Augmented Reality on Android GPS + Interactive [closed] - android

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm working on a development where it is required to visualize an object by GPS and display a button to access the information of that object.
Can you develop this with android?

Yes, you can. You could develop an Camera application
Camera API
Android docs for "controlling camera"
After you have an android camera app, you need a computer vision module. OpenCV is the computer vision module per excelence.
OpenCV for Android:
You can do amazing things with OpenCV. This Android implementation is on java, but if you want to develop real time application, it's absolutelly recommend that you develop Android NDK application. Why? Because Android NDK use C and the native Opencv library is writed on C, then is fastest.
Although it can be done, it is not easy, you must study a lot. It depends on what features you want to extract. If you need more information, please comment.


Is it possible to make an android app using only imported languages, and if so, how? [closed]

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Closed last year.
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Just out of curiosity, is it possible to make an entire android app using android studio by importing SwiftUI and coding it with that instead of Kotlin/Java? I'm really curious because I just spent an entire semester at school learning SwiftUI and now we're doing Kotlin, and it would be a funny, interesting, and fun challenge if I could try to use a language meant for IOS to code an Android app. If somehow it's even somewhat possible, how could it be done, and would you have to still code some in Kotlin/Java or could it all be SwiftUI?
SwiftUI is a library that Apple ships with its operating systems. You cannot use it to develop an Android app because the library is not available on Android devices.
It might be possible to use Swift, the programming language, to develop some parts of your Android application, because it is possible to compile Swift code and the Swift standard library for Android. However, I don't really know any of the details and I'm sure it will be a difficult endeavor if you're just learning how to program.

Read the text in an image in android without using third party service [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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hello i am developing an mobile application (android) to share medical reports. One part of the application is read the text in those reports (reports are in JPEG / image format). Since medical reports contain sensitive data i can't use a third party service to do this. medical reports cannot be shared with a third party in any case. This is a requirement.
is this possible to do? How can i do this? Please guide me .
You simply cannot do an OCR on android platform without a third party SDK. If you still want to do so, you need to design your own OCR for that which I am pretty sure is tough. I recommend you check Tesseract. It is an open source OCR project that can be easily integrated with Android.
Also check this link: OCR in Android Application

Libgdx Android Sdk accessing external web api [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am trying to make a game on Android Studio using Libgdx and want to be able to access external web apis. I am wondering whether this is still possible while running Libgdx.
Of course you can still use other API's. Libgdx only isolates UI layer from your native android environment with it's glSurfaceView. If you implement proper interfaces for accesing other API's like Admob, Parse, Google Play Services or whatever you want, you can use it all.
I suggest you to read this document which can help and enlight you :

Converting an Android App to an iPhone App [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have built a very simple android app (i.e., an app that essentially just shows pictures along with some quizes). I am curious what the cheapest way of duplicating my app on iPhone, assuming I can't do it myself?
In that case, you should develop this app in titanium framework that framework basically supports javascript type structure and provides platform to develop app in both platform ios as well as android.
You might want to take a look at the j2ObjC project from Google
It will convert existing Java code to objective-c.
I haven't tested it and don't know how well it does perform, but if the app is simple, it should do well
If your application feature has not required native framework then you can create your application in multi platform framework.
Apache Cordova is one of the reliable mobile application framework which is run on iOS, Android and many other operation system.
Also you can find much details on this Link.
So you can make you application with using such framework and deploy on any operation system.

Adobe AIR3 Mobile – Is it possible to add native Android visual elements with native extensions? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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i need to add some native android elements to stage. Is it real?
Adobe Native Extensions allow native Android functionality to be added to your AIR based App. However Adobe Engineers strongly recommend that you do not attempt to write Native Extensions (ANEs) for UI Elements. They recommend that you use the MXML Mobile Spark Components for UI building. You can however add native Android features like Toast Alerts and Vibration.
Adobe's Official ANE list:
ANEs we've developed at JamPot:

