Android published app not showing - android

I published my new app on Google play store and check after 18 hours on developer console, my app shows published on production but on click of "view in play store" it shows "We're sorry, the requested URL was not found on this server".

First please check
If app is not available in above URL. There might be wrong in manifest file as package name variation.
So if you cant able to see published app it will show as
"We're sorry, the requested URL was not found on this server".
send a mail to support team mail of google play they will reach you within 24 hours
PlayStore troubleshooter
Write a mail to google playstore team here

I can tell you that there is no certain time. However most of the times it took 3-8 hours. There is one more thing, contrary to popular belief it is not an automated process. If you do something against Google Policy they may reject your application. But sometimes they don't reject even if you do something against their policy. I know this is very confusing but it is the truth.

May be Issue is in Configuration.
Select App in PlayStore Console
Store presence -> pricing and distribution-> "Privately target this app to a list of organisations" . if it is checked make it uncheck .
It will Publish your app.


Android app (in production) on play store not showing when searched

I released android app "E numbers detector". App passed google review and I got mail that it is on play store. Weird thing is that I can acces my app only through google play developers console. F.e. If I want to tell my friend to install the app, I can not tell him name of app so he can find it on google store. I must enter my GP console and share url to my app with him via WhatsApp. That is so bad and I don't understand why this happens? I even tried searching my app with app name and developer name combined, or with the package name, but nothing helps.
Here is my app link:
I thought also that it has something to do with a number of downloads. But than I found out that the first app that is recommended when you write "E numbers detector" is app with ONLY 10+ downloads.
Please can anyone explain to me how does this works and how can I make my app visible on the google play store. Thanks in advance
You should just wait for 24-48 hours, Google takes time to index your app in the Google Play search.
I just searched for you app and it did appear in the search results. as I said it just need time.
Check your app status at Google Play Console.
App status: Helps you understand your app’s availability on Google Play and who it’s available to (such as testers, all Google Play users, etc.).
More info here

Android app published but google play shows URL not found

I published my app in console. Everything went successful (listing, signing apk..). Finally app status came to PRODUCTION. According to google, if app status is production, it means that users can download the app from play store. But if i click view on play store, it shows URL not found. It's already more than 10 hours. Still i get the same message. Any help ?
Screen shot of app status
Google play URL not found
Get more info here:
As per your case and the screenshot provided, your app still "In review".
Excerpt from the above URL:
Note: For certain developer accounts, we’ll take more time to
thoroughly review your app to help better protect users. This may
result in review times of up to seven days or longer in exceptional
cases. You’ll receive a notification on your app's Dashboard about how
long this should take.
So for now, you can only wait.
It will show after 5-7 days. Due to corona it's getting late in few days your app will start showing on google play store

URL not found on Google Play app when signed in as internal app tester

I'm trying to publish a PWA on the Google Play store, and coming up against some confusing problems testing as an internal app. I used PWA2APK to convert my PWA to an APK. There are not major issues found through the pre-launch report, and only one accessibility warning. The project passed all of the requirements for the Play Store in December. I am the only user on the internal app testing list, and I receive an error message when attempting to install on Android through the internal app testing link. When I hover over the info symbol beside the project, I get this pop up:
Only testers can view this listing on Google Play because you haven't
uploaded any APKs to Production yet.
However, I posted an APK to Internal Tests on December 17, 2019.
When I click the View on Google Play link I'm taken to a URL not found page with the text:
We're sorry, the requested URL was not found on this server.
When I use the internal testing link to download the app on the play store on my mobile, I get a page with the app logo, title, and developer name, as well as the price on the download button. When I click the button I get an error message:
The item that you were attempting to purchase could not be found.
I have checked out the advice on this thread, but am still having problems. Any advice is appreciated!
For anyone still running into this, make sure to go to Settings -> Internal App Sharing and accept the terms. The Play Store link started working instantly after doing so.
May be your IARC Content Ratings has not been accepted yet. Just wait for one or two more days. It will be accepted and app will be available on play store. If it doesn't create a new IARC Ratings.
As #ShabbirAhmed mentioned, it likely just requires waiting for the IARC Content Ratings to be accepted. However, in my experience you will also need to access the link through the most recent dashboard system, and not through links provided prior to April 2020 (at least). I will update if any new info comes up from Google Play.
I have seen 404 when I am not logged into Google services on the phone using the same email address as entered for me in the list of internal testers.
I see the something similar when I go to the link using a desktop browser. If I am signed into Google services I get a message saying to open the link on an Android device. But if I click the link when not signed in, I get a 404.
I think this is a form of security to stop the link from being shared with people that are not testers.

