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Questions concerning problems with code you've written must describe the specific problem — and include valid code to reproduce it — in the question itself. See for guidance.
Closed 9 years ago.
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I just made a Hello work, and he stay like this forever.
And here what appears:
Thanks a lot guys!
You just have to wait for it to load, first time it takes time to load.
you can do following things
Plug in the charger
Go to SDK Manager and download extensions about Emulator, and it should work
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I want to know how to detect a rooting in a Android App.
This has been answered before, but here it goes:
I had this issue some time ago, and there does not seem to be one failsafe method to do this. For most scenarios however, you could check several characteristics that might point to a device being rooted, but again, this is not guaranteed to work every time.
Check out this previous answer regarding the issue, and remember; do not just copy and paste. Build an understanding of the code, so that you may learn something in the process.
Next time, try to do some more research before asking questions, Stack Overflow is filled to the brim with great questions and answers. Good luck with your app!
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This question appears to be off-topic because it lacks sufficient information to diagnose the problem. Describe your problem in more detail or include a minimal example in the question itself.
Closed 9 years ago.
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When launching the android emulator it stuck in the following state (A Black Screen), only when the API is Gingerbread Level 10 here is the image, what should be done ? another emulator with higher API is working good what might be the problem
It looks like your views have inflated but have nothing to show or they have zero height and/or width, so won't display anything.Make sure you add some test text or something, just to get you started.
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Questions concerning problems with code you've written must describe the specific problem — and include valid code to reproduce it — in the question itself. See for guidance.
Closed 9 years ago.
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I am trying to develop the first application in android. after all code is written ,when i was trying to test that application on the androids virtual device.i.e emulator, it is not getting showing only loading tell me how to test this application or how to solve this problem.
Try to edit the Settings of Emulator.
Vm Heap Size, Ram Size etc..
Use Tools like BlueStacks or GenyMotions.
Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
Questions concerning problems with code you've written must describe the specific problem — and include valid code to reproduce it — in the question itself. See for guidance.
Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to create a custom Socket Factory which can catch network traffic (i want to get all incoming and outgoing headers especially).
I have tried reading java reflection api and also looked at android.webkit.Network class for android version less than 14 and android.webkit.WebViewCore for versions greater than 14 but could not find solution or any logic.
If anybody can give me code sample for that then it will be very helpful for me.
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Closed 9 years ago.
Questions asking for code must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved. Include attempted solutions, why they didn't work, and the expected results. See also: Stack Overflow question checklist
Questions concerning problems with code you've written must describe the specific problem — and include valid code to reproduce it — in the question itself. See for guidance.
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I would like to change the profile of the phone, for instance change from vibrator mode to normal mode or even plane mode. I cannot find in the permission list anything to allow this type of change. Is this possible ?
It is done using AudioManager. Refer the developers guide and it will help you a certain extent.
Not sure, but did you look at android.permission.VIBRATE ?