Android Jetpack Compose Documentation - android

I'm trying to find the official Android Compose documentation, but I can't find it.
I'm looking for something like the Flutter docs.
What I need is to know the properties of the components and how to use them, something like the Flutter documentation.

The Jetpack Compose documentation can be found at
The documentation for all the classes is here and you can find a list of packages here.
Since you mention components and how to use them, the functions in the material library are probably most relevant to you. There's also a tutorial that demonstrates some basic usage.


How to use TapTargetView with Jetpack compose

In my current project is used to showcase a tutorial for new user. I am planning to convert my project in Jetpack compose. How this library can be used in Composables? Is there any similar library for Jetpack Compose only?
Better raise an issue in the GitHub repository so the library maintainers can decide to make compose version of the library
There is a way to use existing layouts in compose using AndroidView but I'm not sure about how perfect it will be for this library.
I know I'm late to the party but there's this library inspired by TapTargetView and it's made for Compose: Intro Showcase View which is really similar to the original one. Hope others may find this useful.

How to use Dokka to generate Docs like

AFAIK Kotlin's Documentation was made using Dokka. But the Examples stated in Dokka's Readme is only generating ultra basic webpages/markdown files with no elegance whatsoever.
It just looks like this
Here's another one by Atrium, docs link.
I'm wondering if I'm doing anything wrong.
I've also looked at the issues page and been browsing through other open source github projects that has used Dokka and the result is always the same.
Now a good example of how a tool that generates beautiful documentation would be Jazzy by Realm for Swift/Obj-C. Using it can be as easy as running one command on the terminal.
Here's an example documentation created using Jazzy
Further research with suggests that I may have to use third party tools like Gitbook or Jekyll to generate the kind of documentation I'm looking, is that really the only way?
Kotlinlang uses some custom styles for one of the dokka's output formats. Development on some better looking docs is underway

Android material Chips, how to use them, which class is this?

I would like to display words in a way like a Tag Cloud looks. For this android material chips would be the perfect choice for me, but I can't find anywhere in the docs how to use them.
It is mentioned in the design guidelines only:
Where could I find more info about it?
A built-in component does not exist. You have to create it yourself or use some library like this
As of now chipView is available only as third party library
you can use

Android Material Design Components Sample

I'm new at material design. I'm working on some projects and I want to use the material design. But I cannot find any source or sample for components. Is there any code sample (especially animated circle loader)?
Thanks a lot!
There are tens (if not hundreds) samples regarding ways to implement Material Design, some of 'em even described how you could make it work for older versions of Android.
This blog post by Google's own Chris Banes regarding AppCompat v21 is a good place to start when you're also working on Android versions lower than Lollipop.
While this, still from Mr. Banes, thoroughly describe one of Lollipop's most famed API, Palette.
Moving on, this blog post would help you started with those shiny round buttons (or FABs) and, as a bonus, a trick to apply ripple effect to it.
I think those three links should be more than enough to get you started making Material apps - I've built mine and those three were my first guides. Sadly though, I can't find one that matches exactly with your Dribbble link. Then again, I doubt a widget such as those exists today. I've been wrong before though. :)
Hope this helped!
Learn more:
Modular and customizable Material Design UI components for Android
Git link:
Playstore link:

Android components showcase / visual guide

As a new developer with Android I miss a component showcase or a visual guide like that for swing in the documentation.
There is one in someplace?
Normally what I do is use google images with the component name but a visual guide will be nicer.
This year Google published Android Design that has a Building blocks section with a showcase of components.
It's probably not exactly what you're looking for, but the Hello Views guide should help you a bit with different layouts and some common components:
You should try out ApiDemo sample from the SDK (you'll have to install them from the Android SDK and AVD manager). Actually it's not only about components but also other features, anyway it's the closest thing to a component showcase I know about.
I was looking for a similar resource (in 2019) and found this library in Figma helpful:
Also, the following link is a showcase of the standard components respecting Material Design:

