ViewPager with Fragment reload at first and last page - android

I'm trying to create a ViewPager with six fragments but only 2nd fragment to 5th fragment contain data that I want to show and the first fragment and the last fragment I want to be used to reload the data and set the position to the 2nd fragment again. The overall flow is like this :
1st (reload and go back to 2nd) <- 2nd fragment <-> 5th fragment -> 6th fragment (same with 1st)
what I've tried is I create a callback from the 1st fragment and 6th fragment like this
public static class callbackFragmentLoading implements callbackFragmentLoad {
public void onLoading() {
and I passed the callback to the fragment constructor so I can called the onLoading function in the onActivityCreated. But I everytime I do it the application will be force closed and the logcat shows
recursive entry to executependingtransactions
is there any way to do this? or my method for doing it is wrong?
Thank You

is there any way to do this? or my method for doing it is wrong?
Messing with callbacks between Fragments of a ViewPager isn't probably such a good idea. Instead I would do it like this:
Don't load any data(like with a Loader) in the Fragments from the ViewPager, instead let the FragmentActivity do it(and the Fragments will get it through methods from the Activity).
Your two loading fragments(position 0 and 5) will call in their onResume method a reload action on the parent Activity(like a Loader restart)
At this moment the Activity will load/reload the data and when that finishes it will set the ViewPager to the correct items(either 1 or 4)
in the onResume method of the data fragments you'll refresh the fragment's data(here you may need to use some sort of signaling system because you'll need to duplicate the refresh code in the onCreateView(some fragments may have their view destroyed if they are far apart from the current visible position)).
As I don't know many things about the inner data fragment I've written a basic skeleton sample(without the data loading in the activity).


ViewPager fragments handling a change

When viewpager displays one fragment, it will automatically load the fragment pages around it for performance reasons.
In my fragments, i have recycleviews with a popup menu to delete one item in the list.
I am facing a problem of deleting one item from one fragment, but that item still exists in the other preloaded fragments after I scroll to them.
It works only if I force the viewpager to reload the contents of its fragments by manually scrolling back and forth the fragments.
Is there a way to force reload the preloaded fragments by viewpager?
Your problem can be solved by using Interface. Google suggest using callbacks\listeners that are managed by your main Activity for communicating between fragments.You can use Interface which tells the other fragment to refresh its listview when you delete an item in current fragment.
For an overview
Also a good question about this How to pass data between fragments
First create an interface to detect changes in your RecyclerView:
public interface MyRecyclerViewChangeListener(){
void onRecyclerViewDataChanged(int id);
Create a static variable in your Fragment or Activity which contains your viewpager:
public static List<MyRecyclerViewChangeListener> mListeners = new ArrayList();
Implement your interface to your ViewPagerFragments and do what you want in method you implemented.
In your fragment's onResume register your listener to mListeners like blow to detect changes:
And in your fragment's onPause unregister your listener:
Finally notify your listeners when your recyclerview data changed:
for(MyRecyclerViewChangeListener listener : mListeners){
Edit : If you are changing your recyclerview's data after an async task result such as a web api call, you can register your listener in fragment's onCreateView method and un register in onDestroyView method. So you can catch changes in your fragments.
I am not sure if i'm getting your question right but i think this should do it.
Now the fragment should be destroyed if it is not active and will be recreated if you open it again.So the data change should be recognized.
Hope I could help
Try setting mViewPager.setOffscreenPageLimit(1) such that it will not pre-cache any fragment or you could use FragmentStatePagerAdapter inside viewPager to achieve what you want.
Edit 1:
So Conclusion is :
1) Use local broadcast mechanism to update the fragments present in ViewPager adapter
2) Use handler mechanism to refresh these fragments
3) if you want to blindly update these fragments once they are visible to users then do it inside onPageChangeListener of view pager method.
The answers helped me find the solution.
For future reference, I used a callback every time I used deleteItem(), and took a list of the loaded frags by using the method [FragmentHostingViewPager].getChildFragmentManager().getFragments()
Then I iterated through each fragment as long as each fragment was not null, and called a refresh() method on them.

Restoring a Fragment State when returned after clicking Backpressed of another fragment

Here is my problem area:
I have a Fragment A. Once it is attached, in its onCreateView, I load a webservice to fetch the data from the server and after that I set that data on the list view using a Base Adapter. Now on the Item Clicks of the list view I replace the Fragment A with Fragment B using replace Methods of the Fragment Transactions and addtoBackstack("FragmentA").
FragmentManager fm =getActivity().getFragmentManager();
fm.beginTransaction().replace(, Fragment B).commit();
Now here when I press back button on Fragment B, it takes me to Fragment A but the webservice again starts loading.
My Problem: I just want that when it returns to Fragment A, it should show its previous state and should not call the webservices again.
OnCreateView for a fragment runs on the creation of the view every time it needs to be drawn. By going back you are causing the view to be recreated and hence the webservices are loading again.
I believe that if you only want the web services to load once then you could move the code to the "onCreate" method instead, but its probably a better idea to move this code to "onResume" instead and include some logic that checks whether you need to load your webservices again or not.
This way everytime the fragment is paused and then loaded again you could ensure that the fragment still has everything it needs.
So for example you could have
public void onResume() {
super.onResume(); // Always call the superclass method first
if (data == null) { //Or list is empty?

