Android ble, requestConnectionPriority not working - android

I am trying to send 10 bytes of data, every 30milisecond,s between 2 android devices using bluetooth low enegry notifications. The goal is to achieve low latency communication and there is no interest in low energy.
You can check the results in the Delay graph(Y field = delta time between packets). The first 10seconds the communication is being perfomed good enough. (The interval between the packets is max 30-40ms). However after the 10th second, the intervals are either extremly high or extremely low.
This is probably happenning due to non strict connection interval parameters. You can check a sample of hci_events that shows clearly the slow down is caused by the hci_events.
I have tried to configure the parameters of the connection, calling from the master the function
However, it didn't change anything on the result graph. I also check the packets using wireshark and findout that the master didn't even send a request for configuring the connection interval. I also tried another configuration request with
with exactly the same results, no update packets was send from the master.
So, there are 2 questions that show up from this observations.
Has ble a timeout in the 10th second in order to ensure low energy consumption? If so, how can I disable it?
Is some thing wrong calling requestConnectionPriority, from the android 6.0.1 with the role of the central(master)? Can you give me a simple example on how is being called properly?
Note that requestConnectionPriority is called right after the connection being establish in the onConnectionStateChange of the BluetoothGattCallback.
The device that has role of a slave(server) is running (Android 5.1.1) and the master(client) is running (Android 6.0.1).
Thanks a lot!
IMPORTANT UPDATE: It's crucial to mention the way the connection is being initiated between the devices.
The central device calls device.connectGatt, where device is BluetoothDevice device = mBluetoothAdapter.getRemoteDevice(address). Address is a hardcoded string, the peripheral's public mac address. You can check logcat logs and also hci logs.
I have also tried connecting with the legit method (peripheral advertising and connect to scanned random address), but I get an error 'initiate direct connection fail, topology limitation'. You can check logcat logs and also hci logs.

Has ble a timeout in the 10th second in order to ensure low energy consumption? If so, how can I disable it?
Is some thing wrong calling requestConnectionPriority, from the android 6.0.1 with the role of the central(master)? Can you give me a simple example on how is being called properly?
I'm not aware of any bugs regarding requestConnectionPriority. But you could try to execute that method after the onServicesDiscovered callback. Android temporarily changes connection interval to 7.5 ms during the GATT service discovery so it might be confused if you don't wait until the service discovery is completed.
Regarding requestMtu, make sure you execute that method while there are no other GATT operations pending (otherwise it won't work).
One additional tip is to use an air sniffer and not only look at the hci logs.


Android onCharacteristicChanged multiple packets at same timestamp

I am writing an Android application that uses bluetooth LE to connect to our device.
One of the notifications that will come in from our device is whether it is on a charger or not. This is a notification that fires once, and won't fire again until the status changes.
On iOS, this is all hunky-dory.
On Android, however, when connected to Android studio anyway, I will sometimes when running see a packet come into "onCharacteristicChanged" that is at time X, followed by the exact same packet at the exact same time to the exact same characteristic.
Sometimes when running, i'll only see one (expected). Sometimes 2 copies of it, and sometimes 4 copies of it.
It's completely insane and I have no idea why it is happening. I am not running my bluetooth stack as a service or anything.
Is this a "real" problem, or just a logging problem? I ask because there are other packets we get in other characteristics that have sequence numbers (haven't enabled this yet), and I'm concerned that these packets will fail because we'll get duplicate sequence numbers!
I think I found the problem. I wasn't checking the the status in the onConnectionStateChange callback. If I saw that the state was connected, i just blindly assigned the gatt and started the rest of my process to send commands to the device.
I think I also had an issue where i was always calling connectGatt instead of connect if the gatt already existed.
I have to say, while this is user error on my part, Android APIs are really idiotic in this regard. You don't have to worry about which "connect" to call and monitor every state change callback, worrying about the thread you are on and whether certain objects are already allocated.

