We have incorrectly estimated the limits of what can be achieved in our game (yeah, I know!) and we have set a max limit to the leaderboard in order to reduce cheating. The problem now is that we have organized a competition and players are blowing the limit our of the water, but we cannot seem to be able to update the limits after publishing, we have contacted Google for this but it's going to take awhile before we get a reply, so anyone has faced this before?
You may want to try steps given in editing a leaderboard:
Click the leaderboard in the Leaderboards tab of the Google Play Developer Console. You will see the same form you used when first creating the leaderboard, and you will be able to edit any of the fields as you wish.
When you're done editing a leaderboard, click the Save as draft button.
The newly edited leaderboard will be in a "ready to test" stage, and you'll be able to test it out.
If it is working correctly, select Republish from the drop-down list, and this will republish your game, along with all your updated leaderboards, to the public. See Testing and Publishing Game Changes.
However, use Management API to manage your games to address cheating and fix player accounts or if you need to reset values for these resources:
turn-based match
real-time room
leaderboards metadata for the currently authenticated player or for
all players
Some time ago I launched an app that uses Google Play Games Leaderboard and Achievements APIs. From what I've read, both badges should be enabled automatically after a certain threshold (200-300 users).
However, my app now has more than 80K active users using these features, but still no badges on the Google Play page.
So I was thinking... Am I missing something? Did someone manage to enable this badges?
You can refer to this SO posts 1, SO post 2 and SO post 3. Same scenario and same question.
It was said that there is no additional configuration/setup needed to start showing the icons. Also, suggests to wait for a few days to see if the logo will pop up.
Another reason,
There is a minimum number of players needed to have signed in and been
playing your game before the logos will appear. However, Google has
not specifically released the number required, although testing shows
it is at least 200.
You can also Contact Google Play support to raise your concern about the issue.
I just uploaded my app to Android Play store. The problem now is when I search it at google play store, other app with similar name will pop on top of my app and I need to keep scroling until i found my app.
My I know why will this happen? Is it because of My app is a new app so need wait more download and review? or I have to implement "App indexing" "I search from google" to allow user to search my app easily on google play store?
Google wont push your app to the top until you've had more reviews and downloads than your competitors. There are a few things you can do to try and improve your position.
Try get a more unique name for your App.
Get as many friends and family members you can to download and review your app.
Use the name a few times in the description of your app.
Improve the text in your app description and info sections on the listing.
Give it some time.
App positioning in Goolge play store is a fine art, indeed there are many factors that can improve your apps position in the list. Below are a number of ways to improve your listing:
A full and comprehensive store listing
Regular and frequent application updates also promote your listing
SEO best practices
Rating and reviews always help too!
There're two possibilities.
One big posibility, the name for your app has keywords which are very competitive in play store. You need first to do some app search optimization.
There’s the second possibility that the app that you’re trying to search for is not compatible with your device. That is why it is not showing up in your device..
However, when you look upon the desktop site, it is visible.
Also, remember that It takes a while to appear on the play store and get ranked in search if you just uploaded it. Apart from that, you may also have poor search ranking if people tend to uninstall it, or you may not be searching for the right term.
You can rank good with these tips
Give it some time and perform ASO (APP Store Optimization)
Promote your application across different platforms like Blogs, youtube, Facebook pages.
Use ad services like google ads or Facebook ads to gain organic users.
I published an application with a unique name "Home Workout without Equipment" one month back and It's ranked with the help of ASO and proper keywords. It has 1000+ reviews and 50,000+ downloads in a short period of time.
So remember….
(Formula for my success)
[ASO + App Markeetring + Reviews = App Ranking]2
Play store rank apps on top based on good ASO and deep links associated with apps along with downloads and reviews. (Always remember to gain organic users)
I have successfully published Google Play Leaderboards on my game.
Problem is, although all scores get saved successfully and permanently, the users cannot see other players' scores, even in All-Time and Public. They appear for a while if recently posted, and then later disappear automatically !
How/Why does this happen, what should I do/check to fix this?
Please help, Thanks.
I had as similar issue and ended up disabled fraud score detection and the scores started showing up and staying.
I launched an app on google play store this week. The app uses Google Play Games Leaderboard and Achievements APIs. Should the app page in play store app not show these icons/badges like it does in other apps that use these APIs? Do i need to enable it anywhere?
These are the icons/badges I'm referring to (image below). How do i add/enable these? Do i need to do anything in the app apk to get these?
Just had a chat with the Google Play support team. They said that it gets enabled automatically after a certain threshold (a few hundred users from what they said) is reached. So basically no additional configuration/setup is required to start showing the icons. I'm just going to wait a few days and see if it pops up. Will update.
I added Google PlayServices at beginning of the year, so its active almost a year.
Currently 330 users are in the leaderboard of my game. But that symbols still not appeared;-(
In general what I can see is that the initial requested acceptance of the PlayServices in my game, is distracting a lot of people. From 10 people who download the game only 3 will register the PlayServices.
Some of the other might even directly deinstall it, not noticing that my game can also used without.
A lot of people dont want it either because of privacy or because they expecting unwanted data traffic.
I have one simple game in Google Play published as Alpha and I have come across this problem. There are two game services published within my account - one for testing purposes that is now unpublished and one with real leaderboards/achievements that I would like to keep.
The problem is that in the application after I changed client ID to reflect current services I can still see old leaderboards from unpublished game services along with real ones from published game services.
Is there something I can do to remove/clear those obsolete leaderboards?
If the game is unpublished, then you should be able to delete your game from the "6. publishing your game" section. Better still, you can just delete your leaderboard from "4. Leaderboards".
It seems to be some "cache" problem on Google Play side. After an hour the old leaderboards and achievements were removed automatically.