I am using AdMob to display ads in my Andorid app. It is a small banner at the bottom of the screen. It works fine normally. But when I click on any of the 'EditText' boxes to enter some text, a soft keyboard pops-up and it hides the ad. This is fine. But when I'm done entering the text or when I click Back to dismiss the soft keyboard or when I click on the screen-area other than the 'EditText' box the soft keyboard disappears and also the AdMob ad vanishes.
I can reload the ad but then I need to capture the event when the keyboard disappears. Besides I don't think this is the best way to resolve the problem. I would like if the ad still stays intact when the keyboard has disappeared.
hello use this method in your App Manifest activity tag, this might help you.
android:windowSoftInputMode="stateAlwaysHidden|adjustResize|adjustPan" >
I've made a custom soft keyboard extended from InputMethodService class, when the user clicks on any EditText, my keyboard will be shown and fill the whole screen (portrait or landscape).
Once I open Twitter application to write a tweet, writing Tweet screen shows up and my keyboard will be shown with no problems.
Once I click back button to hide the keyboard and back to write tweet screen, the keyboard and tweet screen have gone as well! So, any text I've written using my keyboard will be also gone.
I'm not sure if this is Twitter app problem, but I'm not sure how can I solve that? Even if I could handle back button event, what should I do next?
If you also using any soft keyboard, once you click back button, it will hide the keyboard and write a tweet screen as well.
I made a small trick for that, write a text and remove it to get the focus when onWindowShown is called:
getCurrentInputConnection().commitText(" ", 1);
getCurrentInputConnection().deleteSurroundingText(1, 0);
Now everything is working fine :)
Is there a way to prevent the softkeyboard to show up in a WebView? My app is attached to a scanner which simulates keyboard entry (that works so far), so the softkeyboard is only annoying when it occupies the screen.
The Nullkeyboard from the Playstore does the trick, but in certain cases I would like to enable the keyboard again.
If it helps, I can control the content of the webpage being shown. Would like to avoid programming a full input method.
In your manifest, on the activity, use android:windowSoftInputMode="stateAlwaysHidden" and the soft keyboard should never be displayed.
I'm using the v16 API and having problems with where the popup is being placed when the onscreen keyboard is displayed.
The first problem is that if the EditText is at the bottom of the screen, when I touch the field to open it for editing the popup is displayed below the control and the immediately covered as the keyboard appears. It doesn't reposition itself above the EditText until a keypress triggers my validation code to fire again on the new value.
The second problem is that when I close the keyboard and the ScrollView containing the text scrolls back down from where it positioned itself to show the EditText above the keyboard the popup remains placed on the upper half of the screen instead of where the EditText is until I touch something else on the screen (triggering the ScrollView to do a redraw???).
Unfortunately that popup has various problems like this :(
Perhaps a simple solution in your case is to forcibly invalidate the UI when the keyboard has displayed and dismissed? Can't recall if the Popup will reposition if the EditText is invalidated, but worth trying as the alternative may be to re-implement.
Checkout my android-formidable-validation lib on github, it re-implements...though has its own problems - if you go down that path, why not give me a hand with some contributions ;)
So my problem is as follows:
I am working on the "Unmodified SoftKeyboard Demo Project" , I created another keyboard (Azerty) with Copy/Paste as the Qwerty. When I call mInputView.setKeyboard(mAzertyKeyboard); by pressing a button , the keyboard is switched, but the layout is big and badly displayed, I mean I can't see all keys just the half of the keyboard on the screen. Does switching a keyboard require another call like Draw?
Check if the number of key in a row is the same as the qwerty keyboard.
Anyway, you should show us the layout here if you want some help
I am working on an android app and really enjoying it too. But today, I got stuck on a small problem with soft keyboard.
I have an EditText at the bottom of the screen and when user clicks on it a keyboard pops up ,resizing the entire view to show the EditText above keyboard, which is as it should be. But if user doesn't do anything for sometime, phone sleeps and screen gets locked with the keyboard still present in the screen. When phone comes back after sleep, the keyboard seems to hide itself, leaving my views in a resized state. A blank space is shown where the keyboard has been present..I would be happy if
The keyboard remains there after
coming back from sleep..
Let the keyboard hide,but my views
should go back to original size, ie
without any blank space..
What can I do to achieve any of these?