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Closed 9 years ago.
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As part of my project I need to develop an android app. Most important responsibilities of the app includes :
Collect android mobile users' data (crowd sourcing )
Run the configured pre-processing algorithm on the data
Create a storage with the pre-processed data
Run knowledge and pattern detection algorithm
Control/Suggest the mobile system with the strategy the
above algorithm suggest
It's been only 3 weeks I am training myself android. I need professional tips
How to proceed further: I must provide cloud-assisted solution.
What would be suitable tools ? How Google play store provide access to data that
the users willing to provide ?
Help me out :)
I assume from what you say (please correct me if I am wrong) that this
configured pre-processing algorithm
will run on a server. And after the processing you will send data back to the android device.
One way that you could do this would be to send the data from the phone to a web server through an http request, the server will process the data and then send back the info through cloud messaging.
In case that the processing is done in the phone, then you can omit the last step and implement a one-way communication (sending http requests to the server).
For more details about sending data through http you can check here, and for cloud messaging you can check here.
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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am thinking of doing a server that will be some sort of a webpage (to display data) and also a server that can send information to android app.
I currently know a bit of c++ and python. And android java a bit more. I was allready looking at java and tomcat but not liking the idea...
What are the best metods to make a server that will be able to send data to mobile app.. I dont need to communicate both ways only that android app becomes information.
Sory I wasn't clear enough. A server needs to acces services and get data from the APIs and then it will save it in db. But the part where this server needs to communicate with android app is unclear for me.
If you only need to host a website that displays data, without the need for server processing / database, you might want to take a look at GitHub Pages. You will be able to host static web pages for free.
Else, I would recommend you to learn PHP. Purchase a web domain and hosting, it usually comes with database for you to store data.
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Closed 6 years ago.
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I want to make a apps where people can upload their status,image or video
what I need to know for this?
You would need the following:
API for the clients to connect to
Database to store the information
An Android client
Develop your own API's
You would need a server to host the API's and also register a domain. I use GoDaddy and they provide excellent service. But you could check out this site to help you decide on a service provider:
Next you need to decide on which language to use. I really like PHP. But you could also use Java or C# to develop your API's. This guide should get you started:
You usually get a free MySQL database with your hosting. This can be used to create all the different tables required for the data. This should get you started:
Client development
After developing the API's and creating the required database tables. You can start developing the client application. Check out this guide:
This should get you started with the basics of developing your application!
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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm new to android and ios development. My question is pretty simple. I've got a basic ecommerce website and I need to create an app version of the website. I want to create two native apps. What's the best way to do it? How can I interact with the database on an android and ios app. (I wasn't able to find a complete answer on the internet, but if there's one please let me know and I will close this question immediately). Thank you
You need to create web services.
You can develop in java, PHP, etc.
The web services will receive requests from the mobile, get the data from the database and then send a response to the mobile. The mobile APPs will never interact with the server database, they will only make request to the web services and get responses.
To this the most common is to make REST calls with JSON.
In Android you can use Retrofit.
And in iOS you can use AFNetworking.
A good PHP example of how to develop your REST and JSON service you can find here.
You would need some API to access the data. You can use PHP, Java or C# to develop your own API's. The API will handle requests and return the required data. You Android client will connect to the API and perform Http requests. Check out this guide on how to perform Http requests:
You can also check this question for more info: I want to make a apps where people can upload their status,image or video what I need to know for this?
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have developed a simple card game based on Scopy.
Now I want to upgrade my application for 1 vs 1 online game.
I'm not new to Java, I know sockets.
I was wondering if there is a better way to start this work.
EDIT: it is a turn game, the players just exchange a string that represent a card.
I would do it with a RESTful webservice. To do it with a socket is too much in my opinion.
And with a RESTful webservice, you get an easy option to implement your game for other plattforms like iOS or WP.
best regards
If its a turn game, you don't necessary need socket, socket is meant for real time interaction. And its way easier to setup normal http request's than socket.
If you choose to go for socket, you will need a node.js server and there are some plugins for handling android socket connection. Basically these plugins create a listener that receive messages from server and run a callback (that you define) based on the name of the message.
Another way to go, thats not so pro, but its easier, is use GCM (android notification service) or This way you skip the server setup, these apis basically run a node.js server and you can define some custom messages, then just handle the messages with a socket plugin like i said.
Using GCM you can send messages directly from your device, using a internal (on device) java server. There are some examples in android official dev site.
By the way, you can implement socket without node.js too
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Closed 9 years ago.
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So, I am fairly new to mobile app developing. Are currently making project documents for a mobile app, and I want some input on what database solution I should use.
1) mobile app -> online only -> talking to a database
2) I Have several webservers up and running (mysql mostly), possible to use?
So my question is simple :) What solution should I use for my mobile app database.
- Setup a mysql database on a server?
- Use some kind of cloud based solution?
- Any API considurations?
need to be "best practice" for both android and ios.
Any and all suggestions is much appreciated! Thanks all! You are AWESOME!
The most common solution for this problem is:
1) Your application get data via a webservice in your server. You can use Soap solution based on XML communication, or simple REST access (simple http request in GET or POST method) and use your own choice: XML or JSON.
Today, there is a lot of solution based on REST GET/POST with JSON file communication.
2) After, if you want that your application can turn in offline mode or just be more reactive, you can store old loaded data by webservice in local database.
For this, in Android you can use direct access to sqlite database, and in iOs, you can use the CoreData api.
Hope it help you.
Tom - If you need data to be available offline without internet connectivity then you should you SQLITE database which comes as part of android/ios.
If your app saves the data on server which in turn is used by other portal or other devices (sharing) then consider storing data via web/server and mysql database.
So really it depends on the usage and sharing requirements. Storing data locally has much benefit because it is faster, no network required, data always available, and not using network also increases battery life..