Refreshing a fragment view from MainActivity

So I currently have an app that has 4 tabs (fragments). They are fragments A,B,C,D, in that order.
Fragment A is the first view opened (along with B because viewPager loads the view before and after the current view).
When I click a button in Fragment A, it sends Data back to MainActivity and then sends that data out to Fragments B and C.
However, this is where the issue comes into play. Since Fragment B was already called, the View isn't updated once I click the button and send the data over, but Fragment C is because the view wasn't called before.
Is there any way that I can remedy this?
You can do it a few ways right.
Just set the data to the fragment and have it update its views
Have all the fragments like B and C register themselves to recieve data from the MainActivity and when MainActivity gets it's data set you tell all the registered receivers of the new data
Recreate the fragment
Use an event bus and tell all subsribers of the new data and MainActivity, Fragment B would get notified of new data. Fragment C would get its data when created by MainActivity
I think this list is pretty endless tbh
The key here is the fragments need to fetch the data from the actvitiy aswell as be updated by the activity. In which case you need to break your UI update behaviour out of onCreateView and into its own updateUI() function. updateUI(MyData) can then be called from onCreateView and also called in a setMyData() on the fragment. Just make sure you check the isAdded flag in setMyData.
This pretty much says it all:
I used a simple fragment communicator that allows the activity to call the fragment, and the same for a fragment to talk to the activity.
You can change the views with the new data based on calling the method from within the activity. The way I do it is set the fragments in the activity then pass them into the page adapter this way I can call the methods within the fragment and implement the fragmentcommunicator interface on the fragments.
You can honestly even avoid the interface if you want, but if you are going to include the same method in all the fragments to talk to them it is easiest.
If you show code, I can show you a quick example.

Call Fragments onCreateView in context with Tabs

I have 2 Tabs and 2 Corresponding Fragments. On calling the LAUNCH Activity both Tabs were added and then the first one added will be shown. Thus the first Fragments onCreateView is called the second Fragments ones not.
In my case this is an issue because the first Fragment has to call methods on the second Fragment. Inside the second Fragment there is an Objectreference which will be set by calling the onCreateView in the second Fragment.
Therefore I used following code snippet to solve this
It works but in my opinion there must be another possibility to solve this issue. Like calling the onCreateView of the second Fragment?
Here is the relevant code snippet. The listener is implemented as in android-dev Sample only with small changes not affecting my issue.
simplexFragment corresponds to the first Fragment
graphicFragment corresponds to the second Fragment
// adds two tabs
actionBar.addTab(actionBar.newTab().setText("Input").setTabListener(new TabListener(null, "input_fragment")));
graphicFragment = new GraphicFragment();
actionBar.addTab(actionBar.newTab().setText("Graphic").setTabListener(new TabListener(graphicFragment, "graphic_fragment")));
simplexFragment.setGraphics(graphicFragment); // sets the internal reference!
// selects the Tab so the GraphicFragments onCreateView will be called
Thanks for support.
In my case this is an issue because the first Fragment has to call methods on the second Fragment.
This is not how Fragments are meant to work. The idea is a Fragment should be self-contained and re-usable and one Fragment shouldn't know that another exists (or at least shouldn't rely the existence any other Fragment).
For example, suppose you have 3 Fragments and ActivityA uses FragmentA and FragmentB but you have another Activity (ActivityB) which uses FragmentA and FragmentC. In that case, FragmentA doesn't know what the other Fragment is (B or C) and shouldn't even expect there to be another Fragment at all.
The way to achieve what you want is to use callback methods on the Activity and have it perform the actions on any other Fragments (if they exist). It can do this by either calling public methods on the other Fragments or by passing data in the 'arguments' Bundle when it creates the other Fragments.

How to make call backs between Fragments of the same Ativity

I have 4 tabs in an Activity.
Each of them is a Fragment. And every Fragment has a ListView.
So, if i change the ListView in Fragment, it must change the ListView in all other Fragments ie.., Tabs.
The problem i face is while creating the interface instance.
It takes it's own onClick() method.
In case i want a callback to the parent activity i could have done that by overriding onAttach. But how to make a callback to a Fragment?
From Developers site:
Often you will want one Fragment to communicate with another, for example to change the content based on a user event. All Fragment-to-Fragment communication is done through the associated Activity. Two Fragments should never communicate directly.
So, make a callback to the Activity which in turn makes a callback to other fragments??
Thank You
It's pretty simple,all You need is steps below:
1) From onClick method in your first fragment make a function call of activity:
((IYourActivityInterface) getActivty()).activityMethod();
2) In your activity find fragment by tag or id and run it's method:
public void activityMethod(){
Fragment tabFragment = getFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag("second_fragment");
// or Fragment tabFragment = getFragmentManager().findFragmentById(;
if (tabFragment!=null){
((IFragmentInterface) tabFragment).fragmentMethod();
Hope this is what you are looking for.)

