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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have a java code for contacts app in Android and it needs a package named
I am not able to figure out how to include this in eclipse so that I can go ahead working with this app.
See Adding an External Library (.jar) using Eclipse:
It seems that this comes from a cut of Google Guava Library.
Source code here:
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Closed 4 years ago.
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i have some python code and it is chatbot and i'm looking for a way to use those python code inside the android project there any way to do this?
Please help...
There are two main tools to use, that are different from each other:
With Kivy, roughly the same code can be deployed to IOS as well.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am trying to make a program that will use the time and display it down to the seconds. How do I do this?
So far I have found the function get_time() that is part of kivy but I am not sure how to use it. I have imported everything but it still says "not defined".
import datetime
that should work on any python framework.
you can use the Documentation for more details.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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i have a programmer team for android. now i have create and develop android application with my team.
how can i do it?
is possible this work?
Thanks and sorry for my poor English
you can use SVN or GIT, they are softwares for versioning, all of you could work on the same file and in the end all of you commit that file, and update it again so everyone have the most recent copy.
hope this helps
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to change one class in my . apk. I create jar file using dex2jar , but now i have not idea what do with that jar to be able to change code in Eclipse and than recreate .apk file.
I request you yo go through following link....
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Closed 6 years ago.
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what are the steps to create library projects in android?
Now I am in beginning stage , and don't know what are the things to do. Can any one provide me any sample link that contains steps in creating sample library projects?
This will help you.