Save and upload more than one image - android

I'm trying to upload more than one image taken from the camera. I call the camera via Intent:
public void TakePicture(int actionCode)
Intent intent = new Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE);
photo[0] = createTemporaryFile("spot", ".jpg");
catch(Exception e)
Log.v("ERROR SD!!", "Can't create file to take picture!");
Toast.makeText(this, "Please check SD card! Image shot is impossible!", 10000);
fileUri = Uri.fromFile(photo[0]);
intent.putExtra(MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT, fileUri);
startActivityForResult(intent, CAPTURE_IMAGE_ACTIVITY_REQUEST_CODE);
And then I upload it to a PHP server:
public void UploadImg()
HttpURLConnection conn = null;
DataOutputStream dos = null;
DataInputStream inStream = null;
// String exsistingFileName = "/sdcard/prueba.png"; --> Used for local files!!
String lineEnd = "\r\n";
String twoHyphens = "--";
String boundary = "*****";
int bytesRead, bytesAvailable, bufferSize;
byte[] buffer;
int maxBufferSize = 1*1024*1024;
String urlString = "";
FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(photo[0].toString());
// Open a URL connection to the Servlet
URL url = new URL(urlString);
// Open a HTTP connection to the URL
conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
conn.setRequestProperty("Connection", "Keep-Alive");
conn.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data;boundary="+boundary);
dos = new DataOutputStream(conn.getOutputStream());
dos.writeBytes(twoHyphens + boundary + lineEnd);
dos.writeBytes("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"uploadedfile\";filename=\"" + photo[0] +"\"" + lineEnd);
// Create a buffer of maximum size
bytesAvailable = fileInputStream.available();
bufferSize = Math.min(bytesAvailable, maxBufferSize);
buffer = new byte[bufferSize];
// Read file and write it into form...
bytesRead =, 0, bufferSize);
while (bytesRead > 0)
dos.write(buffer, 0, bufferSize);
bytesAvailable = fileInputStream.available();
bufferSize = Math.min(bytesAvailable, maxBufferSize);
bytesRead =, 0, bufferSize);
// Send multipart form data necesssary after file data...
dos.writeBytes(twoHyphens + boundary + twoHyphens + lineEnd);
// Close streams
catch (MalformedURLException ex) { Log.e("MediaPlayer", "error: " + ex.getMessage(), ex); }
catch (IOException ioe) { Log.e("MediaPlayer", "error: " + ioe.getMessage(), ioe); }
try {
inStream = new DataInputStream (conn.getInputStream());
String str;
while ((str = inStream.readLine()) != null)
System.out.println("Server Response" + str);
catch (IOException ioex) { Log.e("MediaPlayer", "error: " + ioex.getMessage(), ioex); }
I save 3 different images: photo[0], photo[1] and photo[2]. The problem is that when I take, for example, two pictures, it only uploads one of them and with size = 0.
In the code of the UploadImg() I show only the photo[0], but in the 'real' code I use a for loop after the first try so that it upload all of the images taken.
Any idea of what am I doing wrong?
Thank you very much in advance!

