Google Play Store: App page does not show download statistics - android

I have developed few apps, and published them on google playstore, but it is not showing number of installs to user.
What's wrong in that, can you help me in that?
Look at this screenshot to understand my problem,there is no additional information shown for number of installs
My apps can be seen here.
By the way is google analytics code neccessary to show it?
I didn't implemented analytics code in my app.

It is not showing number of installs to user.
For new apps it takes around 1.5 to 2 days before the first set of download statistics show up. (if there are downloads during that period). Ratings on the other hand reflect immediately.
Also, If you see in on your developer console and not on your play store app: clear cache for the playstore app and restart the play store app. It will show up.
By the way does google analytics code neccessary to show it ? i didn't
implemented analytic code in my app.
No, implementing analytics in your app is not necessary. But, it is recommended if you want to have more accurate and sometimes real time overviews of your app details.


Android app (in production) on play store not showing when searched

I released android app "E numbers detector". App passed google review and I got mail that it is on play store. Weird thing is that I can acces my app only through google play developers console. F.e. If I want to tell my friend to install the app, I can not tell him name of app so he can find it on google store. I must enter my GP console and share url to my app with him via WhatsApp. That is so bad and I don't understand why this happens? I even tried searching my app with app name and developer name combined, or with the package name, but nothing helps.
Here is my app link:
I thought also that it has something to do with a number of downloads. But than I found out that the first app that is recommended when you write "E numbers detector" is app with ONLY 10+ downloads.
Please can anyone explain to me how does this works and how can I make my app visible on the google play store. Thanks in advance
You should just wait for 24-48 hours, Google takes time to index your app in the Google Play search.
I just searched for you app and it did appear in the search results. as I said it just need time.
Check your app status at Google Play Console.
App status: Helps you understand your app’s availability on Google Play and who it’s available to (such as testers, all Google Play users, etc.).
More info here

Google Play Console - Internal Testing link does not work

I have an app published to Google Play Console for Internal Testing i.e. I just want this app to be available to certain users. Below is the current summary of the app;
Note this is the second release i 'tried' to see if there will be any difference; I first uploaded a .AAB file then in the latest release I uploaded the .APK file.
Below is the link I send to my testers;
Issue is that when a tester clicks on the link, they opt in the 'programme' and have an option to download it on google play. When they click on that link, its either just infinite loading or a message to say the requested URL was not found on this server.
Please note this app has not been published to the play store as a
live version.
This is the first time the app has been uploaded to internal testing.
The app has been first published for internal testing last Friday (6th of Nov) and now is 9th of Nov.
On the dashboard, there is an announcement as shown below but I cannot see anywhere the 'status' of the app i.e. to say its being reviewed etc.
Reply from Google;
I understand you have some concerns about app pending issue. Please note that after you submit a new app or an update to an existing app on your Play Console, it can take some time for your app to be processed for publishing on Google Play. Any time you make a change to your app while a review is already pending will mean the review period starts over. Furthermore, any submissions can't be retrieved or cancelled. As a result, we recommend you adjust your planning to account for this and avoid resubmitting.
For certain developer accounts, we’ll take more time to thoroughly review your app(s) to help better protect users. This may result in review times of up to 7 days or longer in exceptional cases. You can always view the current status on your Publishing overview page. When the review is completed, you will see "You don't have any changes in review" under Changes in review section. In addition, we would also like to remind you that if you turned on the managed publishing mode, your update won't be published until you click "Review and publish."
Facing the same issue. Uploaded a new app on Nov 6th. Still waiting for the app to be available on the play store for internal tests. Followed the procedure to enable internal app sharing from the play store app which is:
Go to settings on the play store app
Tap on play store version seven times to enable internal app sharing
Enable internal app sharing.
Even after following this procedure, the app is still inaccessible to my internal testers. From research, I've concluded it might be due to the IARC content rating not having been accepted yet
UPDATE: I was able to get my app available to testers later on by going to Publish Overview and clicking on 'Review and publish' button.
Had the same problem. Now my app is visible to internal testers.
You have to finish all the checks and formalities before your app shows up on the Play Store like agreeing to the tncs and privacy policy, adding descriptions, screenshots, etc. I also enabled sharing of app via URL by going to Setup > Internal app sharing

