Is an Android device supposed to charge when debugging via USB? [closed] - android

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I was just thinking it can't be great for the battery memory if the device is always charging at about 90-100%.
Couldn't find anything on Google.
Does anybody know about this?

This is perfectly fine, for older phones the batteries couldn't handle being charged constantly and being taken on and off all the time so this was a bad idea.
However, newer devices this doesn't matter as the battery is much better suited for this type of work. Plus android takes care of the battery, i.e. when it feels it may be getting a tad too warm it will stop charging (although the phone will still show as charging) to let it cool.
This is completely fine and safe


What makes apk updates take so long? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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When I post an update of my app to the android market it takes hours to become available. Some times half a day why is this?
This happens even if it is just a one changed in the code or xml.
Probably the sheer number of apps that are uploaded to the Android Market per day. I bet most of the process is automated but they must scan the app for malware etc, and as Ramhound said, there is probably a human element to the process as well.
Count yourself lucky. The iOS App Store processing line is 10 + days minimum wait, but that's much more human oriented.
To be exact, only Google knows. But at least Googles bouncer needs to test your app for any malicious content. It will also take some time before everything is updated on their servers as they should be updated in a managed fashion. Also I've noticed that apps can be browsed on the web much sooner than they arrives on mobile. Besides that I don't know what slows down the process. I would believe the process being completely automatic.

Multiple user profiles [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I experienced something weird on my Android tablet. It had been turned off for several weeks and then when I turned it on, it rebooted. Previously, it was just in sleep (standby) mode. But after rebooting, I noticed that the entire device was reset to its factory defaults. All my apps were gone and everything wiped.
Then a few days later I rebooted the device and was surprised to see that all my apps were back again and everything restored as it was. I don't use any backup/restore software, so I am really curious to know how this could happen? Does Android support multiple user profiles? If multiple boot profiles is supported, can this be utilized by an app through some API?
Android does not currently support multiple (simultaneous) user profiles. If you do want to achieve this, there is an app that supports it (perhaps more than one), but it involves having a rooted device.
I have personally used this on my home tablet, and it works quite nicely, but requires a reboot to access the other profiles.

Toshiba Excite system crash (and what to do about it) [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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We've been testing the idea of running a tablet (or anything) as a display for long periods of time, and things are MOSTLY ok, but every couple days it seems like the tablet just crashes. No power issues, I assume no memory issues. When I look at it, its obviously powered up, but the screen in blank, and clicking power to wake it up does nothing. Must long-press the power button to get a hard reboot (no confirm dialog).
Totally confused by what's happening. Not SURPRISED so much. I actually would've been a little surprised if this was all trouble free.
However, wondering where I should look for info. Even if we can't get this to work out, I'd like to send some sort of error report. I looked in /data/dontpanic, but it was empty. Any other places for system crash logs?
Never figured out root cause. Seems like a strange hardware issue. Is there a way to remove questions?

Do manufacturer phone updates typically overwrite the bootloader? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have a phone that was rooted for me by one of the cleverest guys I know. Sadly, I've since lost all contact with him. I've decided to try to port cyanogenmod to this phone, however I'm completely on my own here: no tools, no recovery image, no nothing. All I have is the official LG updater, and my phone in its ideal rooted state.
So then, here is my question. I want to be able to fall back on something when I inevitably screw up this phone in my quest to port CM to it. Should I expect the LG updater to replace the awesomely rooted bootloader my friend put on for me? If so, then I would lose the ability to play with this phone.
Have to answer my own question here: Yes.
I performed an update with the hopes of grabbing an updated system image, and bam! Unlocked bootloader is gone.

Why is my android device resetting itself? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I have a SEMC X10 Mini Pro, which has a tendency to randomly reset itself for no apparent reason.
I would like to inspect the Android system log file just prior to the reset, however I am unsure how to do this.
I have tried the app "Log Collector", however, the logs produced by this app only contain information from the last start-up, ie they don't contain the logging I'm interested in - before the "last start-up", around the "last shutdown".
Any advice out there?
You will probably get better luck on Android Stack Exchange, unless you are looking to do this programmatically. In which case take a look through the Log Collector source code and see if you can modify it to save you a txt file that will persist through a restart so you can go back through it once the device is rebooted.