I've already solved my problem! I did the following: Instead of saving the photo File, I save the it in a String with the location of the image.
if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
for (int u = 0; u <= 2; u++)
if (savedImgs[u].equals(""))
// Saving important info to be used later
imgs = u + 1;
savedImgs[u] = photo.toString();
} ...
And then, when uploading the images to the server, I make a for loop like this:
public void UploadImg()
HttpURLConnection conn = null;
DataOutputStream dos = null;
DataInputStream inStream = null;
// String exsistingFileName = "/sdcard/prueba.png"; --> Used for local files!!
String lineEnd = "\r\n";
String twoHyphens = "--";
String boundary = "*****";
int bytesRead, bytesAvailable, bufferSize;
byte[] buffer;
int maxBufferSize = 1*1024*1024;
String urlString = "";
for (int n = 0; n < imgs; n++)
FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(savedImgs[n]);
// Open a URL connection to the Servlet
URL url = new URL(urlString);
// Open a HTTP connection to the URL
conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
conn.setRequestProperty("Connection", "Keep-Alive");
conn.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data;boundary=" + boundary);
dos = new DataOutputStream(conn.getOutputStream());
dos.writeBytes(twoHyphens + boundary + lineEnd);
dos.writeBytes("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"uploadedfile\";filename=\"" + savedImgs[n] +"\"" + lineEnd);
// Create a buffer of maximum size
bytesAvailable = fileInputStream.available();
bufferSize = Math.min(bytesAvailable, maxBufferSize);
buffer = new byte[bufferSize];
// Read file and write it into form...
bytesRead =, 0, bufferSize);
while (bytesRead > 0)
dos.write(buffer, 0, bufferSize);
bytesAvailable = fileInputStream.available();
bufferSize = Math.min(bytesAvailable, maxBufferSize);
bytesRead =, 0, bufferSize);
// Send multipart form data necesssary after file data...
dos.writeBytes(twoHyphens + boundary + twoHyphens + lineEnd);
// Close streams
catch (MalformedURLException ex) { Log.e("MediaPlayer", "error: " + ex.getMessage(), ex); }
catch (IOException ioe) { Log.e("MediaPlayer", "error: " + ioe.getMessage(), ioe); }
try {
inStream = new DataInputStream (conn.getInputStream());
String str;
while ((str = inStream.readLine()) != null)
System.out.println("Server Response" + str);
catch (IOException ioex) { Log.e("MediaPlayer", "error: " + ioex.getMessage(), ioex); }


android upload file on shared folder inside htdocs

I need to upload file on shared folder inside lampp ht-docs directory.
The file is inside internal storage. I have also path of that file with me.
I have tried some of the solutions but it is not moving file to that shared folder inside lampp ht-docs.
I have the URL like this http://192.168.1...../OrderFiles/. OrderFiles is the shared folder inside lampp htdocs directory. I want to upload file here from file path of internal storage.
Here is what i have tried.
public void uploadLocal() {
HttpURLConnection conn = null;
DataOutputStream dos = null;
DataInputStream inStream = null;
File fileName = new File(DBController.lastXmlPathLocal);
Log.w("getAbsolutePath", fileName.getAbsolutePath());
Log.w("getPath", fileName.getPath());
String existingFileName = fileName.getAbsolutePath();
Log.w("existingFileName", existingFileName);
String lineEnd = "\r\n";
String twoHyphens = "--";
String boundary = "*****";
int bytesRead, bytesAvailable, bufferSize;
byte[] buffer;
int maxBufferSize = 1 * 1024 * 1024;
String responseFromServer = "";
String urlString = "http://192.168.1......./OrderFiles/";
Log.w("urlString", urlString);
try {
//------------------ CLIENT REQUEST
FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(new File(fileName.getPath()));
// open a URL connection to the Servlet
URL url = new URL(urlString);
// Open a HTTP connection to the URL
conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
// Allow Inputs
// Allow Outputs
// Don't use a cached copy.
// Use a post method.
conn.setRequestProperty("Connection", "Keep-Alive");
conn.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data;boundary=" + boundary);
dos = new DataOutputStream(conn.getOutputStream());
dos.writeBytes(twoHyphens + boundary + lineEnd);
dos.writeBytes("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"uploadedfile\";filename=\"" + existingFileName + "\"" + lineEnd);
// create a buffer of maximum size
bytesAvailable = fileInputStream.available();
bufferSize = Math.min(bytesAvailable, maxBufferSize);
buffer = new byte[bufferSize];
// read file and write it into form...
bytesRead =, 0, bufferSize);
//while (bytesRead > 0)
Log.v("info", ".size." + bytesRead);
for (int n1 = 0; n1 < bytesRead; n1++) {
dos.write(buffer, 0, bufferSize);
bytesAvailable = fileInputStream.available();
bufferSize = Math.min(bytesAvailable, maxBufferSize);
bytesRead =, 0, bufferSize);
dos.writeBytes(twoHyphens + boundary + twoHyphens + lineEnd);
// close streams
Log.v("info", "File is written");
} catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
Log.v("info", "error: " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
Log.v("info", "error: " + ioe.getMessage(), ioe);
/*//------------------ read the SERVER RESPONSE
try {
inStream = new DataInputStream(conn.getInputStream());
String str;
while ((str = inStream.readLine()) != null) {
Log.v("info", "Server Response " + str);
} catch (IOException ioex) {
Log.v("info", "error: " + ioex.getMessage(), ioex);
The above code showing File is written in logcat but inside that folder not showing any of the file.
Is their any other solution to integrate this ?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
First you need a php script to upload a file to begin with. And after that the php script should contain code to move the uploaded file to your wanted folder. And that is how it goes. And that is how you should do it.

