As a new developer with Android I miss a component showcase or a visual guide like that for swing in the documentation.
There is one in someplace?
Normally what I do is use google images with the component name but a visual guide will be nicer.
This year Google published Android Design that has a Building blocks section with a showcase of components.
It's probably not exactly what you're looking for, but the Hello Views guide should help you a bit with different layouts and some common components:
You should try out ApiDemo sample from the SDK (you'll have to install them from the Android SDK and AVD manager). Actually it's not only about components but also other features, anyway it's the closest thing to a component showcase I know about.
I was looking for a similar resource (in 2019) and found this library in Figma helpful:
Also, the following link is a showcase of the standard components respecting Material Design:
Recently my team mates has started to work on an android application, which has more than 200 screens in an application.
In this case, I face one issue that when I need to explain the code or flow of screen to the other developer it would too much difficult. So I have to google to find the solution.
I am not much aware of the solution for android. In javascript, I have used jsDoc or swagger for API documentation, which offered a great way.
But in android, I unable to find the solution for coding documentation and screen flow.
Do I need any design tool to explain screen flow and documentation of an android application?
Let me know if you need more details or explanation I shall update the question accordingly or improve my question.
There is no way to create an automated screen / state transition diagram. If you use the Navigation Architecture component, you can use the navigation editor which is similar to Apple's storyboards. This is helpful but often times doesn't cover everything.
In our projects we rely on tools like to create and maintain the screen flow diagrams. We use either design files from sketch or Adobe XD or screenshots from our app. This is a very manual process.
Firstly Go to File -> Project Structure. Under the Platform Settings heading, add or select an Android Platform. Go to the Documentation Paths tab and make sure the path to your SDK's documentation folder is added there - it should be [SDK]\docs\reference, where [SDK] is the full path to your SDK installation.
If it is not found you can add it manually.
After it is completed, use Ctrl+F1 while your cursor is on the item you want to display help for.
I'm working on a project where one requirement is to use the Google's Material design. The other requirement is Angular2. Unfortunately the material design for NG2 isn't fully ready yet. Since in the past I've worked with Ionic2, I've seen that it has a huge library of components already set up with the material design (for android). I was wondering if there's some way to extract those components and re-use them inside another angular2 project...
Is it witchcraft? Thanks for any suggestion.
Is it a web project or a mobile project?
In any case you can't just extract a component, what you can do is use PWA Ionic 2 - PWA forum post, set you application mode to 'md' in you app.modules imports and then edit the remaining css to look more like material design
I'm looking to good looking libraries / plugins (just stuff) for android.
I mean something cool like material intro etc. Something what makes app more atractive. Please help me guys!
pretty general question. You'll probably get a better response if your question is more specific to a single problem.
here's a library which covers a lot of material widgets -
however a lot of this is now in the standard android design lib -
I am looking for a collapsible view similar to the one shown here
What will be the best approach?
This is the closest I found
Want to confirm I am not missing any built in support for such layout?
There is a sample project in github
Which is under Apache License 2.0
You can modify this project as your requirement and use it in your application
I'm new at material design. I'm working on some projects and I want to use the material design. But I cannot find any source or sample for components. Is there any code sample (especially animated circle loader)?
Thanks a lot!
There are tens (if not hundreds) samples regarding ways to implement Material Design, some of 'em even described how you could make it work for older versions of Android.
This blog post by Google's own Chris Banes regarding AppCompat v21 is a good place to start when you're also working on Android versions lower than Lollipop.
While this, still from Mr. Banes, thoroughly describe one of Lollipop's most famed API, Palette.
Moving on, this blog post would help you started with those shiny round buttons (or FABs) and, as a bonus, a trick to apply ripple effect to it.
I think those three links should be more than enough to get you started making Material apps - I've built mine and those three were my first guides. Sadly though, I can't find one that matches exactly with your Dribbble link. Then again, I doubt a widget such as those exists today. I've been wrong before though. :)
Hope this helped!
Learn more:
Modular and customizable Material Design UI components for Android
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