Is Adobe Air required on Android device to run Flash created APKs? - android

I was just wondering if the user that downloads my APK from Google Play needs to install Adobe Air on their device to be able to run the APK that was created in Flash?

An app created in flash and published for Air for Android does need the Adobe Air runtime. As of Adobe Flash CS6, it is possible to package the runtime with the apk so there is no need for additional installations.


How to find if android app is started by AndroidOS or ChromeOS's android container?

ChromeOS has started supporting Android apps.
Android apps when running within ChromeOS requires a bunch of optimizations and these optimizations apply only to the app when running in chrome environment.
Is it possible to use the same app APK file for both Android and chrome or should have separate APK files?
Is it possible to differentiate the environment (Android or ChromeOS) programmatically within the app?
Differentiating based on the availability of touchscreen feature is not valid anymore since some Chromebooks ships with touchscreens and can be used as a tablet.
Is it possible to use the same app APK file for both Android and chrome or should have separate APK files?
Yes, it is possible to use same apk for Android and ChromeOS if you don't have any special feature which is not available on ChromeOS. No need to create separate APK.
Device Support:
You can use the Google Play Store to install Android apps on several
Google Chromebooks. This document describes the Chromebooks,
Chromeboxes, and Chromebases that can install Android apps, both
currently and in upcoming releases of Chrome OS.
If your app will have any feature which is not available on ChromeOS then that app will not be available on PlayStore for ChromeOS i.e. from ChromeOS you will not be able to see that app on PlayStore.
App manifest compatibility for Chromebooks:
As you prepare your Android app to run on Chromebooks, you should
consider the device features that your app uses. Chromebooks don't
support all of the hardware and software features that are available
on other devices running Android. If your app requires specific
features that aren't supported on Chromebooks, it won't be available
for installation on Chromebooks.
Is it possible to differentiate the environment (Android or ChromeOS) programmatically within the app?
Yes it is possible to check if app is running on ChromeOS using below code:

Can i publish android studio project on iphone app store?

I am still a beginner and I really don't know much and am working on my first app on android studio.
So is it possible to publish android studio project on iPhone App Store? If not is there any other way to do that?
You cannot publish a packaged compiled .apk Android Package file to an IOS app store. But an IPA file to IOS store
Google Play: - For Google play store you need to register for a Google play dev console account, plus a stock & rooted version of Android latest OS build phone
See this
Apple Store: - You need to have a Mac, plus an Apple developer license. A code editor like XCode, a know-how of programming language like Swift 3, an SDK toolkit & an iPhone
See Link1 and Link2.
android application is mainly build based on java program. ios application is build based on objective C.Its not because of programming language but rather due to final package its get compressed.
You can try learning xamarin cross platform native app development.
use ionic 2 framework. App Development based on HTML5,jss,css. Which use simple webview to display the content. That can be converted to any platform.
There is no way to do it as both have platform specific. So use their respective platform so audience can reach easily.
Mixing up of different platform caused confusion so follow each website rules.

Can we embed adobe air sdk or jar file within apk file

I Created an application in adobe flash CS6, and compile as .apk file, when i run on my device it demand to download adobe air for that application, my question is , is there any method to embed adobe air sdk/jar file within apk file.
Flash Pro* CS-6----
Yeah, you have to follow some steps to embed Adobe AIR into your app for android device.
1.publish Setting (or ctrl+shift_F12) on Wrench icon [(Label)Target] on deployment Tag
you will see AIR Runtime option has two radio button click on
"Embed AIR runtime with application"
But remember that- if Adobe AIR already installed on your device it causes an Error

Is Adobe AIR exporting a flash file to the phone?

If I develop a mobile app in flash using AIR is it exporting as flash or is it converting? I know this is a really stupid question so I apologise in advance.
i don't think so... since last versions of android don't support flash technology natively. You can check They say that the exported file is an APK.
Is AIR exporting as flash? Well... Yes, and no.
On Android exported .apk consists of platform specific glue code (for startup and platform communication, along with any native extensions), and Flash files (regular SWFs) either linked to installed AIR runtime, or with captive runtime (basically Flash player bundled with the .apk). The bundled SWF is more or less the same as on other platform.
On iOS, .ipa file consists or ARM recompiled Actionscript code (since Apple doesn't allow interpreted code in apps), and SWFs which contain graphics and other data.

Add Adobe Captive runtime to Android Eclipse project

I have to embed a game written in flash into my Android project.
The game is developed with Adobe AIR. And the team developing this game has send me a *.apk with Captive runtime included. I know that you can export apk from Adobe Flex.
But, what if i what to add swf game to my existing project in one of it's Activities?
How do i embed a Captive runtime to my Android project and how do i setup activity that it's shows my game?
When you build an Android APK from Adobe Air its an application by itself and has its own activity (.AppEntry) which is launched by the Air runtime bootstrapper.
You cannot Add my swf to an Android Activity because all flash code is embedded in an APK is launch from the install Activity.
Adobe air compiles swf code in classes.dex and adds resources and manifest to the APK. The Captive runtime just adds a huge core lib that is almost 17 megs uncompressed. This lib contains the flash and Air runtime so your use does not need to install any AIR runtime lib separately.
Note* Captive runtime builds are minimal 8 Megs and thats compressed with the captive runtime.
You must take your game and create and Adobe Air release version which packages it up in the Android APK using the Adobe AIR SDK. Once installed you can communicate with the other APK using a variety of methods(custom URL, files, Broadcaster receiver via ANE, etc).
I hope that helps!

