Android : how to make View Flow with bottom shadow like iphone - android

Going straight forward..
1.what i achieved so far (thanks to pakerfeldt-
2.what i need actually
so almost done..but you can see bottom shadow functionality (at viewflow) in iphone screen (and it can pull down and can see entire image). so does anyone achieved something similar in android ?
any other library for reference ?
Thanks in advance. answer will be appreciated.


Android applications stack like view

Hello everyone,
I am looking to build an application stack like view. If you press square button on phone ( Oppo, Samsung and pixel ) you see a view like images below. I m trying to do the same thing. Can anyone tell me a bit what this view is? Is this is sdk or I have to create a custom view like this one? Please see the images. Is this a view_pager? I m talking about the central part which swipes right and left.
There are libraries which make it easier to make all kinds of different looks for recyclerviews. I suggest you search for circular recyclerview in google.
Here is my first search which looks suitable to your needs:

How would I draw this shape in Android using xml?

I'm porting one of my iOS apps over to Android (which I'm pretty new to), and I was wondering how I would draw this shape in Android using XML:
I want to recreate the shape (the white object) at the bottom of a tableView. The image attached is a screenshot of the bottom of a UITableView.
Any help would be greatly appreciated if you need any more info just let me know.
Sorry I wasn't totally clear, I'm actually trying to recreate the slight arch at the bottom of the table. Since it's so slight, you may not be able to see it with a quick glance.
It seams to me that you want to "lift" your table up a little bit. If so, you have to implement this attribute to your tableView:
or in java:
My opinion when reading this question: Stop trying to make your android apps look like iOS apps !!!
If you still want to do it.
Just have the background color for your activity to that color and set the layout_margin to either 2 or 4.
It should give you your desired effect.

Accordion / ExpandableListView on Android

I'm trying to create an accordion in Android that has the following features:
Slide animation when opening a tab
Alignment to the top when opening a tab
The ability to be used inside a fragment and not inside an activity
Any idea to how to accomplish all these points? I've seen a lot of libraries that however luck of one or more of this points (and I cannot fix the remaining myself :( ).
Any idea? Also pointers to how-to-guides to how to fix the missing points would be really useful! Thanks
If you are interested on how I solved the problem, you can find the code here:
It is "quick-and-dirty" but it does the job.

How to get boxes with shadow on an Android application UI?

I'm going to develop a UI something like the image below, but I don't know how can I get boxes likes this with shadows behind ?
How can I achieve this ? I'm wondering if TableLayout may be a good tool for this but I don't know where to start and how to add shadows. Any helps appreciated.
Take a look at this blog spot, "Definitely the most helpful post on this subject, 10x." :
You can also use 9-patched images. Here you can find a good tutorial.

Android - How can I create a hexagon in Android and rotate it with animation?

I know basic level Android, but haven't had done animation before. Moreover, I don't have any clue as to how can I create custom Geometrical objects like triangle, Hexagon, etc.
Moreover, I don't know anything about doing animation in Android. I'd like to have relevant tutorial links or blogs which can help understand the basics and preferable a sample code for "Rotation" animation.
Thanks in advance. (the code is best documentation ^_^)
but it is for open gl custom objects on top of your view/surface view, it is commonly used in games.
If you want to do just rotation for Button, there are and subclasses of it (RotateAnimation and so on), you can even do a custom one. By this way you can do awesome user experience for application which use default android controls.

