How to Load only current pages of Fragment - android

I have involved with Fragments page-loads problem. I create a 10-Fragments and identify the current Fragment by onPageChanged(). I am updating the contents of each Fragment during swipe.
but if i am doing to update one Fragment and show values. it is displaying wrong index value at wrong pages.
I noted, Fragment is loading previous and next pages also. so if i display current fragment values by changing the resources, it changes previous and next resources but not current.
example:- if i am in pageno-3, if display the update values of pageno-3 at pageno-4 , it happens during left to right swipe
but i will do right to left swipe, it display the update values of pageno-3 at pageno-2

I think you should extend the Fragment class. Inside the new class define a method
public void refresh(NewValuesObject obj){
... do something with the new values
Inside your onPageChanged callback call this method with the desired params.
You may want to save your fragment instances and do the updates (call refresh) for the fragment at the previous or next index.
Hope it helps.

You can set control in visiblity like this:
public void setMenuVisibility(final boolean visible) {
if((visible ) )
//set your adapter or listview
if you set this in your 2 and 4 , when you come 3. page the other ones does not triggered.


Fragment lifecycles in ViewPager

There is a ViewPager with Fragments generated dynamically.
What is the way to catch the moment when user slides away from the fragment (so I can bring it into "clean", "init" state)?
How to catch moment when a Fragment is scrolled in?
Have checked Fragment Lifecycle, but none of them is getting triggered when scrolled out/in (using ViewPager)
Lifecycle phases are triggered only if I scroll 2+ Fragments (those 3rd one is getting Paused/Resumed).
To get a callback when a fragment gets visible to the user you can override the setUserVisibleHint method, like this:
public void setUserVisibleHint(boolean isVisibleToUser) {
//Put your 'init' logic here
the variable isVisibleToUser will give the status of the visibility, so you can use the same method to handle when the fragment goes out.
void addOnPageChangeListener (ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener listener)
Add a listener that will be invoked whenever the page changes or is incrementally scrolled. See ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener.
Components that add a listener should take care to remove it when finished. Other components that take ownership of a view may call clearOnPageChangeListeners() to remove all attached listeners.
You can implement this listener to track the movement of the fragments in the ViewPager.
There is also a method setOffscreenPageLimit() which Set the number of pages that should be retained to either side of the current page and it's default value is 1 and minimum value can be set to 0.

How can I gather data from my ViewPager?

I made an activity which is simply a viewpager with a few tabs. Each tab is like a form that the user needs to fill out. When the user is done, the data from the view pager should be collected and sent back as a result. I almost have this working but for some reason the data on my first tab seems to get reset when the user gets to the third tab. I'm guessing this is due to some view recycling in the pager. Anyways, I'm wondering if there is some easy way to gather all the data from the different tabs or do I have to create some kind of tight coupling between the activity and viewpager object?
you have to use SmartFragmentStatePagerAdapter as described here "" and than need to
Your issue should be resolved. :)
A viewpager will kill off the fragment if it is 2 pages away from the current page. It then recreates it when the pager is on a page that is 1 step away from it.
You should move your form data into your activity/fragment that is holding the viewpager and use fragment listeners to update your data accordingly
For example, you could use a fragment listener like below to pass the data to/from the containing activity
public interface MyFragmentListener{
void saveMyFormData(MyFormData formData);
MyFormData getFormData();
private MyFragmentListener mListener;
//initialise fragment listener in onAttach (or elsewhere)
private void initFormView(){
MyFormData data = mListener.getFormData();
//do stuff with data
private void saveData(){

Android Fragments default select first item in ListView

In Android Studio I have selected a new project based on master / detail flow. The project works as it should be. Now I want to extend it. As of now the content of the items in the detail fragment are only shown when I click an item on the list. I want that the top item is selected automaticaly when the app starts. I thought I put in ItemListFragment just a method call
public void onStart()
that a click is simulated in the lifecycle once all objects are initialized. That fails. What is the best way of doing this?
You can select the first element by the following code
Hope this helps. Cheers mate! :)
You can use SharedPreferences. You can save first item of listview as preference when create listview, then you can use it later.
Have you try it in onResume()? I always put it in onResume()
You can try my way to implement the selection. Normally i don't use the select of list view.
1.In your data model, create a boolean field called "selection".
2.When you apply data to your adapter, set the first data "selection" to true.
3.In your adapter getView callback, try to handles your data "selection" such as:
if (!dummyData.selection){
do something when not select....
do something when selected...
put this code in ItemListFragment
public void onResume() {