Android: Auto-reconnect BLE devices

My goal is to get the Android device to reconnect to a BLE device that it has previously connected to without user intervention in the same way it does for a classic BT paired device does (even works through power cycles).
One of the ideas of BTLE devices is that one saves service, bonding, and enabling states such that a reconnect is VERY fast and consumes very little power on the peripheral.
What I have done seems to work but it works poorly.
The first step is to connect or pair and connect to a new device setting the 'autoconnect' parameter to 'true'.
When the device disconnects, do not call gatt.close(). Everywhere I look I see that one should call gatt.close(). But if I do call gatt.close() the Android central app never reconnects. I have tested this many times.
If I have not called gatt.close() and have not power cycled the Android, the auto-connection usually happens. Sometimes it can take a long time, especially after version 5.0. It is, however, unreliable and it may be unreliable due to a very low-duty scan cycle and the device quitting advertising before a scan cycle actually detects the advertisement. I am not sure because there is no way to detect the scanning operation like there is advertisements! It is also possible the scanning stops after a certain amount of time but there is no documentation on that.
So what I think I need to do is to somehow set the background scan rate used by the Android to a higher duty cycle (only possible in 5.0 and up) when auto-connect has been set but I do not know how to do this. I do not want to start my own scan but somehow set the background scanning rate used by Android for the reconnect. Does anyone know how to do this? Does anyone really know how autoconnect and gatt.close() are to work?
Maybe the auto-connect was NOT meant to re-connect as I indicated above?
Well after many trials and tribulations this is how I best get the Android to auto connect with the only user action being to first select the device (if using the settings menu then first pairing).
You have to trap the paired event in a BroadcastReceiver and do a BluetoothDevice.connectGatt() setting the autoconnect to true. Then when the device disconnects, invoke a gatt.connect().
Update: While the above approach works in general, it is sometimes agonizingly slow probably because the pending connection uses extremely conservative scan rates. The other downside is that for each device you want to auto-reconnect to you have to keep a BluetoothGatt object performing a pending connection. In the embedded world this is insane. Instead what one does is continuously scan and connect to a desired device by inspecting its advertisement. One saves only the minimal amount of data about the device (the services, its paired state and keys, etc.). When an advertisement is captured you see if it is one of your known devices and connect to if it is.
I tried the equivalent on Android. Scan all the time (low power rate) and connect to advertisements of interest, and maintain a class representing a known device. There are some annoying details in this approach (like turning off scanning while connecting and restarting after connected) but it basically works without the overhead of maintaining connections. BUT there is one exception I do not understand. One pre-paired device's advertisements are never seen by the scanner. However, if I invoke a pending connection to this device, I re-connect. I do not understand this at all. On my embedded platforms it works as it should.
If anyone else has tried this approach for auto-reconnecting, please share your experiences!
I have discovered the reason the pre-paired device is not seen by Android. Android only reports scan results IF the device responds to a scan request. Once paired, this device only emits advertisements and ignores scan requests, so the Android system does not pass up its advertisements in the ScanCallback. Thus in order to work using the scan approach, I have to use the pending connect approach for those specific devices. It just seems like you can't win!
============= UPDATE 2020
Many years have passed and I have a lot more experience with the background scan approach. If one keeps the supported platforms 5 and up, one can use only the newest scanner APIs and use filters, eliminating the need to decode the raw advertisements yourself. I have also found that connection and re-connection is snappier if you DONT turn off scanning while connecting. I know it goes against all documentation, but it works and on some platforms allowed connections to happen that otherwise did not. Also, to date, I have found only one (health) device that needs pending connects. Disclaimer: All I have ever worked with is health devices.
This is how I was able to do it for my application.
I first stored the address of the device in a SharedPreference then in gattClientCallback funtion of my BluetoothLeService
else if (newState == BluetoothProfile.STATE_DISCONNECTED) {
DeviceActivity.runOnUI(() -> {
sharedPreferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(getApplicationContext());
String name_dev_1 = sharedPreferences.getString("Dev_1", null) ;
What this does is if your device is disconnected it will keep on trying to connect to it until a connection is established.

