I am looking for a collapsible view similar to the one shown here
What will be the best approach?
This is the closest I found https://github.com/traex/ExpandableLayout
Want to confirm I am not missing any built in support for such layout?
There is a sample project in github
Which is under Apache License 2.0
You can modify this project as your requirement and use it in your application
Is there any way to add widgets provided by Design Support Library in android studio design palette to drag & drop them in screen?
I am referring to android.support.design.widget.TextInputLayout, android.support.design.widget.TextInputEditText etc... in here:
I use some of them in my app and it compiles/runs on kitkat fine but I have to copy/paste them after googling or from old projects each time.
Am I doing something wrong on including them in my project or there is no way to display them there?
I'm working on a project where one requirement is to use the Google's Material design. The other requirement is Angular2. Unfortunately the material design for NG2 isn't fully ready yet. Since in the past I've worked with Ionic2, I've seen that it has a huge library of components already set up with the material design (for android). I was wondering if there's some way to extract those components and re-use them inside another angular2 project...
Is it witchcraft? Thanks for any suggestion.
Is it a web project or a mobile project?
In any case you can't just extract a component, what you can do is use PWA Ionic 2 - PWA forum post, set you application mode to 'md' in you app.modules imports and then edit the remaining css to look more like material design
I wanted to know if android sdk provides any built in components(views) for the specific graphs as seen in the ICS setting screen as follows :
If not then what can be the best way to go for such graph component. Any library suggested ?
Well, luckily Android is open source, so I imagine you can grab the source and look through the settings app to figure out how they achieve it:
No, there is no default API for this from Android. You have to implement your own custom View for this.
today I came across the Path App:
And wanted to ask if its possible to implement this round menu in Android. Would be a Framelayout a good solution or what would be better? Also I heard hat somebody had crated a library which implemented almost the same thing. But didn't found anything.
Here are some open source projects that do it:
https://github.com/daCapricorn/ArcMenu - Apache 2.0
https://github.com/siyamed/android-satellite-menu/ - LGPL
As a new developer with Android I miss a component showcase or a visual guide like that for swing in the documentation.
There is one in someplace?
Normally what I do is use google images with the component name but a visual guide will be nicer.
This year Google published Android Design that has a Building blocks section with a showcase of components.
It's probably not exactly what you're looking for, but the Hello Views guide should help you a bit with different layouts and some common components: http://developer.android.com/resources/tutorials/views/index.html
You should try out ApiDemo sample from the SDK (you'll have to install them from the Android SDK and AVD manager). Actually it's not only about components but also other features, anyway it's the closest thing to a component showcase I know about.
I was looking for a similar resource (in 2019) and found this library in Figma helpful:
Also, the following link is a showcase of the standard components respecting Material Design: