How to send a text from Android device to a computer [closed] - android

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Closed 8 years ago.
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We have a requirement wherein we want to send some text message from android powered device to a server in PC, when this message is recieved it will trigger some action in PC? How do I configure my device to listen to that server and are there any third party server which I need to use. I tried using one of our in-house servers to communicate from device to PC but not able to achieve. If anyone has achieved the same using any third party servers please share your comments and also any other settings which needs to be done in device.

If what you are looking for is to install some sort of client on the PC that can communicate with an Android app then there are a bunch of existing software packages such as what RemoteDroid offers. You can checkout the source code at

If the question is about only sending message from device to server then you can use http / tcp. If your server is in VPN then you may need take care of that. If you are looking for other way also (server to device) you can use cloud to device messaging.


How to connect and access mssql Database server from Android app? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am developing an android application, in that application i simply created login page in that login page i need to load mssql database for login. Please tell the solution and example coding for this one
Wow this is a really complicated!! The apps can't connect directly with server how do websites... Remember the devices it's possible lose internet, then how you connect with you server database? The most important of devices is can work offline, in this moment our app needs a webservice (API) to connect with database from server. Read this posts for more info (that includes code)!
What is a webservice?
How we do an API? (Server part)
How we connect our android device with server? (Device part)
Other important post:
WebService vs API
Restful vs Other Web Services
Tell me if I helped you and good programming!

Best approach to create online game? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have developed a simple card game based on Scopy.
Now I want to upgrade my application for 1 vs 1 online game.
I'm not new to Java, I know sockets.
I was wondering if there is a better way to start this work.
EDIT: it is a turn game, the players just exchange a string that represent a card.
I would do it with a RESTful webservice. To do it with a socket is too much in my opinion.
And with a RESTful webservice, you get an easy option to implement your game for other plattforms like iOS or WP.
best regards
If its a turn game, you don't necessary need socket, socket is meant for real time interaction. And its way easier to setup normal http request's than socket.
If you choose to go for socket, you will need a node.js server and there are some plugins for handling android socket connection. Basically these plugins create a listener that receive messages from server and run a callback (that you define) based on the name of the message.
Another way to go, thats not so pro, but its easier, is use GCM (android notification service) or This way you skip the server setup, these apis basically run a node.js server and you can define some custom messages, then just handle the messages with a socket plugin like i said.
Using GCM you can send messages directly from your device, using a internal (on device) java server. There are some examples in android official dev site.
By the way, you can implement socket without node.js too

Connection between a phone and another phone [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm working on a mobile application that takes a photo on a phone and sends it to another phone.
It should be able to work between an Android phone and an Iphone.
I'm working with phonegap.
First I was thinking of using the bluetooth technologies, but I read that it's impossible between android and Iphone.
So I was thinking of a UDP connection, but no matter what, I can't have a server and a client on my phone.
The only things that would work is to implement a server on my Computer.
Do you know another way of doing it ?
Nope. Thats the normal way of doing it - get a server on the internet and build a RESTFul api to listen for a device to send/receive to a phone. Android-to-Android, you could do NFC, but not with an iPHone

Crowdsourcing Android App Tech Tips needed [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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As part of my project I need to develop an android app. Most important responsibilities of the app includes :
Collect android mobile users' data (crowd sourcing )
Run the configured pre-processing algorithm on the data
Create a storage with the pre-processed data
Run knowledge and pattern detection algorithm
Control/Suggest the mobile system with the strategy the
above algorithm suggest
It's been only 3 weeks I am training myself android. I need professional tips
How to proceed further: I must provide cloud-assisted solution.
What would be suitable tools ? How Google play store provide access to data that
the users willing to provide ?
Help me out :)
I assume from what you say (please correct me if I am wrong) that this
configured pre-processing algorithm
will run on a server. And after the processing you will send data back to the android device.
One way that you could do this would be to send the data from the phone to a web server through an http request, the server will process the data and then send back the info through cloud messaging.
In case that the processing is done in the phone, then you can omit the last step and implement a one-way communication (sending http requests to the server).
For more details about sending data through http you can check here, and for cloud messaging you can check here.

API or SDK that will allow a computer to detect input from Android? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I have been searching for a while now for some sort of package allowing me to create a program that remotely detects android inputs on a computer (Linux or Windows preferably) via wifi or bt. I don't need to control my computer, I just need something as simple as pressing a button on my android and having my computer recognize the button is pressed. Anything like this out there or am I hoping for too much?
Essentially; any way to turn my Android into a remote sensor? If not, any recommendations on staring such a package?
There's plenty of ways to do this, but your question is a little too vague to answer well because we don't know what you want to do. Over wifi you could set up an ssh server on the PC and have the phone login over wifi. Then when the user hits the button send a command to the ssh server. Or just connect over any predefined socket and send customized commands.
If you want to reduce it to local devices, you can use bluetooth and send data over SPP (serial port protocol) and have a receiver on the PC run the command sent. Sending data is pretty easy, you just need an app on the PC to do something with it.

