how to read characters from a string for android - android

how can i read characters from a string variable until a special character has reached, for example a '/'.it should be read from begining.
and how to send this string to another activity from onItemClickListener() method

How about split?
String theSeparator = "/";
String original = "Some string with a special char / and some content after the /";
String myString = original.split(Pattern.Quote(theSeparator))[0];
Now, passing the string when you start a new activity is pretty simple:
Intent i = new Intent(ThisActivity.this, NextActivity.class);
i.putExtra("My Super Special String", myString);
In the next activity, you call:
String myStringFromPreviousActivity = getIntent().getStringExtra("My Super Special String");

String myString = "Send this String Out/Leave this one behind";
String toSendOut = "";
for(int i = 0; i < myString.length(); i++){
if(myString.charAt(i) != '/'){
toSendOut = toSendOut + myString.charAt(i);
} else {
myString is your inputted String, toSendOut is the string you're sending to wherever you want to send it to.
So, in this example, toSendOut will read "Send this String Out". The way it does this is by checking one letter at a time in myString. If the letter isn't "/", it adds that character to toSendOut. The process loops until a "/" is hit, in which case the loop breaks (ends).

String s = "aaaaa/bbbbb";
for(int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++){
if(s.charAt(i) == '/'){
//Do whatever you like.
Take a look at the javadocs for the String class you will find lots of useful methods for interacting with and manipulating Strings.


Android : replacing characters in a string

In my phonebook on my mobile I have all sorts of contacts like :
+(353) 085 123 45 67
I'm putting them all into E.164 format which I've largely completed but the question I need resolved is this:
How can I strip all characters (including spaces) except numbers in my string, apart from the first character if it is '+' or a number ?
string phoneNumberofContact;
So for example the cases above would look like :
To handle + only in the first position, you could do:
boolean starsWithPlus = input.charAt(0) == '+';
String sanitized = input.replaceAll("[^0-9]", "");
if (startsWithPlus) {
sanitized = "+" + sanitized;
So basically I'm checking to see if it starts with plus, then stripping out everything but digits, and then re-adding the plus if it was there.
Assuming you only want to keep + or digits, a simple regex will work, and String provides the replaceAll() method to make it even easier.
String sanitized = input.replaceAll("[^+0-9]", "");
This method would do the trick
public String cleanPhoneDigits(String phonenum) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
if (phonenum.charAt(0).equals('+') {
for (int i = 1; i < phonenum.length(); i++) {
char c = phonenum.charAt(i);
if (Character.isDigit(c)) {
return builder.toString();

ReplaceAll not working

I'm using google volley to retrieve source code from website. Some looping was done to capture the value in the code. I've successfully captured the data I wanted, but error was shown: NumberFormatException: Invalid float: "2,459.00"
My intention was to store the value after the class=ListPrice>
RM 2,899.00
The example value of the source code I wanted to save is "RM2,459.00 "
Below is the code I've written:
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
lelongResult = (TextView) findViewById(;
RequestQueue lelong = MyVolley.getRequestQueue(this);
StringRequest myLel = new StringRequest(
RetrieveLelong(), createMyReqErrorListener());
private Response.Listener<String> RetrieveLelong() {
return new Response.Listener<String>() {
public void onResponse(String response) {
ArrayList<Float> integers = new ArrayList<>();
String to = "class=ListPrice>";
String remainingText = response;
String showP = "";
while (remainingText.indexOf(to) >= 0) {
String tokenString = remainingText.substring(remainingText
.indexOf(to) + to.length());
String priceString = tokenString.substring(0,
float price = Float.parseFloat(priceString.replaceAll("[^\\d,]+", "").trim());
integers.add((price / 100));
remainingText = tokenString;
for (int i = 0; i < integers.size(); i++) {
String test1 = Float.toString(integers.get(i));
showP += test1 + "\n";
The problem was as below:
I've tried all sort of replaceAll(),
1)replaceAll("[^\d,]+","") result:2,89900
replace all character except digits and comma works.
2)replaceAll("[^\d]+","") result:Invalid int""
replace all character include comma and dot ,not working
3)replaceAll("[^\d.]+,"") result:Invalid int""
replace all character exclude digits and dot, not working
From the experiment 2&3 coding above,I've noticed that if the comma were removed,i cant parseFloat as the value received by it is: "".NumberFormatException:Invalid Float:"" shown.
From the experiment 1,NumberFormatException:Invalid Float "2,45900" is showned.
The problem was replacing comma ,the code will not work but with the presence of comma ,the value cannot be stored into string
try this:
float price = Float.parseFloat(priceString.replaceAll("RM", "").trim());
use `replaceAll(Pattern.quote(","), "");
if you want only numbers then use this
String s1= s.replaceAll("\D+","");
Try to parse the number by specifying the Locale.
NumberFormat format = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.KOREAN);
Number number = format.parse(priceString.replaceAll("RM", ""));
double d = number.doubleValue();
I'm just guessing the locale, don't know what you should use, depends on country
You need to do it one by one
priceString=priceString.replaceAll("\\D", "");
priceString=priceString.replaceAll("\\s", "");
float price = Float.parseFloat(priceString);
the problem is that in your code:
priceString.replaceAll(Pattern.quote(","), "");
float price = Float.parseFloat(priceString.replaceAll("\\D+\\s+", "").trim());
You are replacing coma but not storing the value!
you have to do:
priceString = priceString.replaceAll(",", "");
float price = Float.parseFloat(priceString.replaceAll("\\D+\\s+", "").trim());
I'm not sure of the pattern "\D+\s" because if you remove the coma you don't need to replace anything else (except "RM" that i assume you already removed)
Update: set locale and parse a number:
NumberFormat format = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.KOREAN);
Number number = format.parse(priceString.replaceAll("RM", ""));
double d = number.doubleValue();

