the Fackbook or any of the other codes like updating status or etc all these things are working fine in android 2.1 but in 2.2 (on android device not emulator) it gives
This page contains the following errors:error on line 7 at column 35: xmlParseEntityRef : no name
Re-parse document as HTML
Below is the rendering of the page up to the first error.
Request for Permission
I'm in deep trouble because of this, please help me out. Thanks
Refer two Link:
I am working on crossbrowsertesting platform in Android Chrome and facing a challenge in which I need to click on a link that opens up in new tab. I need to switch to that new tab and get its URL.
Problem is I am unable to switch to newly opened tab and get its URL.
Method used -
When using driver.switchTo().window(child_window) I am getting below error -
org.openqa.selenium.InvalidArgumentException: invalid argument: 'name'
must be a string.
But the same is working fine in Windows based chrome (not Android chrome browser).
Platform Information :
"browserName", "Chrome"
"deviceName", "Galaxy S9"
"platformVersion", "9.0"
"platformName", "Android"
"deviceOrientation", "portrait"
Could you provide the details of Appium/Selenium being used for testing?
I found this very similar bug here:
Please check you version is above 1.15, to confirm the fix is present in the code.
It looks like there is a bug in chromedriver itself. W3C protocol requires the call to POST /window to have handle parameter set, but chromedriver still wants name as in JSONWP. Specs is here
It has been tested on Appium Beta version v1.14.0-beta.2 and it worked successfully on Android. Please update your appium library with this version atleast or higher to this version.
I found the solution:
My project involved both web and native view so below is what I did
1- used chromeDriver with compatible Android emulator version
2- Switch to proper view
3- used driver.switchTo().window()
Thanks everyone for answers.
I have downloaded here android sdk 90 day eval.
Tried to run the basic map sample application, but getting blank in the map frame.
I am able to see hello world text.
Seperately i also have here maps app running on my mobile, which runs without any problem.
I have my internet connection and location settings on.
Any help?
Have you included the app_id/app_code and lisence key(if you are using the premium edition) in your maifest file, as mentioned here :
Otherwise try debugging your app by adding a break point in the mapFragment.init() method , for example using the code on following link , try putting a break point on the line
(error == OnEngineInitListener.Error.NONE)
to check if there is any error.
I searched in so many forums and viewed similar subjects here , but none of them worked me .
please help to fix this error .
I'm using VS 2013 , android sdk 23.0.2 and android mono 4.10 . there is no problem while building and running the progam using emulator . but still i can't edit main.axml file with andorid desinger .
the error shown is :
the operation couldn't be completed. invalid pointer
i had same problem today. after struggling a bit and testing every thing i just found out that the problem is android sdk tools.
Update it to 24.1.2. and it should work.
Android designer doesn't work on axml. pronounced Zam El Maybe try one of the MS editors.
Expression Studio , Expression Blend but I woudn't expect too much of the really cool stuff to work on every single device you port your code to.
axml and the android xml layouts are just gorified html so for simple things maybe you can use regular text editor.
I am a beginner in Android, this is my first app in Android and I stuck very badly, I need your kind help.
Here is the problem statement.
We have a very huge database in MySQL, I need to do authorization with
an android app and on successful log in i need to display all the
order details of that logged in user.
So to do this I have used PHP for the backend work like, authorisation, displaying the order for that user and updating. Unknowingly I worked with ANdroid 2.2(Floryo) version. All these functionalists are working fine with Android 2.2 version but when I try to run the same with Android 4.0 then it giving me runtime error. I am getting the response in terms of JSON from a PHP script file.
What is missing in this case. Do I need to install any library.
Please help me out. After getting the work done also I am unable to show my work.
Check with SQl problem first, i think sqlite version is different in Android2.2 and Android4.0, some queries work differently in this, I know my answer to your question is half.
So i've embeded a HTML jQuery element within an Android application, for some bizzare reason on Android 4.x i always get a page not found.
it's a very simple structure:
Any fixes?
It seems that android 4.x does not like hashed url's
Did not work but file.html works fine, after some research the android 4.x application was trying to find the a file named file.html#hash but no such file existed in our directory.
To fix this problem I had to re-write the javascript to allow a direct link to the page of file.html and then hash on the next event.
I hope this helps anyone with a similar problem.