Night Vision Camera Android Application [closed] - android

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Am looking to make Night Vision Camera Android Application, some says there is no such inbuilt features in Android, Some its just adjusting camera effect,
I need a clear clarification, is that possible to make night vision camera application for Android, or all existing night vision apps are just doing camera tricks?
Kindly help me

The camera of androids devices don't allow you to do what you want. But there is a camera named "Therm-App" that transforms Android smartphones into thermal cameras.
On their website, they say that a SDK is available.
"Through our SDK, we let the crowd decide which Therm-App™ applications will be produced, changing our everyday life and making sure there’s always more to see!"
Most of all existing night vision apps need light. Then it increases the light to give the illusion of a thermal camera.


Augmented Reality on Android GPS + Interactive [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm working on a development where it is required to visualize an object by GPS and display a button to access the information of that object.
Can you develop this with android?
Yes, you can. You could develop an Camera application
Camera API
Android docs for "controlling camera"
After you have an android camera app, you need a computer vision module. OpenCV is the computer vision module per excelence.
OpenCV for Android:
You can do amazing things with OpenCV. This Android implementation is on java, but if you want to develop real time application, it's absolutelly recommend that you develop Android NDK application. Why? Because Android NDK use C and the native Opencv library is writed on C, then is fastest.
Although it can be done, it is not easy, you must study a lot. It depends on what features you want to extract. If you need more information, please comment.

Enable screen casting feature of Android from our application [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am working on casting application. I am able to cast local videos from my app on TV using chromecast device.
Now I want to cast(mirror) complete android phone on the TV. I know Android provides this as a default feature by using Cast feature in quick Settings where user has to explicitly connect to a Chrome Cast device available.
How can I do the same from my application? I have tried using MediaProjection API to capture screen and save it.
Can anybody show me direction how to do that?
If you mean turning on mirroring programmatically from your app to mirror your phone, you cannot do that. If you want to limit that to your own app, then the closest thing would be to use the RemoteDisplay apis. Using those APIs, you can create a view in your own app and project that on your Cast device, see this tutorial.
The Google Cast SDK lets you extend your Android, Chrome or iOS app to control a TV or sound system. It supports many media formats, protocols and codecs to ease integration. Use Google's Official Cast SDK
and Sample can be found here.

How can I add broad image recognition to a mobile app? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm working on an Android app (though eventually I'll want to do the same thing on iOS) and I'm looking to build an image recognition feature into it. The user would snap a picture, then this component of the app would need to figure out what that image is, whether it's a bowling ball, a salad, a book, you name it. It would also be helpful if it could figure out roughly how big the object in question is, though I imagine the camera focus values could help with that. The objects in question would not be moving.
I've heard of neural networks being used, but I'm not sure how this could be implemented, especially since I want to be able to recognize a very wide range of objects. I highly doubt this sort of processing could happen natively on a phone either. What are some solutions to this problem?
I would suggest you look at OpenCV. They have an awesome open source library for image processing and object detection. They also have great Android sample apps ready for testing some of their APIs.

Google carboard camera zoom [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Hey there I am looking for development in google cardboard .I want to know how >to zoom in and out in camera feature.
You shouldn't be messing with camera stuff in your Google Cardboard application since most google cardboard units cover the camera lense.
It's not a feature you'll see adopted anytime soon since different devices have the camera in different places making it unreliable to create a universal headset from.
Edit: Looks like the original google cardboard had a cutout for your camera and there are some apps that take advantage of this, but all models since then (star wars edition, Viewmasters) have not had a camera cutout.

Can I build my app into the standard Android camera application? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am new in mobile app dev. And I want to build my app in standard camera. It will be like helper guide lines on camera to make better photos. But I don't want to build separate app, instead I want make it in standard cam like add on. So, because I am new in that sphere, I don't know is it possible to do, and which API or tools I should use. Can you help me with that?
In the way you want to achieve this based on description above : no, you can't.
Only way to do something like this is build own app (with own app icon in launcher) and try open camera from your app by Intent, but before that show tutorial within your app. But it seems to be not nice idea for tutorial purpose.
You cannot add more features in the application provided by different vendors. Each vendor(like Samsung, HTC) has its own application of Camera which is protected. If you want to do that then you will need to have permission of a vendor or become a vendor in the process. That entails to building your own OS or custom OS (Android Source Code is Open Source).
Next best thing you could do is provide a helper application that gives tips and tricks and anything informative for guidelines. Then user can learn from your app which is available for download through Google Play.
It is worth noting that almost every device hardware is different. Some features are device specific. Therefore quality and settings will also differ.

