Android like iphone style with ActionBar - android

I'm having trouble using with ActionBar is thus:
Is with blanks after each item
The result I hope is altogether more or less well

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ActionBar popup in Material design

Google saturday released a brand new version of AppCompat, which makes the ActionBar really similar to the ActionBar used by Google Chrome.
I'm wondering if there's any way to tell AppCompat to use the same style for the ActionBar popup as Google Chrome (the animation effect, the touch feedback etc.).
Thanks a lot for your time.
You must use Toolbar to do those effects.
The animations you can achieve by code.
A good reading about the first steps for Material Design can be found here:

Android 5.0 Material-styled tabs

Does the Android 5.0 framework have Material-styled tabs? I know in the dev preview, they were still Holo-styled. I was wondering if 5.0 has been updated with material-style tabs; I currently use PagerSlidingTabStrip for my tabs, but that has not been updated with Material design yet.
More specifically, does the support library include an implementation of material tabs? The Play Store running on 4.x has those tabs, but I'm not sure if that's a custom implementation by Google or not.
Updated (10/19/2015):
This is now provided by the Android Design Support Library:
compile ""
Chris Banes example:
Android Developer Blog:
Android Docs:
Support Library:
Original Answer:
Look at the latest version of Google Play(down below).
They are using the SlidingTabsColors(not SlidingTabsBasic) but with colors. You need to look at those two files: and and simply change the color to match your ActionBar/TooBar color.
Also, you will notice when you swipe left/right, the Tab title text color will become "white" and the unselected titles are an "gray" color.
For example(how to change the indicator color):
class SlidingTabStrip extends LinearLayout {
// change the strip color
private static final int DEFAULT_SELECTED_INDICATOR_COLOR = 0xFF33B5E5;
Please see the example here:
Please read these as well:
Android - Google Play like tabs
Action bar navigation modes are deprecated in Android L
You are looking for this material design tabs Right?
Have a look at this..
FYI material design tabs can found in this repo jpardogo's PagerSlidingTabStrip
Mr.Jpardogo him self answered in SO post click here
Credits: Mr.Javier Pardo de Santayana Gómez

Android Material Design on KitKat (and lower) devices

I'm going to develop an android application in our school as a project.
I want to use the new Material Design by Google but i know its only available on Android-L Devices.
Jack Underwood has recently released the calendar called "Today Calendar", which is in the Material Style and running on Kitkat and lower Devices.
I know that the Actionbar height is a bit bigger than the older one and the navigation drawer toggle has a new style. And so one ...
How do i implement that?
Currently the Android-L contains the Material Theme which works only on Android-L release.
You can build a Material Style without this Theme.
For example:
you can use a custom ActionBar (it is a customView) with a solid color, without shadow and with the navdrawer icon insted of standard icon app.
You can build a subheader bar with a LinearLayout below the actionBar with the same color.
You can build a Floating Action Button with a floating circle (and a shadow in png)
and so on...
We don't know what will be available for older releases. May be something as the new class Toolbar will be available in support library (and it will semplify the actionbar).
I suggest you waiting a month.
appcompat v21 supports the toolbar on pre-lollipop devices as well.
You can check out Chris's blog for some help on this
Of course, the elevation attributes does not work on pre-lollipop devices, so you need to implement custom shadow for version < 21. I would suggest a gradient drawable with height around 4dp works fine.

ActionBarCompat: Set Navigation Mode

I'm using ActionBarCompat in my project.
The problem I have now is that I need a spinner to show in the actionbar. A standard ActionBar can use .setNavigationMode(ActionBar.NAVIGATION_MODE_LIST) but this is unavailable in the action bar compat code.
Is there a way around this? What are other options (besides a layout redesign.)
There is no way to do this in the code provided by ActionBarCompat.
It provides an ActionBar in it's most basic form for use by all platforms.
A better alternative is useing ActionBarSherlock. The setup very similar and more functionality is available out of the box.

Android ActioBar Style

What styles are available for ActionBar? ( OR I will have to define it) The one I am using the defautlt one (a line below all the tabs) Can I change color of that line?
Are you using the native ActionBar in Android 3.0+ (Honeycomb, tablets only), or are you using a library like ActionBarSherlock or Android-ActionBar? In at least the first two cases, this post from the official Android Developers blog should help you out.