How can I effectively replace one or more characters

I have a String separated by commas as follows
This string is generated upon user input. Suppose the user wants to remove any of the numbers, I have to rebuild the string without the specified number.
If the current string is:
User intents to remove 1, the final string has to be:
I tried to achieve this using the following code:
//String num will be the number to be removed
old = tv.getText().toString(); //old string
newString = old.replace(num+",",""); //will be the new string
This might be working sometimes but it is sure that it won't work for the above example I have shown, if I try to remove the 1, it also removes the last part of 11, because there also exists 1.
well you can use this. Its the most simplest approach i can think of:
//String num will be the number to be removed
old=","+tv.getText().toString()+",";//old string commas added to remove trailing entries
newString=old.replace(","+num+",",",");// will be the new string
newString=newString.substring(1,newString.length()-1); // removing the extra commas added
This would work for what you want to do. I have added a comma at the start and end of your string so that you can also remove the first and last entries too.
You can split the string first and check for the number where you append those value that is not equivalent to the number that will get deleted;
String formated = "1,2,4,6,8,11,14,15,16,17,18";
String []s = formated.split(",");
StringBuilder newS = new StringBuilder();
for(String s2 : s)
newS.append(s2 + ",");
if(newS.length() >= 1)
newS.deleteCharAt(newS.length() - 1);
static public String removeItemFromCommaDelimitedString(String str, String item)
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
int count = 0;
String [] splits = str.split(",");
for (String s : splits)
if (item.equals(s) == false)
if (count != 0)
return builder.toString();
String old = "1,2,4,6,8,11,14,15,16,17,18";
int num = 11;
String toRemove = "," + num + "," ;
String oldString = "," + old + ",";
int index = oldString.indexOf(toRemove);
String newString = null;
if(index > old.length() - toRemove.length() + 1){
newString = old.substring(0, index - 1);
newString = old.substring(0, index) + old.substring(index + toRemove.length() -1 , old.length());

Don't change varriable value after first call

I'm new android/java programmer and I can't find anywhere how to set default varriable value only on first call. My console log delete after second call. My code looks like:
public class Ftp {
String console_strings[] = new String [15];
int console_line = 0;
public void drawConsole(String msg){
CharSequence time = DateFormat.format("hh:mm:ss", d.getTime());
String message = "["+time+"] "+msg;
TextView console = (TextView)((Activity)context).findViewById(;
String newString = "";
for(int i = 0; i < console_strings.length; i++){
if(console_strings[i] != null)
newString += console_strings[i] + "\n";
console_strings[i] = message;
newString += console_strings[i] + "\n";
Whenever I want to add something to the console, it delete old text value.
There are multiple ways to do this. The problem you are having is that you are setting the entire textview's text at once. You could do one of a few things. You could do
console.setText(console.getText() + newString);
Both of these would work. There are multiple other ways, but those should do it for you.
TextView has also an append method

Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT multiple values in Android

I want to display multiple values in the text message body, however the following code below display no body message even when the textArray has values. Is there any way of adding values to a body of an email through a loop?
public void onClick(View v) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Intent sharingIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND);
sharingIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT, "Example");
int sizeOfArray = list.size();
String textArray [] = new String[sizeOfArray];
for(int i = 0;sizeOfArray > i;i++)
HashMap<String, String> arrayString = list.get(i);
String user = arrayString.get("user");
String book = arrayString.get("book");
textArray[i] = user + " - " + book;
sharingIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, textArray);
startActivity(Intent.createChooser(sharingIntent,"Share using"));
It's difficult to get proper documentation on what Intent Receivers are expecting as extra values, but I'm pretty sure you need to pass a String and not a String[] to putExtra, since the Receiver will anyway end up converting the value to a String, so better to control that.
Thats being said, your implementation of the loop is weird. Do you really have a list of HashMap<String, String>as input ?
I would do :
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for(HashMap<String, String> item: list){
String user = item.get("user");
String book = item.get("book");
sb.append(user + " - " + book+", ");
String value = sb.substring(0, Math.max(0,sb.length()-2));
Intent.EXTRA_TEXT expects CharSequence according to the documentation:
I would guess as you are passing in an array, the receiving activity doesn't know what to do with it and just skips over it.
Trying joining your array values and passing them in as a String.
String arg = org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.join (textArray, '\n');
sharingIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, arg);