Android Bluetooth Low Energy sequential Write perfomance

I do have a Bluetooth LE remote controlled car. Therefore i need to write periodically to a drive characteristic on the car. My microcontroller (AtmelXMega128A1 # 32Mhz + nRF8001) should be able to handle up to 122 connections per second # 7,5ms connection interval.
My Android App is based on cordova and a bluetooth low energy plugin:
I am running this on a Nexus 5 with Android v4.4.4.
I have a timer which sends values for steering and acceleration to the car each 175ms. I would like to send each 50ms but that does not work. I cannot tell where the problem is but i guess it is the android implementation of GATT (I get the pending command error at some level).
If i write more than it can handle the car executes all commands in a row but time shifted. Some queue hickup obviously and this is not the Microcontroller as it operates much faster.
I am doing a timing change which seems to be successful. I tried turning WiFi off as i hoped it would help but nothing changed.
Is there any experience on periodical writings to a GATT characteristics on Android? Examples would be great.
First of all you should make a robust design. Data should be driven by callback from the Android BT Stack telling when it's ready to accept more data (when the previous transmission is done). Do not use a timer. There will always happen need for retransmissions on the lower stack level so you cannot rely on an exact transfer interval and throughput.
The 7.5ms is the shortest possible connection interval however the default is usually much slower (48.75ms on my Nexus 5 with Android L) So from your peripheral you should try to request a faster connection interval once connected. This will speed up your throughput and responsiveness.
Some Android BT stacks refuse if you try to force a very fast connection interval. You should be handling that intelligently. Like trying with 7.5ms (parameter = 6) and increase it if it failed. iOS design guideline say you must not use a lower value than 20 (*1.25ms) and the upper request value should be at least 20 higher than the lower. You will get a faster connection parameter though if you request values min=10, max=20 and end around 18ms or something.
For android it seems most will accept the 7.5ms (value 6) but again you should not force it because the stack might cancel the connection then.
I made experiments on Android L, requesting connection intervals from the peripheral side when connected. Android rounded off requests so only every 3rd step gave a difference.
6=7.5ms, 9=11.25ms, 12=15.0ms, ..., 39=48.75ms which seems to be the default value on Nexus 5 running Android L.
Bluetooth is a shared resource in the broadcom chipset most are using on the smartphone side. Wifi, BT Classic, BT Low Enegy and sometimes GPS shares bandwidth. You will see hiccups and must be tolerant about them. Make a robust design.
Something else you can try is to renegotiate MTU-SIZE if you need larger data packages than the default. This is by specification an optional BLE feature however Apple broke it completely in iOS7 where they use it as a mandatory thing to boost up throughput. This broke all BLE devices which didn't implement the response handler and so it crashed and could never be used with iOS devices until a SW update was made. Baaaaaad. For android this is not a problem though.

