How do I know app is launched / updated in a different country - android

Basically, we have two versions of the same app. One is available in my country and the other in another (there is a huge difference between the two, so we had to do them separately).
After updating the app, I usually go sit on the Play store and ensure that it has updated (new version number and release notes), how would I know if the one in the other country has updated? (I only released it today for the first time, so don't even know if it launched successfully)
Sorry, feels like a silly question - but, I could not find a simple solution yet.

Whenever you update your app over Google play store and it is successfully up and running you will get a Notification on your Google play console with saying that your app is live.
if you dint get the notification then you need to check whats wrong with the release management.

There are a few solutions:
Google Play lets you know both in the Play Console and in the Play Copnsole App that your publication has gone live
In the Play console app and the Play console you can see install statistics, so you can see if anyone is installing
You could always use a VPN to check to appear if you are coming from another country
If you have access to a credit card from the other country you could create a second Google Account and use that credit card as a payment method to buy an in-app product. Google Play usually bases the user's country on where the payment method is if they can
You can use Firebase analytics to measure things like installs of the other version


Android app (in production) on play store not showing when searched

I released android app "E numbers detector". App passed google review and I got mail that it is on play store. Weird thing is that I can acces my app only through google play developers console. F.e. If I want to tell my friend to install the app, I can not tell him name of app so he can find it on google store. I must enter my GP console and share url to my app with him via WhatsApp. That is so bad and I don't understand why this happens? I even tried searching my app with app name and developer name combined, or with the package name, but nothing helps.
Here is my app link:
I thought also that it has something to do with a number of downloads. But than I found out that the first app that is recommended when you write "E numbers detector" is app with ONLY 10+ downloads.
Please can anyone explain to me how does this works and how can I make my app visible on the google play store. Thanks in advance
You should just wait for 24-48 hours, Google takes time to index your app in the Google Play search.
I just searched for you app and it did appear in the search results. as I said it just need time.
Check your app status at Google Play Console.
App status: Helps you understand your app’s availability on Google Play and who it’s available to (such as testers, all Google Play users, etc.).
More info here

Is it possible to just 'hide' an app from the All Applications list in Google Play Console?

I'm currently working on the Android version of an iPhone app.
It's my first time using Android Studio, the Google Play Console, battling Gradle, etc and because of this inexperience I accidentally published the app for a brief period (less than an hour) and have since unpublished it. It was not downloaded by anyone in that period.
I understand from these questions (1, 2, 3, 4) that it is not possible to delete an app that has been published.
I also checked Google Play Console's help pages, but there was no indication either way on whether hiding an app was possible.
However, since it can't be deleted, is there a way (official or otherwise) to just hide it from the Google Play Console list?
You can put your app in a close test, only e-mail that you give access will be able to download.
Today you have 4 types of App Releases in Google Play:
Production: when you real release the app for everybody;
Beta: App is not ready, open test;
Alpha: App is not ready, close test;
Internal Test: App is not ready, "close test";
In your case you can use Alpha or Internal Test.
Internal Test should be use for company test, it is launch very fast and work for marketing people download, you boss or some testers.
Alpha it should be more like you have a group of "trust" users that will like to test your app.
In both cases you need to create a list of gmail accounts, so it is not open for public yet.
You can read more here
This is not currently possible. However, if you are really bothered, there is one way you could do it. Google offers the ability to do "App transfers" (instructions).
This is typically used when one company sells an app to another. But you could create a new developer account and transfer the app to that account, which would get it out of your list. But it probably isn't worth it.

Google Play Store: App page does not show download statistics

I have developed few apps, and published them on google playstore, but it is not showing number of installs to user.
What's wrong in that, can you help me in that?
Look at this screenshot to understand my problem,there is no additional information shown for number of installs
My apps can be seen here.
By the way is google analytics code neccessary to show it?
I didn't implemented analytics code in my app.
It is not showing number of installs to user.
For new apps it takes around 1.5 to 2 days before the first set of download statistics show up. (if there are downloads during that period). Ratings on the other hand reflect immediately.
Also, If you see in on your developer console and not on your play store app: clear cache for the playstore app and restart the play store app. It will show up.
By the way does google analytics code neccessary to show it ? i didn't
implemented analytic code in my app.
No, implementing analytics in your app is not necessary. But, it is recommended if you want to have more accurate and sometimes real time overviews of your app details.

