Facebook Publish Error In Android Application - android

HI Friends,
I implemented facebook connect in android using facebook-android-sdk. Most of the times I am getting error while i am publishing.
Less number of times publish is working fine.
Publish story window is opening good with What's on your mind text box. When i am clicking on the publish button in the Publish story window, i am getting error.
The error is constantly changing when i coming(clicking ) to next time.
some of the the errors i have been seen in my application when i am clicking in the publish button are.
Error Examples:
1. An error occurred with Holyplanets Connect.please try again later
An error occurred with WordpressBlog Connect.please try again later
An Error occurred with UFOS ON EARTH. Please try agian later
How can i fix this error? If anybody knows please let me know.
Thanks and Regards,

I think this could be a fault with Facebook.com.
I started getting this yesterday in my iOS app which has been out for months.


Facebook share dialog android return error

I want to share a simple link from my android app.
I followed the getting started guide from Facebook and all seem okay in my app since I can open the share dialog.
I imported FacebookSDK project and linked library
I set my appproperly (package/class name and dev hash keys)
My manifest has right permissions and meta-data
Additional infos :
I use a real device for debug
I run a test app as admin
I'm running a simple share code sample from an activity
I had troubles to generate hash keys but that post helped me. I got an error saying XXX key (different from the one I generated) doesn't match.
Then I tried the method explained here (at the end) to log another key.
Since now, I just get a toast saying "Something went wrong. Please try again."
What am I doing wrong ?
So I solved my problem thanks to another post. The problem is I was trying to generate a key outside my main (first) class.

Facebook Dialog Sharing issue with SDK in android(#100 invalid fbid)

I am facing one issue in publishing post via facebook app using sdk in android.
When I am trying to post something, it gives me toast message like"(#100) invalid fbid". and Log is printed as : Error: com.facebook.FacebookException: Error publishing message.
Please note: I have added Publish Permission,My FB App is visible to all Users and most Importantly,I have made a demo using same app id,package name and all and it is working there,but when I am merging that code in app,It always ends up in the error.
So,What could be the cause?Because same code,same fb app id is working fine in separate app,but not working when merged in the application.
Please suggest what should I do?
Thank you in advance.
SOLVED.There was mistake in manifest.xml...We should write android:value="app_id".I have written android:resource="app_id"..So it was error of class casting between Integer and String.

Play developer console "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later." when adding translations

I'm trying to add translations to my app and when finally after hard work of translating I click on Save & Publish and it says publishing for some minutes and then it doesn't publish but throws error in red container with message An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later. Resubmitting doesn't help and I have to move away from the page and ALL TRANSLATIONS get lost, so it's about 30 minutes to 1 hour of time waste!
Anybody had similar issues? But the problem is that it doesn't occur always. I try to add only 3 translations and then it publishes, but then I add more, and it throws this error. Sometimes I add more translations and it works but then adding 3 additional it throws error. So I don't think it's about the quantity of translations. Also I have inspected with Firebug but don't see there any errors.
I have read other topics here that recommend logging out/in, clearing cache. I have done it, but it doesn't help. I had sometimes similar issue of unexpected error when looking at statistics in Play Developer Console but at the end the statistics part wasn't so important if it didn't work and I didn't invest my time there just to open it up, but for translations this is a real time consuming task and then in the end all this may get lost and have to paste translations n times until it will eventually submit!
Alright, I found very strange workaround that always submit from first try.
So anyway open in Firebug ˇNetˇ tab and when pressing ˇpublishˇ you will see there a POST action is executed. Then it will just load and load and never finish. After about 2:58 minutes it gets aborted. So At this point right click on this POST request and click ˇResendˇ so it starts resending and right at the same time click on the button ˇPublishˇ. Yes the button is not grayed out. So within a second it posts!
If you are facing this issue in july 2020 then the answer is that google has updated the play console and redirected on this url "https://play.google.com/console"
If you have not redirected automatically to the above link then manually open this link.
Alright, I found very strange workaround that always submit from first try.
So anyway open in Firebug Net tab and when pressing Publish you will see there a POST action is executed. Then it will just load and load and never finish. After about 2:58 minutes it gets aborted. So At this point right click on this POST request and click Resend so it starts resending and right at the same time click on the button Publish. Yes the button is not grayed out. So within a second it posts!
Playstore have updated with new UI.
Please follow the link
Updated Playstore Console Link from JULY 2020
You can see new console


I tried to start using Google Cloud Console and followed after the Google IO tutorial for Geek Serendipity http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5u_Owtbfew. I followed all the steps of the tutorial, however, I get an error every time I try to send a request to server. Neither logcat, nor Eclipse console gave any errors, however, I see a toast in the application that says
com.google.apiclient.apis.json.GoogleJSONResponseException:503 Service unavailable... "reason": backend error.
However, in google appengine logs there are no recent error.
Has anyone faced same problem?
I would suggest that you ensure the following:
1) Check that you have set PROJECT_ID correctly in the Consts.java
2) You should definitely see the same message in LogCat. Check this answer to get your LogCat working:
Android debugging on device - LogCat doesn't work!
Once LogCat works, you should see the same Exception there, along with another exception such as SocketTimeoutException, or something else that will give you an idea of what went wrong.

Android Sync Email on an Emulator

I was able to get to work with email on an emulator few months ago, but due to some reasons i have formatted my system and now I’ve been trying for the last couple of days to sync my google account on Emulator. I get either of the following error messages:
1) If I use “myaddr#googlemail.com”, I get the error message: “Username or password incorrect”
2) If I use “myaddr#gmail.com”, I get the error message: “You don’t have permission to sync with this server. Contact your server’s administrator for more information.”
Any ideas what could be going wrong here? Is there a different way to approach this? I really need to send emails from my app for testing purpose....each and every time i don't want to use real device.