Android detect Bluetooth disconnect immediately Max 2 seconds

I'm looking for a way to detect the disconnection of a Bluetooth device immediately after it has happened (2 second max), typically in a "device too far" scenario or Device battery is dead. Currently I can detect it with a BroadcastReceiver by getting a BluetoothDevice.ACTION_ACL_DISCONNECTED, but it takes about 16 to 20 seconds to fire.
Is there any way to get notified in 2 seconds Max.
I used BroadcatReceiver but it is not fast enough to get alert in 2 seconds Max, so is there any other kind of approach available to get notification quickly that bluetooth is disconnected.
I use this createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord(UUID); to connect a paired device and i am bound to use it using UUID.
I have visited a lot of links regarding this issue, but no one matches with my needs.that's why any help would be appreciated.
I think the only way you can reliably sense loss of connection quickly (within two seconds) is via your own application protocol that you use over the Bluetooth connection. For example, your application protocol might implement a heartbeat that occurs every 500ms. If you don't see a heartbeat within two seconds then you could trigger your own event.
Bluetooth is a socket-based stream protocol that is designed to work over an unreliable medium (i.e. radio), and as such has to tolerate errors in (or loss of) packets. For this reason it will take significantly more than 2 seconds before your Bluetooth stack declares it has given up and disconnected the device, as you have found.
I have an application on Play which is designed to talk with an automotive ECU via Bluetooth and my strategy for sensing disconnection is exactly as I suggested in my first paragraph.
Update 20th June 14
I see in your bounty comment and also your comment below that you're asking for a code example, but it's kind of difficult for me to provide one without knowing anything about the application protocol that you're running over the socket connection. Or to put it another way, what exactly is it about my first paragraph (i.e. the heartbeat suggestion) that you do not understand or cannot create code for yourself? The concept of using a heartbeat really is quite simple. You would define a certain message type in your application protocol that represents a heartbeat message. One end of the connection sends this heartbeat message periodically, say every one second. The other end of the connection checks that this heartbeat message is received every second or so and drops the connection after a two-second time-out. It is impossible to be any more specific than that, because I can't see your existing code and I don't know what kind of messages you are currently exchanging over the socket.
After nothing work around!
I got two things to get my work done.
I need to check that is my Bluetooth socket is not in use(Sending Receiving) till 2 to 5 sec I disconnect that and when user wants to send data to the receiver device I connect that again.
Or I'll try to connect the socket after 2 to 5 sec so that if it is not ready to connect means it is already connected, else it will be connected and I refresh the previous socket references.
but first option is more valuable to work perfectly in my problem.
This is a problem with old bluetooth and more hardware than software.
If you want to notice that the connection is broken you need to do polling (a heartbeat), something like "are you alive? are you alive?"... This is bad for battery so... the users will finally uninstall your app.
I recommend you to change to BTLE (bluetooth low energy), devices like Nexus 5 has this.
With BTLE you have a proximity profile which can tell you the quality of the signal, so, you can guess the distance (near, far, out of range) and therefore you can also tell if the devices are disconnected.
Another nice point is that if the devices are out of range but one is again in range you could get noticed as well, so this is really nice for apps to open doors by proximity for example.
Check this:
In the other hand Apple has invented the concept of iBeacons, devices that are distance aware, and the good thing is that there is also an implementation of iBeacons for Android:

Android Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) API Not Ready for Prime Time

I am working on a fitness app that is to supports two BLE sensors (heart rate, stride). I ended up with two bounded services (one for each sensor) called and bounded by my main activity. This is running on Nexus 7 II, with KitKat. I have spent days trying to get the app to stable state. The Gatt connections, and notifications work perfectly right after a clean reboot. The problem I am having is getting things back to a working state after one or both of the devices get disconnected and needs to be reconnected. Since similar issues have been reported by others, I have developed and tested various scenarios which included keeping the service and the connections going when the activity is restarted, closing the connections and the server and then starting fresh, closing only and not disconnecting, waiting before reconnecting, etc. Currently, with one sensor, I can get the app to reconnect most of the time. With two sensors, the connections do not get re-established most of the time. It is such a shame that android BLE API is so fragile considering that there are many new BLE devices every week. I am wondering if anyone else has had much luck with multiple BLE sensors and if they would share their approach to get it working.
This isn't a very question-y question but your comment indicates knowing what 0x85 means would help. The Android BLE API was taken from Samsung's second BLE API, but not all of the constants Samsung had defined made it over.
0x85 = 133 (which you also see in the logs) is GATT_ERROR. Basically this means that something went wrong, it could be the peripheral went out of range of the device, or the Bluetooth chip just messed up. I've found calling connect() on the BluetoothGatt in onConnectionStateChange is a decent solution since that will wait for things to get sorted out and connect when it can.
0x8D = 141 GATT_ALREADY_OPEN This one is pretty self-explanatory.
The other thing to watch out for is making sure anything happening to Bluetooth happens sequentially. Multiple threads sending commands to a BluetoothGatt before the result of the previous action happens tends to not be a good thing.

