Disable keypad or whole keyboard support on android activity? - android

I have a layout with lots of different imagebuttons on it.
Application is developed in full-touch, so there should be no response to keyboard or keypad on all activities except one, where user can input his name.
Is there a way to achieve that?
I've checked on debug, keypress and keypad press result in onKeyDown event.
I've set it to return 'false' for all keys.
But, for some reason, android keeps selecting my imagebuttons when keypad is pressed.
And pressing Enter key result in View.onClick event.
How to totally disable all keyboard input for activity?
I use Motorola Milestone for tests - a slider with a keyboard

Try using the android:windowSoftInputMode="stateAlwaysHidden" for the tag in
the Manifest.xml file.


how to set InputType to InputType.TYPE_CLASS_NUMBER in Android Version 7.0 (nougat) and above

I have created Custom Edittext in which i set the InputType as this.setInputType(InputType.TYPE_CLASS_NUMBER); but the problem is it working perfectly on below 7.0(nougat) but above 7.0 it show me alphanumeric keyboard.
one another weird thing happen is when I touch the EditText, I quickly get the soft numerical keyboard, but in less than a second it automatically changes to regular soft keyboard showing all letters. also when keyboard is open, than ill press back button, than keyboard close, but when i re-enter in Edittext. keyboard is not open until i click on onther edittext then current edittext
Is this issue in Nougat or I am doing something wrong
For information i have used code to setSoftInputMode to ADJUST PAN
and to set Numeric keypad use this.setInputType(InputType.TYPE_CLASS_NUMBER);
Edited -
when i remove -
from activity every thing work fine( number keypad open at number edittext , alphanumerical keypad open at alphanumerical edittext ) except the content not goes up-direction means keypad hide edittext(because ignorance of this property SOFT_INPUT_ADJUST_PAN)
Help appreciated thanks
I tried to use setInputType(InputType.TYPE_CLASS_NUMBER) on devices 7+ and didn't see the behaviour that you described. Looking for another thread, runnable or any callback which changing InputType of your EditText after opening or simultaneously.
Try setting softInputMode in your Manifest file, it might give you your desired behavior.
android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustPan|stateAlwaysHidden" />

Android keyboard issue when switching layouts with "?123" button

In Android if we press ?123 key (or similar) on software keyboard it shows us digits/symbols layout. And it will automatically turns back to alphabetical layout when whitespace pressed or EditText cleared by app from code.
Is there any option to turn off this "auto reset" behavior? Maybe some flag for EditText, InputConnection, InputType, etc.
Note that numeric keyboard is not suitable. It must be common keyboard (InputType.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT) which just allows only manual switching between layouts.

Android, only show custom keyboard

I have an application where I needed to create a custom keyboard since barcode scanners are classified as hardware keyboards and hardware keyboards disable soft keyboards. The issue is that when no scanner is connected, the built in soft keyboard will be displayed when it's not needed. I have a button to show the custom keyboard which will also hide the default keyboard using
((InputMethodManager) activity.getSystemService(Activity.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE)).hideSoftInputFromWindow(advText.getWindowToken(), 0);
(advText is an extended version of EditText)
I have tried placing that line of code in the onFocusChanged method of the EditText but nothing happens. If I use setInputType(InputType.TYPE_NULL); the android keyboard never shows, but the EditText doesn't display a cursor or anything that is typed from the custom keyboard (but I do know that keys are being stored since my "done" key sends the text from the EditText elsewhere just fine).
I'm fine with disabling the android keyboard completely for this app, just as long as the EditTexts show cursors and custom keyboard is only shown when using the button.
I have looked at these answers, but no luck finding a solution.
Close/hide the Android Soft Keyboard
How to show soft-keyboard when edittext is focused
How to hide Android soft keyboard on EditText
My current solution is to run the hide method inside of the EditText's onCheckIsTextEditor since that seems to run after onFocusChanged, and it seems to be called about every second. But this is a nasty hack since the keyboard still shows for a split second and moves my layouts back and forth. My current test devices consist of the Motorola Photon Q 4G LTE with 4.1.2 and a Honeywell Dolphin 70e Black with 4.0.3
EditText provides this functionality with the flag textIsSelectable in EditText set to true. With this, the cursor will still be present, and you'll be able to select/copy/cut/paste, but SoftKeyboard will never show. Requires API 11 and above.
You can set it in your xml layout like this:
Or programmatically, like this:
EditText editText = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.editText);
For anyone using API 10 and below, hack is provided here :
Edit your <activity> tag in your AndroidManifest.xml and add this attribute: android:windowSoftInputMode="stateAlwaysHidden" see http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/manifest/activity-element.html#wsoft
Just added that and remove all the other weird things you are doing to hide the soft keyboard.
P.S. You can also enable and disable this feature at runtime. getWindow().getAttributes().softInputMode = WindowManager.LayoutParams.SOFT_INPUT_STATE_ALWAYS_HIDDEN;

Stop showing softkeyboard in WebView

Is there a way to prevent the softkeyboard to show up in a WebView? My app is attached to a scanner which simulates keyboard entry (that works so far), so the softkeyboard is only annoying when it occupies the screen.
The Nullkeyboard from the Playstore does the trick, but in certain cases I would like to enable the keyboard again.
If it helps, I can control the content of the webpage being shown. Would like to avoid programming a full input method.
In your manifest, on the activity, use android:windowSoftInputMode="stateAlwaysHidden" and the soft keyboard should never be displayed.

SoftKeyboard : Switch Keyboard

So my problem is as follows:
I am working on the "Unmodified SoftKeyboard Demo Project" , I created another keyboard (Azerty) with Copy/Paste as the Qwerty. When I call mInputView.setKeyboard(mAzertyKeyboard); by pressing a button , the keyboard is switched, but the layout is big and badly displayed, I mean I can't see all keys just the half of the keyboard on the screen. Does switching a keyboard require another call like Draw?
Check if the number of key in a row is the same as the qwerty keyboard.
Anyway, you should show us the layout here if you want some help

