding a mobile site or Android app:
I've been trying to make my app implement the built in quick search, similar to how it is done in ApiDemos' "app/search/invoke search". I have tried everything from trying to follow different examples, to copying the code exactly as it is in ApiDemos.
All I've found for the former have been concerned with older versions of the SDK, and simply not worked. As for the stuff that I can actually run and see working in ApiDemos, I've tried copying the following
... and everything under "Search Samples" in AndroidManifest.xml
This copying gets me a view that looks exactly like the one I'm facing when running ApiDemos, but when I click the search button, in the quick search box, Android always just opens up a browser window, with Google search results for the given query. I simply cannot find the critical component in ApiDemos that tells android that I want to use my own custom code for handling the search request.
I would really appreciate some help in this matter. Both documentation and other online resources seem very lacking when it comes to this.
For reference, four months (and god knows how many attempts) later, I've found the part of the documentation I've missed out on, that had the whole search box behave fire up browser search results, instead of passing them to my own activity. It all comes down to a little notice found here:
Note that all user-visible strings must be provided in the form of "#string" references. Hard-coded strings, which cannot be localized, will not work properly in search metadata.
Try reading this first. If that does not help, you can try looking at the search example from one of my books -- that example integrates with the Quick Search Box, and perhaps it will give you more clues.
In addition to the examples provided by, you can look at the Searchable Dictionary in the samples directory of the 1.6 SDK.
I was wrong before... the SDK documentation has a thurough explanation in the docs for SearchManager that I suggest you take a look at. In addition, as CommonsWare mentioned, the blog entry is also a good resource.