Google carboard camera zoom [closed] - android

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Hey there I am looking for development in google cardboard .I want to know how >to zoom in and out in camera feature.

You shouldn't be messing with camera stuff in your Google Cardboard application since most google cardboard units cover the camera lense.
It's not a feature you'll see adopted anytime soon since different devices have the camera in different places making it unreliable to create a universal headset from.
Edit: Looks like the original google cardboard had a cutout for your camera and there are some apps that take advantage of this, but all models since then (star wars edition, Viewmasters) have not had a camera cutout.


How can I show images on google maps for Android Studio [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I searched a lot about that but I didn't get what I want.
I'm using Android Studio and I know how to use google maps and GPS but I want to put a camera icon to use the camera in the phone and when the user take a picture the app will save that action and mark the location and show that photo on the map like (Instagram maps).
Thank you.
Here are the areas that you need to work with in Android:
Camera and taking a picture
Displaying information on maps (image like instagram)
When the picture is taken you can try and pull the location using the ExifInterface.
From there you can get the lat/long and place that image as a point on the map.

Night Vision Camera Android Application [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Am looking to make Night Vision Camera Android Application, some says there is no such inbuilt features in Android, Some its just adjusting camera effect,
I need a clear clarification, is that possible to make night vision camera application for Android, or all existing night vision apps are just doing camera tricks?
Kindly help me
The camera of androids devices don't allow you to do what you want. But there is a camera named "Therm-App" that transforms Android smartphones into thermal cameras.
On their website, they say that a SDK is available.
"Through our SDK, we let the crowd decide which Therm-App™ applications will be produced, changing our everyday life and making sure there’s always more to see!"
Most of all existing night vision apps need light. Then it increases the light to give the illusion of a thermal camera.

How Does the Matcher Glass "Mini Game" Work [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Google recently released a bunch of demo games for google glass, including one called Matcher. On the GDK website, the only description given is:
We used the Photosphere camera mode to map the surrounding cards and the compact Min3D library on top of OpenGL to render the game.
Can anyone go into more details about how this (or something similar to this) is done. What confuses me the most is the reference to the Photosphere camera mode. Thanks. th

How do you make a side scrolling platform game for android in eclipse? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to make a simple side-scrolling platform game inn eclipse that can be played on my galaxy s3. I cant find any videos on youtube. Can you guys give me instructions or a link on how to start my project?
Do a Google search for 'Replica Island'. It is a side-scrolling game developed by one of the guys at Google, and the source code is available online.
He used OpenGL for rendering, but you could use a SurfaceView and Canvas instead.

how to play video with augmented reality in android [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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i found many AR tutorial just show 3D object when detect a pattern, i need some advice to make application that can play video with AR application using android camera?
To play video on marker detection in Augmented Reality you should use the> "Vuforial SDK" it has sample named as video play that will help you to play video on marker
Simplest way to do this is to use the Creator. Load a tracking image and then drag and drop the video onto the tracking image. You can then launch to iOS or Android. No coding needed.
If you want to code, here's a tutorial with sample codes, tracking pattern, and sample video files using the Metaio SDK.