Displaying upload progress in progress dialog

I'm uploading a file and want to display a progress dialog to see the upload progress. I already included a horizontal dialog which works incorrectly, because it goes to 100% in 1 second and then it waits (because it's still uploading).
I used the following function for uploading:
private void doFileUpload(String selectedPath){
HttpURLConnection conn = null;
DataOutputStream dos = null;
DataInputStream inStream = null;
String lineEnd = "\r\n";
String twoHyphens = "--";
String boundary = "*****";
int bytesRead, bytesAvailable, bufferSize;
byte[] buffer;
int maxBufferSize = 1*1024*1024;
String responseFromServer = "";
String urlString = "";
//------------------ CLIENT REQUEST
File f = new File(selectedPath);
FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(f);
//calculate size of file
wholeFilesize = f.length(); //returns the length in Bytes
// open a URL connection to the Servlet
URL url = new URL(urlString);
// Open a HTTP connection to the URL
conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
// Allow Inputs
// Allow Outputs
// Don't use a cached copy.
// Use a post method.
conn.setRequestProperty("Connection", "Keep-Alive");
conn.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data;boundary="+boundary);
dos = new DataOutputStream( conn.getOutputStream() );
dos.writeBytes(twoHyphens + boundary + lineEnd);
dos.writeBytes("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"upfile\";filename=\"" + selectedPath + "\"" + lineEnd);
// create a buffer of maximum size
bytesAvailable = fileInputStream.available();
bufferSize = Math.min(bytesAvailable, maxBufferSize);
buffer = new byte[bufferSize];
// read file and write it into form...
bytesRead =, 0, bufferSize);
while (bytesRead > 0)
dos.write(buffer, 0, bufferSize);
bytesAvailable = fileInputStream.available();
int progress = (int)((totalReadFilesize*100)/(wholeFilesize));
//Log.i("Progress: ", (int)((totalReadFilesize*100)/(wholeFilesize))+"");
bufferSize = Math.min(bytesAvailable, maxBufferSize);
bytesRead =, 0, bufferSize);
Log.i("Size: ", wholeFilesize+"");
Log.i("Bytes read: ", totalReadFilesize+"");
// send multipart form data necesssary after file data...
dos.writeBytes(twoHyphens + boundary + twoHyphens + lineEnd);
// close streams
Log.e("Debug","File is written");
catch (MalformedURLException ex)
Log.e("Debug", "error: " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
catch (IOException ioe)
Log.e("Debug", "error: " + ioe.getMessage(), ioe);
//------------------ read the SERVER RESPONSE
try {
inStream = new DataInputStream ( conn.getInputStream() );
String str;
while (( str = inStream.readLine()) != null)
Log.e("Debug","Server Response "+str);
JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(str);
//String status=(String) jsonObj.get("status");
Log.i("TEST", (String) jsonObj.get("message"));
uploadResultMessage = (String) jsonObj.get("message");
Log.i("TEST", uploadResultMessage);
catch (IOException ioex){
Log.e("Debug", "error: " + ioex.getMessage(), ioex);
} catch (JSONException e) {
Does someone know, how should I modify the code to see the real progress of the file, which is being uploaded? I find it strange, because I'm doing the same as the user in his doInBackground() in this thread.

