I'm going to develop a UI something like the image below, but I don't know how can I get boxes likes this with shadows behind ?
How can I achieve this ? I'm wondering if TableLayout may be a good tool for this but I don't know where to start and how to add shadows. Any helps appreciated.
Take a look at this blog spot, "Definitely the most helpful post on this subject, 10x." :
You can also use 9-patched images. Here you can find a good tutorial.
How to achieve this kind of layout? i am new to android. can you help me please? thanks. i will mark this as answer after for those who can answer.thanks a lot.!
(source: tnwcdn.com)
Reading this you can understand how to create buttons with image and text, I'm not going to make the app for you, don't be lazy and search more before asking something like this.
I have to design something like this and add click event for each block,how should I proceed for that.Could anyone guide me regarding this
I know that's too late to reply but this is for the developers who needs some functionalities like this now onwards in their projects..
Look at this demo Project on github
You can make this by own dynamically too by using screen width & screen height , but that would be too complicating..
Better to use the Library or Third Party for that..
You can get some of demos like this too..
Hope that helps others too.
Going straight forward..
1.what i achieved so far (thanks to pakerfeldt- https://github.com/pakerfeldt/android-viewflow)
2.what i need actually
so almost done..but you can see bottom shadow functionality (at viewflow) in iphone screen (and it can pull down and can see entire image). so does anyone achieved something similar in android ?
any other library for reference ?
Thanks in advance. answer will be appreciated.
I wanted to make toggle buttons in my activity look something like the picture below, is there something like this for android in standard classes? Or maybe there is a tutorial on how to imitate them? I looked, but found none.
Thanks for your replies :3
I couldn't insert the reference image, so here's the link to it
You searched but found none? Methink you're not searching hard enough. There's a ton of tutorials out there that explain how.
I have been looking for a easy way to add borders to custom made Views (Compounds or whatever), and the only answer I found was that there is no built-in support for that. Instead there are suggestions that you should add Views on top/below the View you want borders on and a bunch of others really messy ways to get borders.
Coming from the .NET-environment that is pretty brutal to have to do ugly workaround and "hacks" to get something as simple as borders.
Thus, I want to suggest that feature to the Android team. I'm not sure how they can have missed it, but it is surely missed =)
So, is there any official way to suggest a feature in the SDK/framework? I have looked around a bit, but can't comment on their blogs, no e-mail addresses as far as I can see.
Put your suggestion at google code.
You can easily create a Drawable subclass that draws whatever border you want and reports the padding for that border, and sets it as the background of the view you want to have drawn with a border. Or set it on a FrameLayout to have the border placed around the other views inside of the frame.
sorry, 8 years later. At the link below there's a Feedback section with a link to Feature Requests