Alright so I'm working on a project where I want the app to check the internet for updates. I also want the user to be able to customize how often it makes these checks.
I'm kinda struggling with how I go about doing this.
I'm thinking I have a BroadcastReceiver check for the Intent.ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED, and then start the AlarmService based upon a variable already set somewhere.
But what happens if the user wants to update the interval? How do I stop the old AlarmService and replace it with the new one?
Also how do I have my AlarmService run a "background update" portion in my app without actually running any of the activities?
EDIT: Also can someone advise if I'm using the AlarmService correctly? I'd want to check for updates fairly frequently, should I be using some other method? I'd check between 1-5 minutes.
I do a similar thing in my app. I basically have two services: one that sets the alarm and the other that does the actual donwloading.
When your BroadcastReceiver get's the intent ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED you start your alarmService which sends an broadcast to start the downloadService.
So your BroadcastReceiver does both things: starts the alarmServcie if intent == BOOT_COMPLETED else it starts the downloadservice.
Also if the user changes the periods in which he wants those updates to be done you store the chosen value in the preferences, start the alarmservice and retrieve the values to set up a new period, e. g. 1 hour, 2 hours
Edit: Here is the info some info from the docs about pending Intents and how to cancel them.
When the user changes the interval you should first cancel your old alarmservice and then set it again.
Pretty new to android, so forgive me if this is a dumb question...
So, I'm making an app with a countdown timer that will ring periodically, and then again when the countdown hits zero - simple enough. However, I want the app to keep running even when the user closes the application or the phone is asleep, so that whenever the timer rings, the app will wake up and display an activity showing the time until the countdown is finished. To do this, I'll need to use a service, and lo and behold, the google devs made the AlarmManager service just for me! Sweet!
However, I noticed 2 things:
1) the AlarmManager class has no default constructor, so I'm assuming I can't just extend it and tack some logic on so that I can get all this done in one shot. Ok, cool - I'll just make a service that instantiates AlarmManager at the start, and implement my logic there.
2) In the documentation, I don't see any way of getting either the elapsed time or the remaining time from AlarmManager once it is running.
So, my question is: does this mean that I will need two timers that I start at the same time? Say, an AlarmManager to wake the phone up and call the activity, and a CountDownTimer contained in the service to hold the remaining time and call the alarm ringtone?
Thanks for helping out my clueless ass.
You could extend AlarmManager. However the common way is to get an instance of it, which is running as a system service.
Get the instance using Context.getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE) and you will be able to register your PendingIntent to that system service, which is independent to your own app. The PendingIntent can either start an activity or send broadcast with some Intent. You don't monitor the elapsed time constantly in AlarmManager. Rather, you calculate the time difference between the current time of your method call, and the desired time to fire your event. And then you set an alarm in AlarmManager with a PendingIntent representing the action you wish to take at that interval, or a time point.
On the other hand, if you want maximum flexibility, run your service as foreground service and listen for system broadcast like ACTION_TIME_TICK, which is fired every minute. Alternatively if you don't run service in foreground you could also run your service with START_STICKY, which guarantees that your service will be restarted after the system kills it (due to sleep or closing app). Think this as a background service that is constantly running. This provides you a lot of flexibility in your implementation.
Hi I need to set AlarmManager to run a reminder for me to take medication. I need to repeat it by custom amount of days and custom amount of times to take in the day.
So is there an efficient way to set the AlarmManager or CommonsWare's Implementation of the AlarmManager to remind me "twice a day starting at 9AM for the next 5 days" to remind me to take medication? Pls advice and tnx in advance for any constructive help in sample code and in relevant tutorials.
I haven't looked into Mark's AlarmManager implementation, but there is no way, in general, to get the bare AlarmManager to do what you are trying to do. You can schedule a single alarm, at a specific time, or a repeating alarm, that repeats at fixed intervals. If you want something that handles complex schedules like the one you describe, you'll have to write or find code that does it.
You want to use a PendingIntent with the AlarmManager. The idea is to schedule the pendingIntent with the alarmManager, have that trigger an intentService or broadcast, setup another pendingIntent with the alarmManager for the next desired event. You want to keep in mind that you'll need the BOOT_RECEIVED permission in case the user reboots their device. I have complex scheduling in Audio Control and this is exactly what I do.
Here is a pretty decent tutorial of what I mean:
You need to schedule an alarm to the next time you want to take the medicine - according to your algorithm (for example if its twice a day, and you got to the pending intent callback for the first time today, then schedule the next alarm to start after [6,7,8,9,10...] hours).
You will need to save both last time of the alarm launch and the user settings in shared prefs/file/DB.
You need to handle process down (android killed it or the device was rebooted). In the case of device reboot you should use the boot receiver to start your service, but you need to remember that from android 3.1 the user has to use at least one time the GUI in order for you to intercept the boot completed receiver. The boot completed receiver should look when was the last time that the alarm launched, and according to the user settings set the next alarm launch.
In the case of android killed your service, you will need to make research, i can't help here.
see example
I'm new to Android so I want to make sure that the following solution is the correct one.
