What styles are available for ActionBar? ( OR I will have to define it) The one I am using the defautlt one (a line below all the tabs) Can I change color of that line?
Are you using the native ActionBar in Android 3.0+ (Honeycomb, tablets only), or are you using a library like ActionBarSherlock or Android-ActionBar? In at least the first two cases, this post from the official Android Developers blog should help you out.
I am currently learning App design with Android Studio. I'm playing around with the various styles and themes trying to see what's available. There are many things like Widget.AppCompat, Widget.Material3, Button.Small, Button.Borderless. The same applies to Themes like Theme.AppCompat, Theme.MaterialComponent, .DarkActionBar, .NoActionBar etc etc.
Is there any resources that show the general layout and appearance of these Themes and Styles or is it just a case of trawling through them to see what's what?
Take a look at the Android Material Design website here: https://m2.material.io/develop/android. It should give you everything you need.
I'm having trouble using https://github.com/AdilSoomro/Iphone-Tab-in-Android with ActionBar is thus:
Is with blanks after each item
The result I hope is altogether more or less well
Redesign my app
Creating a Navigation Drawer
Android Design Guidelines
Device Art Generator
Android Asset Studio
I can't tell if they're the same thing or not and they seem to have different methods for removing them but I'm not sure if those are just multiple methods to do the same thing or not.
So is there a difference and if there is what is it?
https://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/ActionBar.html (with material design, it is usually represented by a Toolbar)
The Title bar is a small part of the UI that you can supply with some text and a color. You see it on a lot of Android 2.0 Apps. See here
The Actionbar is the bar with buttons that has back navigation etc. If you can chose, you use it instead of the Titlebar. See here
Different thing.
TitleBar - small (usually grey) strip at top of screen that lists your Application Name (mostly not used anywhere)
ActionBar - the core navigation component of modern Android apps - this is where you will put the main navigation components (including actions on the things in your activity, a title explaining where you are in the app, Share links, etc); To support this in all modern Android versions, you will need to use a library to implement this. ActionBarSherlock is a very popular one, and there is now ActionBarCompat, which was released in the latest Support Library.
Bottom line, TitleBar should be disabled in favor of ActionBar for applications targeting modern design standards
How Do I make deafult ICS style tabs in android 2.2. I don't want to use ActionBarSherlock, instead I need to apply custom drawables. Can someone help ?
I tried using 9.png but didn't help much, as it didn't fill the complete tab, instead it shows only some blurred extended background. If you are suggesting some drawables - Please provide the drawable as well.
You can download ready made demo from this link: ICSStyleTab. I tried it for one of the project and it is working fine. If you wanted to add pager functionality, you can easily add using FragmentPager from Support V4 Library.
Update: ICSStyle Tab With Pager Demo
HoloEverywhere is a library to provide ICS/Holo theme to pre-3.0 devices:
Even if you really want to write your own code, you can gain a great deal of insight simply by looking into its source.
I am working on android app where I am thinking to develop reusable UI interface. How it can be developed and included in my .xml's
Here I want to develop a progress bar with my image and it will be display on some .xml's.
Please provide any code help.
I am a new in this field.
you can use <Include> xml tag within your layout xml,
read this :)
I think you need to use styles and themes. Check this out.
You can either build custom (compound) views, look at Building Custom Components.
Or you can use Fragments. Fragments are new in Honeycomb (Android 3.0), but there is a compatibility library that adds fragment support to lower android versions (can be found in your ANDROID_SDK/extras/android folder). Or you can mix both of course.