Android: time listener - android

Is there a time listener in Android?
I have a service that implements a location Listener. When there is no GPS lock, eg in a subway, I would like to send a notification based on time.
eg. If the train arrives at station A at 12:30.
If the current clock is 12:30, I would like to send a notification to the user.
The problem is that I didn't find anywhere a method for "onTimeChanged". Is there any way to achieve that?
I know about the System.currentTimeMillis()) but where do I put it to check every second?

You can use TimerTask class which would help you to schedule new Task after some time interval.

You'll be able to achieve this using AlarmManager
This class provides access to the system alarm services. These allow you to schedule your application to be run at some point in the future. When an alarm goes off, the Intent that had been registered for it is broadcast by the system, automatically starting the target application if it is not already running.


android alarm with background goes

In one of my application I am providing multiple alarm and its working perfectly fine.
I want to extend that alarm features with some background internet related tasks. When alarm is set for particular given value application start checking for that value from my server at every interval of 30 seconds. whenever same value is returned the alarm goes off. My server is updated with new data at every 30 seconds.
Right now I am setting multiple alarm with broadcast receiver and different pending intent ids. How should I start to implement?
I am confuse between which should I use for this Alarm manager, Services ,Receivers, Handler, AsyncTask?
Any help is appreciated.
You could create a new BroadcastReceiver and set a repeating alarm for every 30 seconds to trigger the receiver when you wish to start polling your server.
The new receiver could then check your server and if the condition is met could call cancel on the alarm manager to cancel the repeating alarm which triggers it.

AlarmService onBoot with interval based on variable

Alright so I'm working on a project where I want the app to check the internet for updates. I also want the user to be able to customize how often it makes these checks.
I'm kinda struggling with how I go about doing this.
I'm thinking I have a BroadcastReceiver check for the Intent.ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED, and then start the AlarmService based upon a variable already set somewhere.
But what happens if the user wants to update the interval? How do I stop the old AlarmService and replace it with the new one?
Also how do I have my AlarmService run a "background update" portion in my app without actually running any of the activities?
EDIT: Also can someone advise if I'm using the AlarmService correctly? I'd want to check for updates fairly frequently, should I be using some other method? I'd check between 1-5 minutes.
I do a similar thing in my app. I basically have two services: one that sets the alarm and the other that does the actual donwloading.
When your BroadcastReceiver get's the intent ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED you start your alarmService which sends an broadcast to start the downloadService.
So your BroadcastReceiver does both things: starts the alarmServcie if intent == BOOT_COMPLETED else it starts the downloadservice.
Also if the user changes the periods in which he wants those updates to be done you store the chosen value in the preferences, start the alarmservice and retrieve the values to set up a new period, e. g. 1 hour, 2 hours
Edit: Here is the info some info from the docs about pending Intents and how to cancel them.
When the user changes the interval you should first cancel your old alarmservice and then set it again.

Notification when app not used for more than certain period

Is there a way to send a notification to the user that app has been downloaded but a certain task from the app is not yet complete even after certain period - say a month. One way is a background service which should come alive every month in this case, check the app state (in sharedprefs) and then send a notification. Is there some other easier way in Android without writing custom service.
Here's how I would do it. Schedule an alarm using the AlarmManager to go off a month from today. That alarm can trigger some code inside of a Receiver or otherwise to check whether the said event has occured. If it hasn't, you can then show a Dialog or whatever.
In order to wake up your app after some amount of time (in your example a month) you're going to have to set an alarm. You can use AlarmManager for that. If all you're going to do is check SharedPreferences, you can do that in a broadcast receiver. You can send your notification there.

Android, Is it poosible to use system timer as broadcast receiver?

In my application I need to refresh my data in each 5s or 10s or 1 minute, according to my user preference.
I can create thread and use timer class but i want to know is there any other way? for example timer of system sends flag (broadcast something) and i get it in application (in order to refresh my data)?
If you want to refresh the data every serval seconds, you can setup a Hanlder to do this. However, this requires your activity keeps running.
If you want to do something at a specific time, like an Alarm. You can use the AlarmManager. This would lauch your activity or other components even it is not running now.
If you just want to moniter the change in the system time. Well, there is a Intent ACTION_TIME_TICK . You can register a BroadcastReceiver to listent to it and implement your own code when the systemt brocasts it. However, the "TICK" interval is "One Minute" only and can not be changed.
AlarmManager is what you are looking for. It can be used to set up periodic events that are delivered via a PendingIntent (which can be turned into an Intent broadcast).
I would be wary checking for new data on such a regular interval unless the device is always connected to a power source, especially if you are making the check over a network. With that small a poll interval going to the nework the battery will be flat in hours.

Updating weather info, should I use alarm and/or a service?

I am having some design techniques about How shall I schedule a code to retrieve the weather info?
Should I use alarms to retrieve the weather each 10 minutes?
And do I need to run a service for this? Or just put the code in the Broadcastreceiver and start when the alarm fired?
This is a good question. Yes, you will need to put this code in either a service or broadcastreceiver because when and activity loses focus (meaning the user is using a different app or the phone is asleep) they pause and/or close. However, i have no experience with either Services or Broadcastrecievers, so that is as much as i can tell you.

