I have downloaded sample project of v3 In-app billing from developer and followed all the procedures like they have said. But its giving a message saying "The item you requested is not available for purchase."
As per advice given in other links I also published my sample app to play store, I downloaded the app from playstore, but still getting same error.
As said, you can't buy your own items, but you can use a test email address. One of the Play Store menu setting is to pick the email address to use.
Despite Google saying it takes 2-3 hours to propagate changes, it can take several days in the worst circumstances.
I'm trying to publish a PWA on the Google Play store, and coming up against some confusing problems testing as an internal app. I used PWA2APK to convert my PWA to an APK. There are not major issues found through the pre-launch report, and only one accessibility warning. The project passed all of the requirements for the Play Store in December. I am the only user on the internal app testing list, and I receive an error message when attempting to install on Android through the internal app testing link. When I hover over the info symbol beside the project, I get this pop up:
Only testers can view this listing on Google Play because you haven't
uploaded any APKs to Production yet.
However, I posted an APK to Internal Tests on December 17, 2019.
When I click the View on Google Play link I'm taken to a URL not found page with the text:
We're sorry, the requested URL was not found on this server.
When I use the internal testing link to download the app on the play store on my mobile, I get a page with the app logo, title, and developer name, as well as the price on the download button. When I click the button I get an error message:
The item that you were attempting to purchase could not be found.
I have checked out the advice on this thread, but am still having problems. Any advice is appreciated!
For anyone still running into this, make sure to go to Settings -> Internal App Sharing and accept the terms. The Play Store link started working instantly after doing so.
May be your IARC Content Ratings has not been accepted yet. Just wait for one or two more days. It will be accepted and app will be available on play store. If it doesn't create a new IARC Ratings.
As #ShabbirAhmed mentioned, it likely just requires waiting for the IARC Content Ratings to be accepted. However, in my experience you will also need to access the link through the most recent dashboard system, and not through links provided prior to April 2020 (at least). I will update if any new info comes up from Google Play.
I have seen 404 when I am not logged into Google services on the phone using the same email address as entered for me in the list of internal testers.
I see the something similar when I go to the link using a desktop browser. If I am signed into Google services I get a message saying to open the link on an Android device. But if I click the link when not signed in, I get a 404.
I think this is a form of security to stop the link from being shared with people that are not testers.
Basically, we have two versions of the same app. One is available in my country and the other in another (there is a huge difference between the two, so we had to do them separately).
After updating the app, I usually go sit on the Play store and ensure that it has updated (new version number and release notes), how would I know if the one in the other country has updated? (I only released it today for the first time, so don't even know if it launched successfully)
Sorry, feels like a silly question - but, I could not find a simple solution yet.
Whenever you update your app over Google play store and it is successfully up and running you will get a Notification on your Google play console with saying that your app is live.
if you dint get the notification then you need to check whats wrong with the release management.
There are a few solutions:
Google Play lets you know both in the Play Console and in the Play Copnsole App that your publication has gone live
In the Play console app and the Play console you can see install statistics, so you can see if anyone is installing
You could always use a VPN to check to appear if you are coming from another country
If you have access to a credit card from the other country you could create a second Google Account and use that credit card as a payment method to buy an in-app product. Google Play usually bases the user's country on where the payment method is if they can
You can use Firebase analytics to measure things like installs of the other version
I published my new app on Google play store and check after 18 hours on developer console, my app shows published on production but on click of "view in play store" it shows "We're sorry, the requested URL was not found on this server".
First please check
If app is not available in above URL. There might be wrong in manifest file as package name variation.
So if you cant able to see published app it will show as
"We're sorry, the requested URL was not found on this server".
send a mail to support team mail of google play they will reach you within 24 hours
PlayStore troubleshooter
Write a mail to google playstore team here
I can tell you that there is no certain time. However most of the times it took 3-8 hours. There is one more thing, contrary to popular belief it is not an automated process. If you do something against Google Policy they may reject your application. But sometimes they don't reject even if you do something against their policy. I know this is very confusing but it is the truth.
May be Issue is in Configuration.
Select App in PlayStore Console
Store presence -> pricing and distribution-> "Privately target this app to a list of organisations" . if it is checked make it uncheck .
It will Publish your app.
Don't know but i have not included any permission or any feature of in-app billing, I have just put normal application on play store, but when i want to download it from play store, it saying me that "The Item that you were attempting to purchase could not be found,
OK here is what happened. I'll explain it so if someone has this exact problem might not be as worried as I was.
I published a fresh new App at 9.00 morning
The app was free and it didn't have any In-app billing
An hour later or so, the app appeared as available but it couldn't be downloaded. The error was allways as described above: "The item that you were attempting to purchase could not be found."
From the Google Play website console, the app also seemed available, but the message was: "This app is incompatible with all your devices".
There had to be some bad sinchronization among the Google Play servers, because after some hours, at about 17:00h afternoon, the problem was solved. And I didn't need to do anything. So, be patient!!
I am attempting to get google's example (in-app purchasing version 3) test app "TrivialDrive" to work, but have the following problem:
I click the "buy gas" button, this brings up the following screen:
There are two possible interpretations of this message:
The item is unavailable THEREFORE this user can not get it.
The user is somehow not eligible to purchase this item THEREFORE the item is unavailable.
So which is it? And why might I be getting this error anyway?
By the way the app has been uploaded to my developer account yesterday, so I have far exceeded the 2-3 hour wait Google recommends for the data to be in the system.
Also I have "Play Store" installed on the device.
Just for good measure here is a screen grab from my developer account:
I am running the app from a device registered with a gmail address which is on my developer's "Test Accounts" list.
EDIT: I just tested another app of mine which used the old-style (Version 2) billing system and it reported "Please first complete your account by adding a payment method". So it would seem that the lack of payment method was the ultimate cause - but I wouldn't want potential customers to be presented with such a useless and misleading error message. I did a search for "item unavailable" in the MainActivity.java and the strings.xml and found nothing, so am at a loss as to haw to avoid this scenario.
I see that you have yet to publish the overarching app that the in-app product is supposed to stem from. As a result, Google does not allow you to pay for an in-app product if the application itself has yet to be published. Once you release the application and publish it, you should be able to access the in-app product's sales page.
An in-app product will appear UNPUBLISHED until the owning application is published.
Even if you were to publish your in-app product, nobody can buy it until your actual application is.
Have you setup a test account? The test account should not be the your google play dev account.
Explained here