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Closed 8 years ago.
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i have a programmer team for android. now i have create and develop android application with my team.
how can i do it?
is possible this work?
Thanks and sorry for my poor English
you can use SVN or GIT, they are softwares for versioning, all of you could work on the same file and in the end all of you commit that file, and update it again so everyone have the most recent copy.
hope this helps
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Closed 8 years ago.
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How to implement Google Cloud Message in an Android application?
We can't really give you the code as each application has it's own unique features.
But I can tell you what are the best/common sources.
First of all - read the official documentation (it's really step by step) - Here
Second, Here's a nice tutorial with code to implement, check this one out
Hope it will help you.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have been trying to use tesseract OCR for android, but I need to train for a specific font. I was thinking of doing that on Windows version first and then use the same parameters in Android. Can somebody please let me know if the training procedure for Windows version and android version are same or do we have to follow different procedures. So far I have not been able to distinguish between the two.
Thanks for your answers.
AFAIK, the .traineddata files are platform independent. You can train and generate it on Windows and use it on others.
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Closed 10 years ago.
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Hi i want to downloads android 4.0 kernel source code. And I want to change it according to my device.
From where i can downloads it?
Please let me know the steps to do it.
Take a look at, everything should be there. Even step-by-step instructions how to install the repository.
Good luck!
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Closed 6 years ago.
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what are the steps to create library projects in android?
Now I am in beginning stage , and don't know what are the things to do. Can any one provide me any sample link that contains steps in creating sample library projects?
This will help you.
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Closed 10 years ago.
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I make a very little framework for Android and iOS.
Its for adding Custom Fonts to the project in iOS it return it like UIImage and in Android like Bitmap.
You could do your fonts with programs like Glyph Designer.
I want to make it as an open Source code. But where could I publish it and give feedback and updates?
Thanks :D
Your best bet is probably github. It's free for Open Source projects.