In - app billing issue

I have downloaded sample project of v3 In-app billing from developer and followed all the procedures like they have said. But its giving a message saying "The item you requested is not available for purchase."
As per advice given in other links I also published my sample app to play store, I downloaded the app from playstore, but still getting same error.
As said, you can't buy your own items, but you can use a test email address. One of the Play Store menu setting is to pick the email address to use.
Despite Google saying it takes 2-3 hours to propagate changes, it can take several days in the worst circumstances.

Allow users to download your own paid app for free in Android

I have a paid app in the Play Store (Profile Widget, in case anyone is wondering ;)) and I want to allow some users (friends, or people who do not have a credit card) to download it for free.
Of course I could just send them the APK, but they wouldn't get the updates automatically, and with every update to the app I would have to send them all the APK file again. And also, by using this method, anyone that had access to the APK file would be able to install the app for free.
I saw that by using the Android Licensing Library you could make some users bypass the License Check, but I want the app to show as "Purchased" for them in the Play Store, and I don't think this would do it.
I searched Stack Overflow but none of the solutions I found (like creating a separate APK and checking for its existence from the "real" app) handled the auto-update part.
Has anyone found a good solution for this?
Thanks in advance!
You can now generate and distribute promo codes to current and new users on Google Play to drive engagement. Under the Promotions tab in the Developer Console, you can set up promo codes for your apps, games, and in-app products to distribute in your own marketing campaigns (up to 500 codes per app, per quarter). Consider using promo codes to reward loyal users and attract new customers.
The best solution is to have them buy the app, then refund their purchase. It would still show up as paid. Alternatively, you could give them the app, and license it via the LVL, and configure their email addresses as test accounts listing as purchased., but then they won't get updates.
I have the same problem, I've checked and from what I can see there is no analog to the Apple system (Give out a one-use code to download the app).
If you just give them the APK you don't get Crash/ANRs from them and they won't automatically get updates.
It is something that Google really do need to fix, sorry there isn't a better option.
(I have the same problem for my own device (you can't buy your own app), I had a crash that was rare in the app on my own phone, but I couldn't reproduce it at a computer and the logs had well cycled past the error by the time I did, Being able to get the crash report through the developer console would have saved me a lot of mucking around)
this is an updated and no credit card method.
You can create a free version of the same app in the play store,
but publish it in alpha release.
Then, you can create a google+ provate group of alpha testers and set it as the tester group for the alpha version.
Now add the 'free licensed' users to the alpha testing group and they have your free app.
To push updates, you will have to upload updates also to the 'free alpha', that's not gold, but I think is pretty close to the best you can get at the moment
This method has an issue. As long as licensing is per-App, you will have a different license key, and it may always return TRUE, so if the users share the apks, they may be able to let other people use the app, not totally sure about this occurrence, but you are warned, better if you are sharing the free app to trusted users.
You can set up a sale at price zero for the paid app and let your contacts know about it. Google allows up to 8 days of the sale at a time, but you can also set it up for a single day. This way, you may still get a few downloads from unintended recipients, but the 'problem' will be far more controlled than if you were to mail out APKs. Other problems like updates are also solved automatically.
You can upload in third party app stores like Amazon App Store, Aptoide , to allow users to download paid Android apps for free.
For downloading the app as a developer: Google Playstore's official word on this, is that you must create a 2nd google account to download the app you are listed as developer for. That way the stats for downloads and terms are not breached. Spoke about same issue today (though its a while after the question was posted, others should see this with similar issues)
For giving it away free: Can't you just change the app to free at a given time then notify those people to hit it during a certain window?

