Dragging and Dropping of view in Android 2.2 - android

How to do drag/drop functionality to move a view from one position to another position in the current layout using a graphical drag and drop gesture in API level 8 as this functionality comes in Android 2.3
Thanks Saurabh!

hi here i give the link and go this post and find the solution of your question.
where i post my whole activity code for everyone.
so i think it`s help you best of luck
How to implement Drag and Drop in android 2.2?
and also find the another solution of how to do this.then use this link
And Another is

My guess is you would need to listen for the touch of the user on the screen, identify the object that is being selected using the x/y coordinates, and then when the user releases the click, identify where they released. If it has changed, then work out where the new location is, and pass the object originally clicked to the other view, and remove it from the old one, placing it in the position clicked on the new view.
Look up OnClickListener for more information on how this works, in the Android Developer guides


Android drag & drop

Before that I start explaining the problem I need to say one thing: I'm totally new to android programming, I can use java without problem, but i still don't know the android packages and classes.
I have a LinearLayout with 2 columns, inside the first column there are some buttons, the second contains a scrollView, in this scrollViewthere should be some... items that the user can add, those items have a title and a text, i already defined thoose objects in another class, and i add them to the scrollViewfrom a button.
From now i put in that object a button that is used to delete the item, but now i realized that it's really ugly, so i was thinking: is it possible to allow the user to drag and drop the item out of the screen to delete it?
I could surely do it by managing the event of pression and release on the item with some listener, but i'm almost sure that there's some android class created for sliding UI components.
Something like what you do with android notification.
I post an image of how the current app is so you can understand better what i said: http://i.stack.imgur.com/fHWK3.jpg (I don't have enough reputation to post images)
If i wasn't clear just say and i will edit with the requested information.
UPDATE: After reading the resource that Bonatti posted in his answer i added a OnLongClickListener for starting the drop, and a OnDragListener to look the cordinates during the drag, now i have a problem... I need my component to be dragged only horizzontally like how you usually remove notification from the notification bar, i thought about the fact that i could save the Y-location of the shadow created by the DragShadownBuilder when i create it, and then i could check in the OnDrag event if the Y-location now is different from the beginning i correct it, but the problem is... how can i access the shadow's location?
The basics of what you are asking for can be found here:
I cant post more than 2 links, so redo these:
http:// developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/ drag-drop.html
These other might help with what you need in details:
Link 1: code.tutplus Or Link 2: vogella
They both answer what you need.
To put it simple:
You need an "action" to receive that a button/something was pressed (and that is still being pressed), and then update the screen to match the item position

how to drag and drop in android?

my android version is 2.2
I want to make ui like easyband (youtube video)
so, how to drag and drop imageView or button between other layout?
and I want know insert imageView or button array of items to use drag and drop
plz help me
Your answer would be Android drag and drop framework.
However, I guess you are just at the beginning to solve your problem, try to ask more specific questions (like I have tried this method and it's giving me this error) instead of looking for a whole answer
Try creating a GridView that allows you to drop views from one area to another. Here is Bill Lahti's code and examples of the similar Drag and Drop effect on lower API's.
Also, explore his content and hopefully you will find what you need.

How to implement Android 4.0 like swipe to dismiss functionality in ListView?

I'm working on an app in which I would like to implement swipe-to-dismiss functionality in the ListView - similar to what we see in Android 4.0's notification bar, recent apps list or browser tabs. I want to run the app on the devices running Android 2.2+. See the following image. I also want to change the transparency of the item being swiped-away - just like in ICS.
I checked the source of the ICS web browser on http://grepcode.com/file/repository.grepcode.com/java/ext/com.google.android/android-apps/4.0.1_r1/com/android/browser/TabScrollView.java?av=f but couldn't figure out which class is particularly responsible for implementing this functionality.
Can anyone point me in the right direction here? Can we do this using Android Compatibility Library? Please let me know. Many thanks.
I've thought about implementing such a feature as well, but I haven't done it yet. So the only thing I can provide are some ideas on how I would approach that problem. If I've eventually written some code I will post it here.
The main class needed is a custom Adapter which extends a ListAdapter (ArrayAdapter, SimpleCursorAdapter etc.).
The adapter applies a View.OnTouchListener to all of its Views.
Whenever that listener detects a horizontal scroll dx, it calls concernedView.offsetLeftAndRight(dx) (which will make the view draggable). Of course the adapter has to save the current horizontal offset for the view. If the user was dragging a view and removes his/her finger from the screen, the touchListener will detect this as well and start a slide back animation. Using the current offset we can also calculate an alpha value, so the view will fade out when it approaches the screen borders.
If one list entry is eventually dismissed by the user, it becomes a bit tricky, and I'm still not sure how I would implement the following action: The list content has to be updated (or the adapter has to ignore the dismissed entries) and the views that were below the one that was dismissed must hover upwards in order to fill the gap. I think it might work to let the ListView load the new content, but that would fill the gap instantly. In order to avoid that, I would then start an animation that lets all the concerned views hover from their old position (where we still had the gap) back to their current position (where the gap is filled).
These are just some of my thoughts on the issue that might help some people getting started on working on the problem. Like I said, I'm probably going to implement that sometime in the future and of course I will post the code here.
I would appreciate any feedback in the comments, but I don't want to thorougly explain every single aspect of my idea, that would take me too much time ;)
I know this is quite an old question, but for anyone still searching for this, you can have a look at Roman Nurik's library here: https://github.com/romannurik/Android-SwipeToDismiss
This shows how to create the required behavior for list-view as well as for normal views.

Circular / rotary dial view in android

I have a need to create a circular dial/rotary style component for use in an application. It's essentially a circular menu that allows users to select from the items that are ringed around it, and then they can click the button in the center to activate the selected item. However, I've never created a custom UIView of this type, and don't really know where to begin. Can anyone give me any pointers as to how I would draw the view and then rotate it as the user drags their finger? I obviously know how to intercept touch events, etc. but I'm not sure how to actually go about manipulating the UI appropriately. Any tips or pointers would be great!
I don't know if you've already found a solution to this, but here is a nice overview of how to get started:
For you, I think you can extend an existing View, that View being the SeekBar. You can take the standard SeekBar and draw it in a circle.
Finally, here is a source code that does the rotation with a volume knob. It is its own project though, so you have to do some work to use it in your own app.
Good Luck!
I have a neat library to do this. It is extremely stable and well maintained. https://bitbucket.org/warwick/hgdialrepo
Heres a youtube demo: https://youtu.be/h_7VxrZ2W-g
This library comes with a demo app with source code and the demo app actually uses a dial as a menu, So I think this should be the perfect solution for you.

Android Swipe to left or right?

How can I detect in a ListView that someone swiped to the left or the right?
You'll be wanting this excellent tutorial (site died, here's a new link: http://jsharkey.org/blog/2008/09/15/crossing-things-off-lists-in-android-09-sdk/). Essentially, you're going to create a transparent view in front of the ListView which consumes horizontal motionevents and passes non-horizontal motionevents back down to the ListView.
gestures recognition wont be supported on 1.5 for which you might want to refactor gesture base code, and add to your application so to work good on 1.5 in case you are not supporting 1.5 your already good.

