I would like to display words in a way like a Tag Cloud looks. For this android material chips would be the perfect choice for me, but I can't find anywhere in the docs how to use them.
It is mentioned in the design guidelines only:
Where could I find more info about it?
A built-in component does not exist. You have to create it yourself or use some library like this https://github.com/klinker41/android-chips
As of now chipView is available only as third party library
you can use
I am trying to create a messaging app and want to use any existing messaging library for doing so. I found Jsqmessagesiviewcontroller library for IOS which is open source and is pretty easy to use. However, I am not able to find any similar library for Android. Does anyone knows about any messaging library present for android is open source and can be easily modified and customized for different use cases?
NOTE: I have found, https://github.com/guardianproject/ChatSecureAndroid, which looks promising but would like to know if there more options to consider.
Thanks in Advance.
We're just released JSQMessagesViewController-like library to create UI for chats. Check it out on GitHub:
Ok, found another project:
It's 100% OpenSource
Look this article :
And this site:
Is there a way to use a similar Framework as materializecss to Design Android Apps?
Or apply CSS to my design in an Android App?
In Android you must target to 5.0 and use elements like "toolbar", "palette", between others.
On github you have: https://github.com/wasabeef/awesome-android-ui/blob/master/pages/Material.md with dozens of material design elements, widgets, etc and most of them from Android 2.3+. Those are really easy to use and most of them only need a gradler declaration.
Hope that helps you.
I've checked out the famous ActionBar-PullToRefresh by ChrisBanes' and it has been clearly stated that he doesn't want to implement the pullFromBottom functionality. Then I recently found a fork on GitHub.com which implements it (https://github.com/mysms/ActionBar-PullToRefresh). It allowed me to use the pullFromTop OR pullFromBottom functionality. But I need both to be implemented into my application. Not either/or but both. Is there a way to do so?
I fixed my problem by modifying the source code itself to support what I needed.
I wanted to know if android sdk provides any built in components(views) for the specific graphs as seen in the ICS setting screen as follows :
If not then what can be the best way to go for such graph component. Any library suggested ?
Well, luckily Android is open source, so I imagine you can grab the source and look through the settings app to figure out how they achieve it:
No, there is no default API for this from Android. You have to implement your own custom View for this.
I'm looking for a way to include multilingual support in an app I'm working on for Android Honeycomb - what's the best practise of doing this?
I've been looking at .mo files and such, but haven't been able to find a concrete answer just yet. Thanks.
Try localozation
Tutorial is here
Give a look at this:
Shouldn't have changed much in Honeycomb