I recently updated my phone to gingerbread and to my horror one of my apps stopped working!
The app consists of a SurfaceView and a layout (view) that shows up as an overlay over this SurfaceView.
THe xml looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
<include layout="#layout/settings"
When the user press the menu button I use this code to show the view:
View settings = (View)findViewById(R.id.settings);
This worked flawlessy on versions earlier than 2.3 but now the behaviour is very random.
Very rarely everything works.
Sometimes the view shows up after hiding / unhiding it.
Sometimes you can press the buttons on the view (even though it's invisible) this makes the view show up for the rest of the application lifetime.
The getVisibility method always report the correct value.
What I've tried
Rebuilding draw cache
Using BringToFront method
Post invalidate
Setting the initial value of the view to "visible", this makes everything work, but I really want it to be initially invisible!
If anyone wants to check the problem you can try it for yourself in my app (it's on market, search for "chainparticles").
Solved it by changing the views initial state to "gone". WTF?!
I created an Activity, which I load from a fragment within my "main" activity.
Within this new activity I placed an ImageView with an image from my drawable directory (I have about 10 other drawables I present the exact same way in the main activity).
The problem is that although in the IDE I see the image, it is not displayed in run time (via the simulator).
-- to clarify, the image is static hence the difference compared to other questions (I'm not loading it by code).
Any ideas on how to solve it?
My hunch is that it relates to the fact it's a new activity, but I'm new to android development, so I can't base it on any knowledge...
I did not add any code to the java section of the activity (didn't touch any "on.." nor added functionality to this specific file)
P.S. I tried cleaning the project, tried presenting an image that is presented on the main activity, and restarting anything that I can... nothing helped :(
My Activity xml is:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
app:srcCompat="#drawable/managesubscription_header" />
It doesn't matter I take the ImageView and place it outside of the LinearLayout (and remove it), or change the size to wrap_content or match_parent (I tried all combinations), the image is not presented.
How it looks in the IDE:
And how it looks in run time:
Try using android:src="#drawable/managesubscrip_header" instead of app:srcCompat="#drawable/managesubscription_header" in ImageView to avoid automatic scaling of the drawable.
Let me know if it helps
In my main page of my application, server sends me some flags. One of then is advertise flag. if it is set to true i need to show advertise and if it is set to false i shouldn't show it.
now, the problem. I need to put the space of advertise in XML file like this.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
</LinearLayout >
according to above code if the flag is set to false, i don't show advertise but the gap is still remain in my screen. How to remove it from my code dynamically and shift other views (which are blow of it) up?
as mentioned above in the comments for your question: a view has a few different View options.
View.VISIBLE: this means that it's visible and can be seen by the user.
View.INVISIBLE: this means the view is still in the layout but cannot be seen by the user (the user can't interact with it either).
View.GONE: this means the view is destroyed and is no longer part of it.
to remove a View completely from the layout you should use View.GONE, if you're going to make it visible you should use View,INVISIBLE.
try this when your flag is false
You can "remove" the View by changing the visibility of it. Use
View ad = findViewById(R.id.adv);
My question is simple: How to disable any event on a View in Android? (including removing its focussability, like I just want it to be there visually but be inexistant on everything else)
And does it work on a whole view tree? (like if I disable events on the root, all the events will be disabled for its children?).
Now, before you say anything I have tried all the following:
And none of these methods appear to work, seriously.
I have tried them directly on a WebView, as well as on the parent layout on everything but I am still able to interact with it.
Any idea?
The solution that consists in adding a view on top of the view that needs to be disabled doesn't work. Actually, it's still possible to click on the inner view, I have tried with a simple example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
android:text="Click Me!"
Here it's still possible to click on the button.
The reason why I want to do this is related to the following question that I asked weeks ago.
What I have is a ListViewacting as a navigation bar which is underneath a View that holds the content of my app. The problem with this implementation is that when I try to scroll through the ListView when there is a focusable view in the layer on top of it, well the ListView doesn't scroll and instead it's the top view that takes focus (That's the case when there is a
Webview or an EditText etc.).
So yes as mentioned in one of the answers, I can disable any click events on a WebView by overriding setOnTouchListener but the view remains focussed and I think this is the reason why I am still having the same issue with my navigation bar.
Simply put a view on top of your view. You can toggle it on off by setting view.visibility = gone/visible.
<FrameLayout This view will be on top/>
Edit: Just stumpled upon this link: https://stackoverflow.com/a/3856199/969325
Basically disables all touch event for the webview. Tryed that?
Edit 2 reedit: Try to set the visibility to gone for the the top view below your listview.
I have a rather trivial question, but I thought I'd give it a shot. I'm writing an android app and I have a viewgroup form that is loaded from a web server. While the internet access is running, I used to pop up a dialog box with a progress bar. I decided it would look less clunky if I swtiched to the nice small indeterminate progress bar in the title bar.
The title bar option does look less busy, except that the form items (textviews, buttons etc) are all enabled during the retrieval. I then used a recursive routine to disable all the views in the viewgroup, but that again looks ugly - the greyed out textviews (2.3.3) look gross, especially the one with the focus with the orange bar around it. If I pop up a progress bar, the underlying view looks nicely disabled - the window behind is simply slowly dimmed down. From a visual point of view, it much more obvious that we're waiting for something to occur when the entire window is dimmed rather than being faced with a bunch of disabled controls.
Is there a call I can make to disable a view in a similar way the OS does when a progress bar or other window is overlapped on top? This would give me the best of both worlds.
I guess the other option is to set the view to invisible during the access, but I got curious because I can see the OS doing exactly what I want when I use the popup.
I figured out how to do this using a relative layout with a progress dialog wrapped in a frame layout overlapping the main view. When I do my network get, I set the visibility of the frame layout to visible with the background set to translucent, and disable the controls in the underlying view. Works pretty well.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
android:layout_height="wrap_content" >
android:layout_height="wrap_content" >
This is my first Android project, so bear with me. I created a custom view ("GameBoard" extends View) for drawing my game board and pieces by overriding the OnDraw. It all works fine. However, I'd like to add a tween-animated "You win" graphic at the end of the game. However, I can't figure out how to add an ImageView to my GameBoard view.
I read that I could use an XML file and add my custom view to it, but it didn't work. Here's my XML code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
android:background="#001133" >
<view Class = "com.myname.firstgame.GameBoard"
I also tried it without the "view Class =" in the view tag. I also tried it without the ".GameBoard" in the view tag and specifying it in the "android:id=" tag. (All these attempts came from Google searches.)
If I can get it to work, I figure I can add an ImageView with my bitmap as the background, place it in the right spot, and animate it. I do a similar thing for my title screen and it works fine, but it uses an XML natively, without a custom view. (In hindsight, I'm wondering if I should have used XML rather than a custom view for the game board, but that's another matter.)
Can anyone help, please?
This seems to answer your question.
just call the target.startAnimation() method when your user wins / loses / whatevers your game