Out of Memory Issue when encode into base64 video file

I am trying to upload the video file into server with convert into base64. But I am getting out of memory exception even size is 2 mb also. How to resolve this issue. Please help me to over out, much appreciate your help.
Here what I am doing
byte [] ba = convertByteArray(videoUri);
String baseimage=Base64.encodeToString(ba, Base64.NO_WRAP);
public byte[] convertByteArray(Uri videoUri){
InputStream iStream=null;
byte[] inputData=null;
try {
iStream = getContentResolver().openInputStream(videoUri);
inputData = getBytes(iStream);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
catch (IOException e) {
return inputData;
public byte[] getBytes(InputStream inputStream) throws IOException {
ByteArrayOutputStream byteBuffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
int bufferSize = 1024;
byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferSize];
int len = 0;
while ((len = != -1) {
byteBuffer.write(buffer, 0, len);
return byteBuffer.toByteArray();
Code :
HttpURLConnection conn = null;
DataOutputStream dos = null;
DataInputStream inStream = null;
String lineEnd = "rn";
String twoHyphens = "--";
String boundary = "*****";
int bytesRead, bytesAvailable, bufferSize;
byte[] buffer;
int maxBufferSize = 1*1024*1024;
String responseFromServer = "";
String urlString = "";
//------------------ CLIENT REQUEST
FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(new File(selectedPath) );
// open a URL connection to the Servlet
URL url = new URL(urlString);
// Open a HTTP connection to the URL
conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
// Allow Inputs
// Allow Outputs
// Don't use a cached copy.
// Use a post method.
conn.setRequestProperty("Connection", "Keep-Alive");
conn.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data;boundary="+boundary);
dos = new DataOutputStream( conn.getOutputStream() );
dos.writeBytes(twoHyphens + boundary + lineEnd);
dos.writeBytes("Content-Disposition: form-data; name="uploadedfile";filename="" + selectedPath + """ + lineEnd);
// create a buffer of maximum size
bytesAvailable = fileInputStream.available();
bufferSize = Math.min(bytesAvailable, maxBufferSize);
buffer = new byte[bufferSize];
// read file and write it into form...
bytesRead =, 0, bufferSize);
while (bytesRead > 0)
dos.write(buffer, 0, bufferSize);
bytesAvailable = fileInputStream.available();
bufferSize = Math.min(bytesAvailable, maxBufferSize);
bytesRead =, 0, bufferSize);
// send multipart form data necesssary after file data...
dos.writeBytes(twoHyphens + boundary + twoHyphens + lineEnd);
// close streams
Log.e("Debug","File is written");
catch (MalformedURLException ex)
Log.e("Debug", "error: " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
catch (IOException ioe)
Log.e("Debug", "error: " + ioe.getMessage(), ioe);
//------------------ read the SERVER RESPONSE
try {
inStream = new DataInputStream ( conn.getInputStream() );
String str;
while (( str = inStream.readLine()) != null)
Log.e("Debug","Server Response "+str);
catch (IOException ioex){
Log.e("Debug", "error: " + ioex.getMessage(), ioex);
Go through the following Sample for more reference :
For uploading video to server see doFileUpload() method from the above url.

Upload video in Android

I want to upload video on specific server in Android.
Is is possible ?
How I can achieve this ?
Had the same issue some time ago. Here's a code.
public static int upLoad2Server(String sourceFileUri)
String upLoadServerUri = "your remote server link";
// String [] string = sourceFileUri;
String fileName = sourceFileUri;
HttpURLConnection conn = null;
DataOutputStream dos = null;
DataInputStream inStream = null;
String lineEnd = "\r\n";
String twoHyphens = "--";
String boundary = "*****";
int bytesRead, bytesAvailable, bufferSize;
byte[] buffer;
int maxBufferSize = 1 * 1024 * 1024;
String responseFromServer = "";
File sourceFile = new File(sourceFileUri);
if (!sourceFile.isFile()) {
Log.e("Huzza", "Source File Does not exist");
return 0;
try { // open a URL connection to the Servlet
FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(sourceFile);
URL url = new URL(upLoadServerUri);
conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); // Open a HTTP connection to the URL
conn.setDoInput(true); // Allow Inputs
conn.setDoOutput(true); // Allow Outputs
conn.setUseCaches(false); // Don't use a Cached Copy
conn.setRequestProperty("Connection", "Keep-Alive");
conn.setRequestProperty("ENCTYPE", "multipart/form-data");
conn.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data;boundary=" + boundary);
conn.setRequestProperty("uploaded_file", fileName);
dos = new DataOutputStream(conn.getOutputStream());
dos.writeBytes(twoHyphens + boundary + lineEnd);
dos.writeBytes("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"uploaded_file\";filename=\""+ fileName + "\"" + lineEnd);
bytesAvailable = fileInputStream.available(); // create a buffer of maximum size
Log.i("Huzza", "Initial .available : " + bytesAvailable);
bufferSize = Math.min(bytesAvailable, maxBufferSize);
buffer = new byte[bufferSize];
// read file and write it into form...
bytesRead =, 0, bufferSize);
while (bytesRead > 0) {
dos.write(buffer, 0, bufferSize);
bytesAvailable = fileInputStream.available();
bufferSize = Math.min(bytesAvailable, maxBufferSize);
bytesRead =, 0, bufferSize);
// send multipart form data necesssary after file data...
dos.writeBytes(twoHyphens + boundary + twoHyphens + lineEnd);
// Responses from the server (code and message)
serverResponseCode = conn.getResponseCode();
String serverResponseMessage = conn.getResponseMessage();
Log.i("Upload file to server", "HTTP Response is : " + serverResponseMessage + ": " + serverResponseCode);
// close streams
Log.i("Upload file to server", fileName + " File is written");
} catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
Log.e("Upload file to server", "error: " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
} catch (Exception e) {
//this block will give the response of upload link
try {
BufferedReader rd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn
String line;
while ((line = rd.readLine()) != null) {
Log.i("Huzza", "RES Message: " + line);
} catch (IOException ioex) {
Log.e("Huzza", "error: " + ioex.getMessage(), ioex);
return serverResponseCode; // like 200 (Ok)
} // end upLoad2Server

