I put a background to a TextView. I expect the background will adjust to my existing layout parameters and will not change the size of my TextView. So if I have width and height set to wrap_content, I would expect the background also wraps content (and scales down). But no, what I get is a bigger TextView
I get
How do I make that the background also obeys wrap_content?
I mean, this looks like the background would be treated as content...
This is because when we set background than textView or any Widget adjusts itself according to that background.Until and Unless we have not mentioned the Fix Height and Width[Its Poor approach]
I want the height of my TextView to auto-size its layout_height when max/min text size is hit.
Problem: In order to auto-size my text, I am forced to add a layout_height. There are cases where the text is one or two words and cases where there are many words. When there are only one or two words my text hits the autoSizeMaxTextSize but the layout_height remains at 200dp and then my view looks like there is a big space between my TextView (the title) and the lower view (the body) because I set a static height for layout_height. When I have less text I do not want my TextView's height to take up the full 200dp but to scale down to the minHeight instead.
I have tried using android:layout_height="wrap_content" in conjunction with android:minHeight="100dp" and android:maxHeight="200dp" and the auto text resizing. The result was to wrap content with no text resizing and no maxHeight.
Does anyone know how to accomplish this?
Because when the view's parent lays it out and figures out how much space to give it, it doesn't know about those fields. It only knows about the layout_ fields. It sizes it completely based on that and on the layout rules of the parent. min and max text size is only used by the view itself when deciding what font size to use.
Ah, you asked a different question in the body. If you want the size of the text view to change based on length of text, use wrap_content for height. To put a max height, put it inside a view with layout_height 200, or use contraint rules in a ConstraintLayout to set a max height.
I have a multi level LinearLayout to show 4x6 ImageButtons for an advent calendar. But when I want to set the background of the ImageButton, it is too big. How can I set the image background to fit the ImageButton size? I want to show 24 pieces of present boxes in a nice grid.
android:textSize="#dimen/button_text_size" />
I think that what you want to do can be done changing/adding 2 things:
Its an ImageButton, so dont use the android:background property, but the android:src with the same drawable
Then add the property android:adjustViewBounds="true" which basically adjusts the image to fit the view while maintaining aspect ratio
I think that should do the trick, else you can also try
Use the android:scaleType property, I would try using fitXY but here are all the possible scale types: https://developer.android.com/reference/android/widget/ImageView.ScaleType
EDIT: Also, you might need to change your width and height properties, either specify a size in dp, use constraints, or wrap your ImageButtons in a GridLayout
I have a TextView and an ImageView in a LinearLayout:
android:keepScreenOn="true" >
android:textSize="18sp" />
android:layout_gravity="right" />
In my Code, I set different Images to the ImageView (All 68x68 pixels size) with
The Problem is now, the Image is no more seen if the TextView gets other Text by .setText(...) and redraws itself. The Image also dissappears if other Views outside this LinearLayout change their size and get redrawn (e.g. an MapView that has been zoomed in/out).
If I set all .setText(...) from this TextView in comments //, the picture from the ImageView stays visible and doesn't disappear anymore.
But I don't want to go without that TextView...
I already hardcoded the Views heights and widths but that does not help.
Any Ideas ?
I just saw at testing, that by setting different Text to the TextView it can get a bigger width (even bigger than I stated in the *xml) if this TextView gets too width, the Image disappears. Maybe a work around solution works, that prevents the TextView from getting too width. Some1 knows how to?
Try .setBackgroundDrawable instead
You should change the different view's units to dp instead of sp. sp is usually used for the actual text size. So basically change the layout_width and layout_height to use dp units, and keep the textSize in sp units.
Please change these and re-run your application, and let me know if this changed the results. If it doesn't work, add some of your java code so I can better tell where the issue is.
I wanted to know if it was possible to create a custom TextView that centers text perfectly, no matter what the font is. That's my major issue right now, but I'm also wondering if it's possible to set the specific height using pixels so that the height would also be consistent.
This picture shows how different fonts are sized and centered. The longest black line in the picture is the middle of the white space. Letters in the picture are the same in every way except for the fonts. The text size is the same (text.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_PX, 450);), and they're all centered. I hope someone knows the answer to these questions! If you need any code from my app, just ask. Thanks!
EDIT: I am aware of android:gravity="veritcal_center", but that only works to an extent. What you see above is that implemented in the textview, but each font has a different center of gravity, so android:gravity="veritcal_center" wouldn't really make all of these center perfectly along the screen. I'm looking for a way to create a custom textView that somehow measures the height of text and centers it with those parameters. A suggestion by #vmironov in the comments works, but only if the textview has one character. I have not been able to mess around with his code, but I will when I get a chance and I'll post here if I find anything. Thanks!
A simple way to achieve what you want is to use following code:
android:text="#string/your_text" />
set the height and width values of LinearLayout fixed if you want to set the text to be alligned in center within constant height and width
Set the gravity of the view to "center_vertical". Something like :
You should be able to center your text by applying a gravity attribute to the containing TextView.
In XML you would assign an attribute to your TextView, which would look like this:
android:text="#string/some_text" />
If you do want to specify a particular size for your text, it is strongly suggested you use SP (Scaled Pixels) as your unit of measurement, and not Pixels. You could also set an Appearance Attribute for your TextView to control the size, which is also shown in the code example.
I have a few TextViews in my app where I use a custom typeface. I have given the view centered layout gravity to get the text centered in its parent layout. It looks fine in the previewer with the Sans font, but when I change the typeface, the result looks like the text is shifted down, like this:
Compared to this:
Here is the xml for that element:
<FrameLayout android:id="#+id/Turn_ScoreA_Frame" android:padding="5dp" android:background="#color/teamA_secondary" android:layout_margin="5dp" android:layout_gravity="center" android:layout_height="50dp" android:layout_width="110dp">
<android.view.View android:id="#+id/Turn_ScoreABG" android:background="#color/teamA_primary" android:layout_height="fill_parent" android:layout_width="fill_parent"></android.view.View>
<TextView android:id="#+id/Turn_ScoreA" android:includeFontPadding="false" android:text="5" android:layout_gravity="center" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:textSize="32dp"></TextView>
This also occurs when I use fill_parent for layout_width and height of the text view, with text gravity center. I set the custom Typeface in the OnCreate of the view in which this layout is used, just by using TextView.SetTypeface.
Does anyone know what could be causing this? I'm having trouble tracking anything down on this.
As a note, I've worked around this on several views by setting the margin_bottom to -10dp or so, but I'd like to remove that, and I can't get that hack to work on confined views like this one, anyways.
The font is Anton, by the way.
EDIT: This is definitely the result of the text being too large for its container. The thing is, Sans fits just fine, and the new font would fit but its measured size is too large. What I'm hoping is to find a way to get the text to remain at its current visible size and fit in the center of the container, in such a way that doesn't feel too hacky =)
You need to add:
You have 3 options
Decrease the text size
Increase the height of FrameLayout
Change the font which can fit correctly
you cannot change the property of the font, it is designed is such a way that it has empty space above it, which doesn't fit in your given android:layout_height="50dp" when android:textSize="32dp"