layout having disabled edit text - android

I am building one app having one list view showing list of users this, when i click on list item it will show me complete profile of clicked user this. I take EditText fields on this layout (i use the same layout to show my own profile which is editable) whose text is filled dynamically(e.g., data of clicked user is filled in this form).Since, it only show me profile of concern user & i not need any editing on user data so i disable editing on these edit text fields by calling this method on each one.
this layout is scrollable and when i scroll this view it enable editing on these edit text field this
How i disable editing on these edit text field...???
Any suggestions please, would appreciated any pointer, sample code to do this

Actually, an EditText is needed when you want to enable user to type some information. To draw the information generated by your application you should use a TextView, which by default does not give the opportunity to change text contexts. Usually, a disabled EditText misleads users, making them feel like they've done something wrong, so try to use proper views for solving common problems. Hope this helps.

You can take TextView instead of EditText as it is a label, and if you still want it to look like edit field. you can use default editfield background by setting background of textView to
#android:drawable/edit_text in xml file.

In XML of editText write android:editable="false".


AutoFill EditText Android

I'm trying to create a search bar like.
I have to use a particular autofill, infact I can't use a dropdowns menu.
For example if I write Noce the edittext will have to suggest Nocera in the same editText, like this.
but if the user write something else the pointer have to the end of the typed text (in this case Noce) and the hint have to disappear.
Is there some library that allows me this?
Thanks for the help.
There's this library that will fulfill some of your requirement called Auto Fill EditText
Finally I have solved this using two EditText in the same position. The first one is a normal editable EditText, the second one is not editable from the user but is used to show the hints programmatically.

Keep a part of edittext uneditable

In my app I have a couple of checkboxes, that when checked combine the first part of an edittext. In the same edittext I would like to allow the user to append some text, while disallowing to delete the built text.
This is how it looks
[This part is build from checkbox combination, and can change in real time][This part is user defined]
Now is there a way to not allow the user to modify the first part of the edittext, but still allow the app to change this text?
You can certainly create a TextWatcher object and add it to your edittext. In your textwatcher, you can store the constant text information in an instance variable. Then, you can fill in the onTextChanged() and afterTextChanged() methods to create the type of behavior you are looking for.
For example, you can check the cursor position (using editText.getSelected()) to see if the user tried to change some of the text that shouldn't be changed-- if they do, then have some code to handle the case.
I know this isn't the best answer, but I don't yet have privilege to make a comment. Hope this helps!

What is the difference between text field types

I am new to android. I was stuck on a problem but I finally solved it.
I was using a TextField instead of CompleteTextViewField so whats the difference between these two and when should I use each one of them?
Neither of those classes you mention (TextField, CompleteTextViewField) exist. Do you mean EditText and AutoCompleteTextView? I think the documentation explains it pretty well:
[AutoCompleteTextView is] An editable text view that shows completion suggestions automatically while the user is typing. The list of suggestions is displayed in a drop down menu from which the user can choose an item to replace the content of the edit box with.
That is, use it rather than a normal EditText if you have a set of common autocompletions for what gets entered in the box. The docs also link to a full sample that shows how to populate that list of suggestions with an Adapter.

popup windows in android?

Pretty new to android so excuse me if this is a really obvious question.
Say my application has a bunch of TextViews, each one showing the attributes of a certain product (name, price, etc). I have a button next to each of these TextViews labeled "modify".
How do I make it so that when I press the modify button next to a certain attribute, a popup window with a space to enter text into comes up so that the user can enter text into this box and then have the actual attribute listing on the original page change? Actually I just need a push in the right direction with creating this popup text field... not sure if there is already some built in functionality for this or if not, what would be the best way to create this kind of thing.
Why not have the modify button set TextEdit.setEnabled(true); and then change focus with TextEdit.setFocus? Note that both of these are inherited from view
If you really want a dialog you might want to looking into the AlertDialog.Builder. I know you can use it with buttons and radio buttons, but I'm not sure you can get it to work with a TextView.
Use a code like this for the input popup: Android dialog input text
In the positive button handler, set your edittext content programmatically like this:
As simple as that. The only difference with a standard GUI framework is that you don't retrieve the value as a result of the popup function. Instead, you must provide an action handler.

Relative Layout Android

I have a layout of a user entry form.when i enter username and password and hit the submit button.the content should be saved and another div with three textboxes and editboxes should appear in the same page.
Replacing the content might not be the best solution.
Anyway, you can create all these elements together in the same layout and set the "div with three textboxes and editboxes" initially to "hidden".
After you have clicked the button and triggered the desired event, you grab the desired elements and make them visible while setting the unwanted elements to hidden again.
Charles Merriams answer would be the more elegant and cleaner way, this only answers the "base" question.
The magic word you need to look at is "Intent". You call your own application in order to switch layouts after the submit button.
You may find the Notepad tutorial useful.
You can try what DrColossos said or you can try by just setting a different contentview on button click.

