Duplicates in leaderboards/achievements after publishing second game services - android

I have one simple game in Google Play published as Alpha and I have come across this problem. There are two game services published within my account - one for testing purposes that is now unpublished and one with real leaderboards/achievements that I would like to keep.
The problem is that in the application after I changed client ID to reflect current services I can still see old leaderboards from unpublished game services along with real ones from published game services.
Is there something I can do to remove/clear those obsolete leaderboards?

If the game is unpublished, then you should be able to delete your game from the "6. publishing your game" section. Better still, you can just delete your leaderboard from "4. Leaderboards".

It seems to be some "cache" problem on Google Play side. After an hour the old leaderboards and achievements were removed automatically.


Play Store - Item not found

Problem Statement:
I published App on Google Play but can't see it there - instead it shows error message saying that Item Not Found.
I published an App on Play Store. Its current status is Published as can be seen from following snapshot.
When i tap on VIEW ON GOOGLE PLAY, I can see it there as well with Published status.
Problem is, when i tap VIEW ON GOOGLE PLAY in Android Phone, i can't see there any App and see following
Although App is allowed in ALL countries, but still i can't see it in Play Store.
I believe the issue you're having is when you search Google Play Store for your app's name, your app doesn't come up although, but you can download it if you had the app's direct link in the Play Store and even shows published on your developer portal.
Publishing an app to the Google Play Store doesn't have a fixed/specific time before it becomes downloadable (search and download) from the Play Store. Sometimes, it takes few hours while other times it could take days. This is because it is being deployed to all the Google Play servers worldwide. Mine takes about 2-3 days sometimes. Just be patient and wait for some time.
If the status of an app is PUBLISHED, then it is actually published.
The answer to your question lies in the nature of the algorithm the Google Play store uses for their search/query. You probably used a common app name (or the variant of a common app name). Generally, apps with a large number of active users top the list in search results. Your app is on the list, it's just at the bottom of the list.
This article sheds a little light on how the search algorithms work and what you should always look out to ensure your app's immediate visibility.
I hope this helps. Merry coding!

Alpha Testing Android game via Google Play

I am about to start a closed alpha test for my Android game, that uses Google Play Games.
As far as I have understood, I actually need to publish the game (with an alpha APK uploaded) to receive the correct link, and to start the alpha testing?
I am a bit concerned that I cannot change some things (like delete achievements) even after publishing a test version of my game... am I correct? Or does this apply only when I publish a production version of my game?
This is what the Google Play Games publish button says, even though I haven't uploaded a production APK (just the alpha APK):
Please note that certain aspects of the game cannot be changed after publishing (all fields marked with a padlock) and that achievements cannot be deleted after publishing.
It might take a few hours until the functionality is available.
You do not need to publish the game to the public to start testing achievements. Read this link.
You'll upload an APK to the Alpha or Beta test phases on the Google Developers Console like any other. Once you've done that you will have to whitelist any testing accounts (their G+ accounts). That is also done on the Google Developers Console. Read the link above for how to whitelist accounts.
For resetting achievements read this link.
Resetting achievements is also done through the Google Developers Console. The above link explains the process.
These are pretty simple processes and with those two links you should be able to answer both of your questions and hopefully any other ones you have!

Google Play Store: My app page does not show the leaderboard and achievements icons/badges

I launched an app on google play store this week. The app uses Google Play Games Leaderboard and Achievements APIs. Should the app page in play store app not show these icons/badges like it does in other apps that use these APIs? Do i need to enable it anywhere?
These are the icons/badges I'm referring to (image below). How do i add/enable these? Do i need to do anything in the app apk to get these?
Just had a chat with the Google Play support team. They said that it gets enabled automatically after a certain threshold (a few hundred users from what they said) is reached. So basically no additional configuration/setup is required to start showing the icons. I'm just going to wait a few days and see if it pops up. Will update.
I added Google PlayServices at beginning of the year, so its active almost a year.
Currently 330 users are in the leaderboard of my game. But that symbols still not appeared;-(
In general what I can see is that the initial requested acceptance of the PlayServices in my game, is distracting a lot of people. From 10 people who download the game only 3 will register the PlayServices.
Some of the other might even directly deinstall it, not noticing that my game can also used without.
A lot of people dont want it either because of privacy or because they expecting unwanted data traffic.

Is there a way to be notified when an app is published in Google Play?

Is there any trick/functionality to get informed, when an app is published.
Reason: Publishing an app in Google Play takes different durations. In my experience it is between half a day and 2 hours. To be the first to do the final test it would be interesting to know when the app is published.
Of course, there is alpha and beta testing abilities, but either I like to be the first that downloads the productive version :-)
I know this is an old post, but I just found this in the developer preferences in case it's helpful still:
Google Play Developer Console now notifies you when your app is live in the store through the notification icon:

How many time needs a Google Play update of my app to be published?

I have an app on google play.
I updated the app to 1.0.1, and i can check it is updated on google publish website.
But in my phones and in google play the app is still on 1.0 and can't be updated.
How many time need google to publish my update on google play?
Solved, it takes about two hours, sometimes three hours
If you want your application published faster. You should publish as alpha before. Publishing as alpha is necessary for testing In App Billing and no one will see your application on alpha except your testers. When it comes to publish on production (normal publishing everyone can see this version), you should just upgrade from alpha to production and that’s it. Your application will be live on 10 minutes or less.
Google says it may take them up to 7 days or longer to review apps submitted to the Play Store from certain developers.
For more information click here

