I want to take screenshot of screen programatically.I also downloaded android-screenshot-library, but i am not understanding how to use it. Please help me.
Follow this guide: Developer guide for android-screenshot-library.
Also read this: How to capture the android device screen content? may be become helpful to you.
Based in this answer I think that exists a solution at least to system apps (or probably also in rooted devices?). Happens that i not understood the code example linked on answer comments. Someone could explain a step by step to achieve this please (with a code example if possible)? Thanks in advance.
Because of androids way of handling screenshots, excluding the overlay is not possible. But you could, as stated in your link, make the screenshot without your overlay.
This would result in having unrendered holes in your screenshot, whrere there would be only a black background.
If you want that, you could easyly just make your overlay black of the second you shoot the screenshot, or even disable the visibility, to get a clean screenshot. To give you a more detailed answer, we would need a more prescise question with examples and ideas how you wrote your code.
The problem is, that you could theoretically dig into androids source code and change the screenshot behaviour. But with that you would create a new Android version on your own. As #Hassan Uddin stated. Running that on your phone would require you to dig deep into androids source code and possibly not find any answer there.
It is not possible because it's like a security feature. If you are willing to spy on someone's screen, then you are too late it's 2021... the OS will not let you do so... you have to MOD the OS instead
You can not exclude overlay from screen capture. you can hide or make it transparent in case of your overlay. you can not handle third part overlay.
I want to take screenshot of screen programatically.I also downloaded android-screenshot-library, but i am not understanding how to use it. Please help me.
Follow this guide: Developer guide for android-screenshot-library.
Also read this: How to capture the android device screen content? may be become helpful to you.
How can i implement a design like this image
i searched a lot and didn't find anything useful. Can anyone give me a starting point to create an interface like this?
There is some source library that dose just what you need .
Please follow below link . I hope it helps you .
Google Plus Profile Screen & Android-Parallax
I'm trying to make a simple eclipse project that only takes one screenshot using the android-screenshot-library. The thing is that the documentation is very very poor and I'm having a hard time understanding how to set up this very very simple project.
Anyone knowing about some example project in the web? or useful tutorial (step-by-step kind of thing).
Have look at this.
Android Screen Shot Library
Follow the tutorial here. It isn't about pictures and cameras, but it's simple enough to get you started. Then post code of what you have tried and ask and more pointed question: http://developer.android.com/training/basics/firstapp/index.html
I create an app, and I know how to put describe for my app. But I don't know how to put description for my app. Help me please!
i could not get you what exactly you want but as much as i can understand i am providing following solution link for help.