The problem:
I want to sync the device's local database with a database on my server, via a webservice, every 10 minutes. I already have a web service call that I can make that returns the new/updated records. What I'm wondering is what is the best way to schedule this task. I want the databases to sync even when the application is not running.
My solution (is this the correct route to go?):
I will have one BroadcastReceiver that listens for android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED, in it's onReceive I will create an AlarmManager that sends a message to MyReceiver (via a PendingIntent) every 10 minutes. Also, in my application's startup I will do the same (create an alarm to send messages to the MyReceiver via a PendingIntent) - Since both alarms are sending messages to MyReceiver and their corresponding PendingIntents are initialized with PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT will the new alarm override the old one? (this is what I want to do, in case for some reason the alarm gets cancelled after device boot it should be restarted when the application starts).
In MyReceiver's onReceive() I will create a MyIntentService (this instance will make the webservice call and update the local database).
Is this a good solution? Any suggestions?
Solution is fine...Actually all the AlarmManager instances get cleared when device turned off and rebooted.
The simple way is that...
First create AlarmManager when application started.
Second in onReceive of BOOT_COMPLETED BroadcastReceiver.
Its enough, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT will make sure of having only one activated alarm at a time.
In this way, alarm registered when your application started. There will be no issue if its already registered via BOOT_COMPLETED. Activated alarm will deactivated when you turn off your device, but BroadcastReceiver to BOOT_COMPLETED will take care of registration new alarm at next boot.
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Also you need to review your interval to use network, it might be very resource consuming for device and user. One policy might be to have longer period of interval and check for update when user starts your app (this might not be user friendly but can save many system resources and battery power as well). Try to find some better policy according to your needs.
Using FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT in that manner will override the existing PendingIntent if one exists. I'm not positive but I believe that as soon as you get into onReceive, the PendingIntent is consumed so it's no longer there to be overridden. In either case, it sounds like this is the functionality you are looking for and yes it's a good way to solve this kind of problem. My only other suggestion would be if the 10 minute interval timing is not absolutely critical then use one of the INTERVAL_ schedules (INTERVAL_FIFTEEN_MINUTES for example) in your AlarmManager to help conserve battery life; basically it lets allows all apps that run on intervals to "batch" their work together and wake the device up less frequently.
In my application I need to refresh my data in each 5s or 10s or 1 minute, according to my user preference.
I can create thread and use timer class but i want to know is there any other way? for example timer of system sends flag (broadcast something) and i get it in application (in order to refresh my data)?
If you want to refresh the data every serval seconds, you can setup a Hanlder to do this. However, this requires your activity keeps running.
If you want to do something at a specific time, like an Alarm. You can use the AlarmManager. This would lauch your activity or other components even it is not running now.
If you just want to moniter the change in the system time. Well, there is a Intent ACTION_TIME_TICK . You can register a BroadcastReceiver to listent to it and implement your own code when the systemt brocasts it. However, the "TICK" interval is "One Minute" only and can not be changed.
AlarmManager is what you are looking for. It can be used to set up periodic events that are delivered via a PendingIntent (which can be turned into an Intent broadcast).
I would be wary checking for new data on such a regular interval unless the device is always connected to a power source, especially if you are making the check over a network. With that small a poll interval going to the nework the battery will be flat in hours.
I see all the examples of AlarmManager being set by an Activity.
My question is this:
If my application sets a recurring AlarmManager, does that persist even after the application that started is is closed and removed from memory?
If not, how do I start an AlarmManager at a lower level that is started by Android at boot up and if it ever fails or dies or throws an exception is restarted without the user having to do anything?
Lastly, if the action I wish for the BroadcastReceiver to undertake has no visual components, do I still have to create a separate Activity for it? In my case I want there to be a background uploader that wakes up and looks into a folder and if it sees files in that folder, sends them off to the server. I don't need any feedback to the user.
So, my ideal would be to have a magical, OS based AlarmManager that calls an IntentService which just handles the uploading, but I'm unclear on how to get such an AlarmManager running in the first place.
Yes, AFAIK the alarms "survive" and keeps getting triggered, even after the activity that registered them ends. But they don't survive a phone reboot.
If I understands your problem correctly, I think you can achieve what your looking for by creating a project with a broadcast receiver that listens for android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED intents and then (re-)register a repeating alarm, which in turns starts a (Intent)Service to do the uploading.
You don't need an activity, but you probably would want one anyway, to let the user temporarily disable the upload mechanism by checking off a checkbox, or something. It would probably also be nice to let the user choose the frequency of your alarm, i.e. how often the service should be started and look for new files to upload. This would also be a good place to register your alarm for the first time.
I agree with Nicolai that you'd have 2 broadcast receivers in your application :
one that re-register the alarm on boot
one that starts your service when triggered by the alarm
You could still have an activity but it shouldn't be started by the alarm receiver (hence the service) : instead, maybe launch a notification as you start your service, with the user having the possibility to launch the activity from the expanded message of the notification.
maybe also think about setInexactRepeating (instead of setRepeating) for your alarm, as well as using a worker thread to handle the long uploads (in case the user wants to use your activity in the main thread at the same time).