How do i get my app publishing status via API

Every time you publish even a tiniest update to your app to google play, you have to wait for a review process before an update will be published. This review process can take up to a few days at worst (because poor google is struggling with COVID, boo-hoo).
Anyway, is there a way to know precisely when it is reviewed and published via some API? I know they have e-mail notifications, but i need to make this process more automated. I don't mind sending a request every few minutes to get the status of my app. So far I have researched google play console API, but I couldn't find any methods to get an app status.
Most likely, google (being stupid as usual), didn't provide any way to do this properly. Maybe I can do this via directly parsing a google play console HTML page? Of course if it isn't against google's ToS. Thanks.
There's no such API to get the status of published or pending on the console, the only option is to open your google console where you'll see the notification about what's the status of your app.
And for parsing the Console Html page, I don't think so Google will allow you to do that.
You can give it a try.
Log in to your Google Play console, in All Apps chose a specific app you want to check.
In the dashboard tab exactly below your apps logo, you will see Production status.
Production status is INACTIVE if the app is not reviewed by Google and ACTIVE when the app is reviewed.
In the near app logo, you also have the view On Google Play link so you can click on it to see if your app published in Google Play or not.
See the photo with the inactive app:
Photo with an active app:
For automation maybe you can write some code and use View On Google Play link
and depend on link results to get active or inactive return info.
For example, if the app is not in the store link return:
We're sorry, the requested URL was not found on this server.

How do I know app is launched / updated in a different country

Basically, we have two versions of the same app. One is available in my country and the other in another (there is a huge difference between the two, so we had to do them separately).
After updating the app, I usually go sit on the Play store and ensure that it has updated (new version number and release notes), how would I know if the one in the other country has updated? (I only released it today for the first time, so don't even know if it launched successfully)
Sorry, feels like a silly question - but, I could not find a simple solution yet.
Whenever you update your app over Google play store and it is successfully up and running you will get a Notification on your Google play console with saying that your app is live.
if you dint get the notification then you need to check whats wrong with the release management.
There are a few solutions:
Google Play lets you know both in the Play Console and in the Play Copnsole App that your publication has gone live
In the Play console app and the Play console you can see install statistics, so you can see if anyone is installing
You could always use a VPN to check to appear if you are coming from another country
If you have access to a credit card from the other country you could create a second Google Account and use that credit card as a payment method to buy an in-app product. Google Play usually bases the user's country on where the payment method is if they can
You can use Firebase analytics to measure things like installs of the other version

App not showing in Google Play Store even thought its published and active in the developer console

I published my app last night. It took several hours for it to show up, but eventually it did. It's called "Interesting Wikipedia," but when you search those exact words, it doesn't show up. The direct url works:
Any ideas? The strange thing is, earlier this morning I searched and it was about the 5th entry in the results. When I searched later though, it's not showing any more. I scrolled through about 250 results and it never showed.
Duplicate Questions(Please Read):
Google Play - Android app not showing up after 24 hours
My app is not showing in google play
Why is my app not showing on Google Play? Just now published
App not showing up in android market place/google play
Google Support:
Initial Publish:
I am guessing this is your first app. New apps aren't usually going to be returned at the top of the app search.
When you first publish your application, you need to be patient and wait for Google Play to update and process your application.
For instance, your app is not found under your own developer name:,+Inc.
I did not see it in your search your provided either:
The direct link should always work:
Here are a few things to improve your visibility:
Ratings(I see you already rated your own app)
Sharing your app(Social sites)
Updating "Full Description"(To be easier to read)
Creating a "Short Description"(Try to fill out all the fields provided by Google Play)
Always remember that this is a game of marketing. The more you invest the more will you rise on all social & commercial sites? Let me explain what happened when you upload an application to the
play store...
You will not able to find the app when searching by its name in Google Play Store because your application is not ranked against google distribution servers.
The Play Store is not as easy as we think it is. So these are some
things to implement if you want success...
First of all, Remember that Google won't push your app to the top until you've had more reviews and downloads than your competitors. There are a few things you can do to try and improve your position.
Try to get a more unique name for your App (But must contain a keyword).
Get as many friends and family members as you can to download and review your app.
Use the name a few times in the description of your app.
Improve the text in your app description and info sections on the listing.
Give it some time and perform ASO (APP Store Optimization)
Promote your application across different platforms like Blogs, youtube, Facebook pages.
Use ad services like google ads or Facebook ads to gain organic users.
I published an application with a unique name "Weather++" one month back and It's ranked with the help of ASO and proper keywords. It has 1000+ reviews and 50,000+ downloads in a short period of time.
So remember….
(Formula for my success)
ASO + App Markeetring + Reviews = App Ranking
Play store rank apps on top based on good ASO and deep links associated with apps along with downloads and reviews. (Always remember to gain organic users)