Changing reenter animation to another item of a list

I have a RecyclerView with images and when I press an image the app opens another activity that contains a ViewPager with the same images but in the position of the one I selected.
I've done the transition in Lollipop to share this image between activities using supportPostponeEnterTransition and supportStartPostponedEnterTransition in the called activity to wait until the viewPager is loaded with images to start the transition.
When I enter in the called activity and when I press back the transitions are ok.
The problem I'm facing is if I move to another image in the ViewPager of the called activity, when I press back it animates the image that it was selected at the beginning, not the currently selected one.
I've been able to change the animated image to the one selected in the called activity with this:
public void onBackPressed() {
View view = ((ImageDetailFragment) adapter.getFragment(viewPager,
ViewCompat.setTransitionName(view, Constants.TRANSITION_IMAGE);
But it is returning to the same position of the original image in the list of the calling activity.
How can I do it to make the image return to its position in the list of the calling activity?
The first thing to do is to make sure that the views work properly without any Activity transition. That is, when your return from Activity with the ViewPager, the RecyclerView Activity should be showing the View that the ViewPage was showing. When you call the ViewPager activity, use startActivityForResult and use the result to scroll the RecyclerView to the correct position.
Once that is working, the Activity Transition can be made to work. I know that you've given each View in your RecyclerView a different transitionName, right? When you bind the View, call setTransitionName and give it a repeatable name. Typically this is the image URL or cursor row ID or at worst some munged index like "image_" + index.
The next thing you need to do is set the SharedElementCallback for both the calling Activity (exit) and called activity (enter). In each, you're going to need to override the onMapSharedElements callback to remap the shared element.
public void onMapSharedElements(List<String> names, Map<String, View> sharedElements) {
// assuming just one shared element, excuse the ugly code
sharedElements.put(names.get(0), mSharedElement);
Here, mSharedElement has been set in the onActivityReenter in the calling (RecyclerView) activity and in onCreate and prior to finishAfterTransition (onBackPressed?) in the called (ViewPager) activity.
The onActivityReenter gives new functionality specifically for this case. You can look at the results there before the called Activity completes.

ViewPager with Fragment reload at first and last page

I'm trying to create a ViewPager with six fragments but only 2nd fragment to 5th fragment contain data that I want to show and the first fragment and the last fragment I want to be used to reload the data and set the position to the 2nd fragment again. The overall flow is like this :
1st (reload and go back to 2nd) <- 2nd fragment <-> 5th fragment -> 6th fragment (same with 1st)
what I've tried is I create a callback from the 1st fragment and 6th fragment like this
public static class callbackFragmentLoading implements callbackFragmentLoad {
public void onLoading() {
and I passed the callback to the fragment constructor so I can called the onLoading function in the onActivityCreated. But I everytime I do it the application will be force closed and the logcat shows
recursive entry to executependingtransactions
is there any way to do this? or my method for doing it is wrong?
Thank You
is there any way to do this? or my method for doing it is wrong?
Messing with callbacks between Fragments of a ViewPager isn't probably such a good idea. Instead I would do it like this:
Don't load any data(like with a Loader) in the Fragments from the ViewPager, instead let the FragmentActivity do it(and the Fragments will get it through methods from the Activity).
Your two loading fragments(position 0 and 5) will call in their onResume method a reload action on the parent Activity(like a Loader restart)
At this moment the Activity will load/reload the data and when that finishes it will set the ViewPager to the correct items(either 1 or 4)
in the onResume method of the data fragments you'll refresh the fragment's data(here you may need to use some sort of signaling system because you'll need to duplicate the refresh code in the onCreateView(some fragments may have their view destroyed if they are far apart from the current visible position)).
As I don't know many things about the inner data fragment I've written a basic skeleton sample(without the data loading in the activity).

