I have downloaded the software and installed it for Android SDK I am then adding this command into the command prompt C:\Program Files\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools and it will not find the path.
I am not sure what to do, I don't know where platform tools sits on my computer and I am very nearly there but am completely stuck.
I have also tried most of these commands and they are not working either
How to Use Android ADB Command Line Tool
To set environment variables at runtime, you can use following steps.
set ANDROID_HOME=C:\<installation location>\android-sdk-windows
set PATH=%PATH%;%ANDROID_HOME%\tools;%ANDROID_HOME%\platform-tools
When running uiautomatorviewer, I am getting the following NullPointerException error:
I have installed and set up Appium following the setup process and set up environment variables for ANDROID_HOME and the Android SDK. The uiautomatorviewer command is using a Path user variable that points to the directory Sdk/tools/bin, where the uiautomatorviewer.bat file is located. From everything I've read online, running this executable should open up the UiAutomatorViewer application, so I can inspect elements on my Android app. Why isn't this working?
The correct fix for this issue:
Java SDKs 9 and 10 do not work with Appium and the Android SDK. You have to uninstall the Java SDK for the more recent version and install the Java 8 SDK instead.
For Linux
Follow this process:
brew cask uninstall java # uninstall java9
brew tap caskroom/versions
brew cask install java8 # install java8
touch ~/.android/repositories.cfg # without this file, error will occur on next step
brew cask install android-sdk
For Windows
Open Add or Remove Programs menu and uninstall Java 9/10.
Install Java 8 using the installer.
Can you just reconnect the device and restart it and the uiautomator? But make sure the test script is not running in the background. Or you can kill the adb server and restart it again.
You can go and check if you forgot any steps in UIAutomatorViewer Tutorial: Inspector for Android Testing.
I was using uiautomatorviewer with corretto-11.0.13 (after some edits in a .bat file) until I upgraded Android Studio to 2021.2.1 (Chipmunk) (to solve another issue in the Android build) and the problem didn't disappear. Moreover, more problems appeared. uiautomatorviewer didn't work again.
I rolled back to Android Studio 4.1.1, restored a change done in the find_java.bat file, and it worked again.
You must add the following Android/sdk/tools/bin/ in the system environment variable.
If you are using window os, you can do it like following:
Right-click on ‘This PC’ and select Properties.
Click 'Advanced system settings' and select ‘Environmental Variables’ option
Under the 'System variables", select 'Path' and click 'Edit'
Click 'New" and add the path of Android/sdk/tools/bin/ in the like
then you will be able to run uiautomatorviewer command in the command prompt.
The alternative way is to open command prompt in Android/sdk/tools/bin/ folder and then run uiautomatorviewer command.
I often compare my new build apk size with the production build and I am looking for options to automate this activity such that it compares both new and prod apk sizes and reports me.
I am aware of APK Analyzer of Android Studio but I want to do that using command-line tools. This doc lists the usage of apkanalyzer but upon running this command
apkanalyzer -h apk file-size myapk.apk
It says "'apkanalyzer' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file." though I have already set the environment path to \Android\sdk\tools\bin.
Not sure why command-line is not recognizing this command, could you let me know where I could possibly have gone wrong or is there any other way to check apk file size using command-line?
Thanks for any help in advance.
apkanalyzer is unix shell script, here converted batch script for windows, make sure to change APP_HOME and CLASSPATH to match your setup. save it as apkanalyzer.cmd
#echo off
::## apkanalyzer start up script for Windows
::## converted by ewwink
::Attempt to set APP_HOME
SET APP_HOME=C:\android\sdk\tools
SET APP_NAME="apkanalyzer"
::Add default JVM options here. You can also use JAVA_OPTS and APKANALYZER_OPTS to pass JVM options to this script.