play store alpha test download link not working

I think I followed all steps which I have found so far but the download link for my alpha test isn't working.
I uploaded the app 3 days ago, created a google group and added the group to the list of alpha testers.
I invited a few members and the app status shows published, after clicking on the link I can signup as alpha tester, but when I click on "Download from the Play Store" the error message "We're sorry, the requested URL was not found on this server" comes.
Did I miss an additional step? Do I have to grant some special rights to the group members somehow?
--- update can this be caused by the permissions of the app?
under the apk info in the developer console I can see:
Well I don't have any idea what changed but now the download link is working for my alpha testers.
For me, it resulted to be a cache problem so deleting the cache in Setting > Apps > Google Play Services > Storage > Clean Cache and deleting chrome's cache, did the trick.
If your app is published in alpha or beta version :
it won't be shown in search results,
use the link that google play sent you in the group of testers in order to open it in Google Play application.
(see edit below)
You can also open this URL : with a browser if the email configured in your phone is a member of the google testers group.
i don't think permissions in manifest can hide an app of the store !
After you have uploaded your APK file and published it to Alpha or Beta version, you will see a link "manage testers group" or something like that. Click on that link ... you will be asked to add a google group of testers, below the popup you will see a message like this : "share this link with you testers group". Copy that link and send it to the group by mail.
Sorry I am writing with SO android app, I can't paste screenshots therefore ... may be tomorow ;-)
Hope it's ok.
I don't have any idea what changed but now the download link is working
You issue was just the publish delay -- it takes some time for Google Play servers to pick up your submission (for any publishing operation, even with alpha builds), usually under 24 hours.
Try opening the link on both your test device and in a desktop browser.
I was able to sign up as a tester from the device, but not install the app (said not found), but going to the desktop browser was able to use google pay to install it remotely to the device.
Make sure its the url in the form{your.namespace}
Sign in to your Goole Play Console.
Select your app.
On the left menu, Select Release management -> App releases.
Select Manage Alpha or Manage Beta.
Manage testers, click on right side down arrow.(Just below CREATE RELEASE)
Choose a testing method: select Closed Beta Testing.
Next Create list or select the name of your list.
Feedback Channel: Enter your email to get feedback from testers.
Copy Opt-in URL and send it to your testers.
Now once you completed, Google Play servers takes time for any publishing builds alpha or beta. For me it takes 15-20 minutes to available.
Sometime clear cache of your browser and refresh link. will work.
Once link is available, Open it in your testing device and click on below link
Download the *APP NAME* app on Google Play
Press the Update Button. After installation you can test it.
How authorized testers turn on internal app sharing
Before authorized testers can download apps using internal app sharing, they need to turn on internal app sharing on their Google Play Store app.
Open the Google Play Store app Google Play.
Tap Menu Menu > Settings.
In the “About” section, tap the Play Store version 7 times.
After the Internal app sharing setting appears, tap
the switch to turn on internal app sharing. Tap Turn on.
I'm having the same problem, the link simply doesn't work, 36 hours after publishing. Might as well not even provide the alpha/beta features if it's going to be like this.
Anyway, I'm sharing some information provided to me by Google Support, hoping it'll be helpful:
Ensure that you have added a valid Google Group email or Google+ Community URL to the Developer Console and that you are included in the group/community. Once the group/community has been added, the name of the group will display in the “Manage list of testers” link in the testing tab. (Please note when adding a Google Group you need to enter the email address and not the URL).
If you wish to use a Google Group in a Google Apps domain, the Developer Console and Private Channel must be enabled for your domain in the Google Apps Control Panel.
An app must be published for several hours before the opt-in link will become available to testers.
Currently, testers must have only one account on their device. Devices with more than one account will receive the production version of your app. (Please note this requirement is temporary. Stay tuned for updates).
If you followed the mentioned instructions and it's still not working, in 2019 make sure to also check the following:
1) Make sure the testing group is selected, but is also active:
2) Ask your testers to log out of their google account, then to clear the cache of their browser. They should then close/re-open the browser and log in into the invited email address.
There are several causes for the internal/alpha testing link not working:
1-You are on a different google play account
2-Your email is not added at the email list for testers
3-Go to google play console> your app > app releases > internal test > make sure list name is check as if not the testers will not have access to the app
Hope this helps to solve the issue
One of the causes of that issue might be its availability in (one) particular country only. (USA, usually).
In that case you just should go to the app details and allow its distribution to other (local) stores.
My problem was that even though I deinstalled my release version the link from internal testing brought me again to the release version. This fixed it.
I had this problem if I was logged in with multiple different Google accounts. I opened a new private browsing window and logged in with the account that I wanted to use as an alpha tester, and then the download link worked.
I got the same issue, seems a bug. Solved by:
1.Click "unpublish".
2.Wait for a while, click "re-publish".
Then my App became available in a few minutes.
In my case I was listed as tester in several list (alpha and internal test).
I had only joined the alpha testing channel and I had no way to access the app via the link nor via searching the store.
And as soon as I also joined the internal test channel.
The link to the app magically started working.
So I guess the rule is: you need to make sure you have joined the most privileged testing group that you're invited to.
Also make sure the app, you're going to test, is uninstalled from your device.

In - app billing issue

I have downloaded sample project of v3 In-app billing from developer and followed all the procedures like they have said. But its giving a message saying "The item you requested is not available for purchase."
As per advice given in other links I also published my sample app to play store, I downloaded the app from playstore, but still getting same error.
As said, you can't buy your own items, but you can use a test email address. One of the Play Store menu setting is to pick the email address to use.
Despite Google saying it takes 2-3 hours to propagate changes, it can take several days in the worst circumstances.

