Hello everyone,
I am looking to build an application stack like view. If you press square button on phone ( Oppo, Samsung and pixel ) you see a view like images below. I m trying to do the same thing. Can anyone tell me a bit what this view is? Is this is sdk or I have to create a custom view like this one? Please see the images. Is this a view_pager? I m talking about the central part which swipes right and left.
There are libraries which make it easier to make all kinds of different looks for recyclerviews. I suggest you search for circular recyclerview in google.
Here is my first search which looks suitable to your needs:
I am searching for a listview (or something similar) on android like the menu used in this game:
I want the items to take place horizontally alongside to each other.
Any similar library would help me. For example even a cyclic one will help.
Check out 3D carousel control in android.
I want to implement same menu in my application. i tried many Demo examples of wheel type that use a static image which is upl![enter image description here][1]oaded once without any success. . so any one please help me out
A menu exact similar to this
link => https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12072692/a-circular-layout-with-scrollable-contents-in-it
Not sure about a scrolling feature but I have seen some menus that are similar to the one in the link that you posted. Links:
1.) daCapricorn's custom view called: ArcMenu.
2.) anupcowkur's android wheel.
3.) R4md4c's android rotary wheel view.
4.) lib4's rotate wheel.
I hope these can help.
I am building a custom like progress view as in Samsung S Health app. Shown below is the screen shot.
I am able to build a circular view something like this:
But not sure how to build like the S health one (ellipse shape).
Did any of you tried or have idea how to build this?
There's a Canvas.drawPath() method that allows you to do any type of magic.
Also I'm currently working on a library that will contain progress views with different animations.
You can check it out here, maybe it will help you:
I'm trying to simulate the iOS4 folder appearance in Android. I have a Button in my layout, and when pressed I would like to expand a View with some other buttons or images and the rest of the screen pushed down.
Here's an example video showing how the iOS 4 folders works: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6ZwC8TGwXo (0:44)
Is there any library or sample code on anything similar to this? Or maybe some indications on how to achieve this?
I found something that looks really similar to the iOS folders animation. It's a custom Animation, here are the details: http://udinic.wordpress.com/2011/09/03/expanding-listview-items/
I'm trying to cope with some problem in finding good idea. I would like to make interesting menu like in games on Android (eg. ANngry Birds or here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3g6SdTODY4) In this panda game I supose that first menu are simply 3 color buttons, but what about this sliding menu later with stages description - this same as in angry birds? Telling the truth I have got no idea what object it can be?
I will be glad if someone can tell me that. Or the best to give some tutorials about it. I cant google any.
Well, it seems that this sliding stage description is implemented with some simple layout placed to HorizontalScrollView and some animation applied to the buttons.
It can be your custom view provided with your translation animations and handling its visibility on the click of the default menu button (via onKeyDown()) on Android.
There are similar questions:
Custom options menu in Android
Android: customize application's menu (e.g background color)