Google Play Games Achievements - Points Not Changing - android

Earlier, I made 5 achievements and published them along with my game, which is in alpha testing.
Now I am trying to modify the 5 achievements, and everything else updates successfully (name, description, icon, and list order), but the experience amount does NOT update, even though I've changed the given points amount too.
I updated the achievements around 5 hours ago. Could this be some kind of cache/update delay issue, or is there something I am missing here? Perhaps I need to actually republish the achievements, for the experience to update?

Have you read official documentation above Editing an achievement?
You have the steps to Undoing an edit, Deleting an achievement and Resetting an achievement.
And you should be careful, if you are to publish your app, because once an achievement is published, its initial state (hidden or revealed) and its type (incremental or standard) is fixed and cannot be changed.

The achievements needed to be re-published for the experience count to update.


Updating the Google Play leaderboard limits after publishing

We have incorrectly estimated the limits of what can be achieved in our game (yeah, I know!) and we have set a max limit to the leaderboard in order to reduce cheating. The problem now is that we have organized a competition and players are blowing the limit our of the water, but we cannot seem to be able to update the limits after publishing, we have contacted Google for this but it's going to take awhile before we get a reply, so anyone has faced this before?
You may want to try steps given in editing a leaderboard:
Click the leaderboard in the Leaderboards tab of the Google Play Developer Console. You will see the same form you used when first creating the leaderboard, and you will be able to edit any of the fields as you wish.
When you're done editing a leaderboard, click the Save as draft button.
The newly edited leaderboard will be in a "ready to test" stage, and you'll be able to test it out.
If it is working correctly, select Republish from the drop-down list, and this will republish your game, along with all your updated leaderboards, to the public. See Testing and Publishing Game Changes.
However, use Management API to manage your games to address cheating and fix player accounts or if you need to reset values for these resources:
turn-based match
real-time room
leaderboards metadata for the currently authenticated player or for
all players

google play games achievements reset (every day)

Last week we soft-launched our game and we started getting errors from people. One of the bugs they (all) seem to have is that their achievements are being reset at least every day but sometimes even when restarting our game. The achievements do give the popup when being unlocked, and are even visible in the achievements UI but they keep being reset/removed.
We did know our game behaved like this for our Beta testers, but we assumed this was because everyone that was playing at the time is registered as a Beta tester.
Anyway, we've looked all over the internet to find other people that have the same problem as we do but we came up empty handed. We've checked all our settings in the play dashboard and within our game a dozen times but can't find the problem. Every post is always about resetting achievements, not keeping them.
One thing that I did notice is that almost 70% of the calls that we make with GPGS is returned by a 4xx response. We are currectly using Unity 5.3.x in combination with GPGS v0.9.32.
Does anyone have any idea on why this is happening to our achievements?
Alright we've found the answer: we had 2 credentials and apparently used the wrong one in our APK. We switched around the Signing-certificate fingerprint so that the fingerprint in the APK and in play services match and now it's working.
The strange thing is that everything seemed to work and we've never gotten any feedback from google that something was wrong...
Thanks for your attention to this problem!

Google Play Games Leaderboards - Scores Disappear

I have successfully published Google Play Leaderboards on my game.
Problem is, although all scores get saved successfully and permanently, the users cannot see other players' scores, even in All-Time and Public. They appear for a while if recently posted, and then later disappear automatically !
How/Why does this happen, what should I do/check to fix this?
Please help, Thanks.
I had as similar issue and ended up disabled fraud score detection and the scores started showing up and staying.

What happens if you publish then immediately unpublish on Google Play?

So I accidentally published on Google Play (Oops, my bad, I thought I was submitting it for some sort of review), and 5 seconds later when I realized what I had done I immediately unpublished. I'm still waiting for the review for the iOS version and want to release both at the same time.
My developer console for the app has changed now, and it treats the app like an app that has been published (I can't replace the APK, can view stats, etc.)
So my question is this: Every day I wait am I losing precious visibility in the "New apps" feature page? Or when I republish in a few days will I appear at the top of the list as if I had just released that day?
I believe re-publishing does not affect the initial publishing date, so yes, you do lose "precious visibility", but just because your app is new, does not automatically mean it will be on top of the New Releases category. There are probably several other factors that are weighed in such as ratings or downloads. Also, publishing your application does put it through review. It's just significantly faster than the Apple app store and assuming it passes the review, it will get published.

Showing similar games in play store

A day ago I uploaded my first game in play store and I'm having an issue and I don't know if it is normal.
My entry in play store is not showing similar games like the others. I don't know if it is because it has been too few time in the market or I have to activate it :/. I assigned the type of the game and so on... is there any problem?
No you dont have to activate it separately. In due course of time it will start to show it. It is based on people's behavior of downloading your app and similar apps like yours..

