ActionBar - PullToRefresh for PullBottom and PullTop - android

I've checked out the famous ActionBar-PullToRefresh by ChrisBanes' and it has been clearly stated that he doesn't want to implement the pullFromBottom functionality. Then I recently found a fork on which implements it ( It allowed me to use the pullFromTop OR pullFromBottom functionality. But I need both to be implemented into my application. Not either/or but both. Is there a way to do so?

I fixed my problem by modifying the source code itself to support what I needed.


Drawer flip animation (Google Photos, Play Store etc.)

The all new hamburger-flip-animation for the drawer button:
How to do this in Android L? (or lower sdk)
It is in the v7 support library. Probably better using support library APIs rather than third party ones. This answer does a great job of explaining it:
I found this. Maybe it will help me. I will try to implement it.
A Good one for me was, Its not image based. Its based on Drawable

Design of ActionBar

I have question about graphic design of android application. On this link you can see my ActionBar in my application using SherlockActionBar. But I want something like on this link. Where can I learn how to do something like that or where can I edit my ActionBar.
I would recommend against using SherlockActionBar for this. I've tried and it just seems so messy and difficult to implement.
In May 2013, Google released a new support library for this kind of Drawer Layout which uses fragments. It's very easy to implement and there are many examples showing how.
i see now that on the link you provided, they were using the support library I referred to. However, I do suggest you take a look at the support library, specifivally v7, which will allow you to use the Action Bar in previous version of android, rather than relying on a 3rd-party software package like ABS.

Tabs layout and Android sdk

Until now I was using TabActivity for Tabs layout.
Since this Activity is deprecated What will be the best way to form a tabs interface?
I saw many tutorials showing the use of TabFragments but this is good only for high sdk version (15 and higher).
So what objects can I use for tabs layout considering it should work with API 10 and above and of course not deprecated?
An example will be great!
As Commonsware said here ::
"Deprecated" in Android means "we think there is a better solution that you should investigate". Rarely does "deprecated" mean "it is unusable". TabHost, AFAIK, works fine on Android 4.0.
There are also project named ActionBarSherlock which demos have all the capability of the compatibility library. Source code is also available on github.
There is also this tutorial which helps you how to use TabFragement.
I faced the same question while ago too and the best solution is use ActionBarSherlock with Fragments and there is a really nice tutorial how to implement TabHost in your app which you can find here :
It worked for me, hope it will work for you too : )
P.S. And one another thing, it is really good when you are building an application to look for design guidelines and the best ways you can build your app so you can take advantage of the latest news in Android App Development.

ActionBarCompat and Using Navigation Tabs With Fragments

I am using the ActionBarCompat project to allow for backwards compatability with the ActionBar. Before anyone says about ActionBarSherlock I decided to use this because its provided by Google and I don't want to rely on an outside created library. However, if someone can say that any new software updates will be supported by ActionBarSherlock then I may be swayed.
I must also add that using the latest CompatibilitySupport Library is a must so if I can't do that then I can't use ActionBarSherlock
My Problem
I have implemented my action bar using the ActionBarCompat library and it works on all API's.
I now need to add Tabbed navigation to allow the switching between Fragments
My Question
Is this easy to implement or do I have to add handling for this myself?
Thanks in advance
After more hunting around for an answer, I found out that its not supported in the ActionBarCompat.
I'm going to look into ActionBarSherlock. The only thing holding me back is whether or not I can incorporate the SupportMapFragment in it.

pull to refresh in android [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How to implement Android Pull-to-Refresh
I have implemented pull to refresh in my app which works fine in 2.2, but in 2.0 it doesn't.
I couldn't find the method 'smoothScrollBy()' in 2.0.
Can anyone please give me the solution for this issue or any other alternative? How can I acheive pull to refresh functionality like in iphone?
You could also take a look to Johan Nilsson's android-pulltorefresh library:
It provides an out-of-the-box "pull to refresh" widget that replace the basic Android ListView.
smoothScrollBy was introduced in API version 8, so it is not available in other versions. (You can see what API version a method is available in on the far right hand side of the detailed API, like here).
I'm not sure what refreshing your app has to do with smoothScrollBy though. If you have a ListView with an adapter, you can just update the contents of the adapter and call notifyDataSetChanged()
I've also implemented a robust, open source, easy to use and highly customizable PullToRefresh library for Android. You can replace your ListView with the PullToRefreshListView as described in the documentation on the project page.