Android video upload error?

I use this to upload the video to php server, when i try to upload the image ,it was working fine, but when i tried to upload the Video the following error occur,
"02-22 18:22:35.588: ERROR/dalvikvm-heap(780): Out of memory on a 14680278-byte allocation."
HttpURLConnection conn = null;
DataOutputStream dos = null;
DataInputStream inStream = null;
String exsistingFileName = "/sdcard/Video/dance.wmv";
// Is this the place are you doing something wrong.
String lineEnd = "\r\n";
String twoHyphens = "--";
String boundary = "*****";
int bytesRead, bytesAvailable, bufferSize;
byte[] buffer;
int maxBufferSize = 1*1024*1024;
String responseFromServer = "";
String urlString = "";
//------------------ CLIENT REQUEST
Log.e("MediaPlayer","Inside second Method");
FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(new File(exsistingFileName) );
// open a URL connection to the Servlet
URL url = new URL(urlString);
// Open a HTTP connection to the URL
conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
// Allow Inputs
// Allow Outputs
// Don't use a cached copy.
// Use a post method.
conn.setRequestProperty("Connection", "Keep-Alive");
conn.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data;boundary="+boundary);
dos = new DataOutputStream( conn.getOutputStream() );
dos.writeBytes(twoHyphens + boundary + lineEnd);
dos.writeBytes("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"uploadedfile\";filename=\"" + exsistingFileName +"\"" + lineEnd);
Log.e("MediaPlayer","Headers are written");
// create a buffer of maximum size
bytesAvailable = fileInputStream.available();
bufferSize = Math.min(bytesAvailable, maxBufferSize);
buffer = new byte[bufferSize];
// read file and write it into form...
bytesRead =, 0, bufferSize);
while (bytesRead > 0)
dos.write(buffer, 0, bufferSize);
bytesAvailable = fileInputStream.available();
bufferSize = Math.min(bytesAvailable, maxBufferSize);
bytesRead =, 0, bufferSize);
// send multipart form data necesssary after file data...
dos.writeBytes(twoHyphens + boundary + twoHyphens + lineEnd);
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(
String inputLine;
while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null)
// close streams
Log.e("MediaPlayer","File is written");
catch (MalformedURLException ex)
Log.e("MediaPlayer", "error: " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
catch (IOException ioe)
Log.e("MediaPlayer", "error: " + ioe.getMessage(), ioe);
//------------------ read the SERVER RESPONSE
try {
inStream = new DataInputStream ( conn.getInputStream() );
String str;
while (( str = inStream.readLine()) != null)
Log.e("MediaPlayer","Server Response"+str);
catch (IOException ioex){
Log.e("MediaPlayer", "error: " + ioex.getMessage(), ioex);
can anyone suggest some idea to solve this.
I think error happened in follow line because DataOutputStream size is exceeds VM budget when you write
dos.write(buffer, 0, bufferSize);