SET DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS=-Dcom.android.sdklib.toolsdir=%APP_HOME%
SET CLASSPATH=%APP_HOME%\lib\dvlib-26.0.0-dev.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\util-2.2.1.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\jimfs-1.1.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\annotations-13.0.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\ddmlib-26.0.0-dev.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\repository-26.0.0-dev.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\sdk-common-26.0.0-dev.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\kotlin-stdlib-1.1.3-2.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\protobuf-java-3.0.0.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\apkanalyzer-cli.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\gson-2.3.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\httpcore-4.2.5.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\dexlib2-2.2.1.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\commons-compress-1.12.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\generator.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\error_prone_annotations-2.0.18.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\commons-codec-1.6.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\kxml2-2.3.0.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\httpmime-4.1.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\annotations-12.0.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\bcpkix-jdk15on-1.56.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\jsr305-3.0.0.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\explainer.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\builder-model-3.0.0-dev.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\baksmali-2.2.1.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\j2objc-annotations-1.1.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\layoutlib-api-26.0.0-dev.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\jcommander-1.64.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\commons-logging-1.1.1.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\annotations-26.0.0-dev.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\builder-test-api-3.0.0-dev.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\animal-sniffer-annotations-1.14.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\bcprov-jdk15on-1.56.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\httpclient-4.2.6.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\common-26.0.0-dev.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\jopt-simple-4.9.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\sdklib-26.0.0-dev.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\apkanalyzer.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\shared.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\binary-resources.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\guava-22.0.jar
::Collect all arguments for the java command, following the shell quoting and substitution rules
SET APKANALYZER_OPTS=%DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS% -classpath %CLASSPATH% com.android.tools.apk.analyzer.ApkAnalyzerCli %APP_ARGS%
::Determine the Java command to use to start the JVM.
where %JAVACMD% >nul 2>nul
if %errorlevel%==1 (
echo ERROR: 'java' command could be found in your PATH.
echo Please set the 'java' variable in your environment to match the
echo location of your Java installation.
exit /b 0
:: execute apkanalyzer
While checking the output of appium-doctor command - The following error was seen -
android, apkanalyzer could NOT be found in /Users/{user_name}/Library/Android/sdk!
The solution was to enable Android SDK Command-line tools from Android Studio Preferences
Checkout the screenshot
Hope this helps
APK Analyzer tool is available in android studio https://developer.android.com/studio/build/apk-analyzer.html.
Most the command executable options can be used just with the good UI available in the Android Studio.
The apkanalyzer file (with no extension) in my sdk>tools>bin installed on my windows 10 pc is a Unix Shell script.
Windows doesn't recognize this file as a valid command.
This appears to be a bug in the windows install of the Android SDK Tools 26.1.1.
This means that apkanalyzer does not exist in your SDK path.
To download it, just got to SDK Manager and click on Android SDK Tools, then click Ok to continue and download the missing tools.
SDK manager
As others have mentioned, make sure you have installed the Android SDK Tools via the SDK Manager. They should show up in <your_sdk_root>/tools/bin. A long time ago I added <your_sdk_root>/tools to my $PATH in my ~/.bash_profile, but never added <your_sdk_root>/tools/bin; apparently I missed the note that as of SDK Tools, Revision 25.3.0 tools were deprecated or otherwise moved to there among other places.
Seee also
https://developer.android.com/studio/command-line/ for details on the regular Tools, Build, Platform, and Emulator tools.
In Android Studio > Tools > sdkmanager > install Android SDK Command line tools
This worked for me!
I've submitted a bug report to Google: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/124064881
Apparently it's broken on Windows.
be sure that Android Studio "Commandline Tools" installed on your system.
Then, add the following information into your system path;
It worked for me..
M. Yaşar Özden
I was trying to install Android SDK with the help of the SDK command line tools downloaded from the link https://dl.google.com/android/repository/sdk-tools-linux-3859397.zip
on my Linux Ubuntu 16.04 PC.
i run the command following command for installation
./android update sdk
but the installation has stopped and gave the following message on terminal
The "android" command is deprecated.
For manual SDK, AVD, and project management, please use Android Studio.
For command-line tools, use tools/bin/sdkmanager and tools/bin/avdmanager
"android" SDK commands can be translated to sdkmanager commands on a best-effort basis.
Continue? (This prompt can be suppressed with the--use-sdk-wrapper command-line argument or by setting the USE_SDK_WRAPPER environment variable) [y/N]: y
Running /home/user/Android/Sdk/bin/sdkmanager --update
Warning: java.net.SocketException: Connection reset
Warning: Failed to download any source lists!
how to solve this error.or suggest me a way to install android sdk on my linux pc without installing android studio.
A bit late, but in the same situation. It looks like this isn't an error, but the way the tools evolved: they are pushing users to use Android Studio if they want the GUI for the sdk manager, it's usable only from the IDE.
You still have the command line available at bin/sdkmanager in this folder from the download, and instructions can be found here, but they are not great, either, so I'll share what I did:
downloaded the latest compressed file from this page (link way down there)
unzipped somewhere (I chose /opt/Android/android-sdk)
created a symlink to add sdkmanager to my path (ln -s /opt/Android/android-tools/bin/sdkmanager ~/.local/bin/sdkmanager)
installed platform tools and build tools for kitkat and up using sdkmanager "platform-tools" "platforms;android-19" "build-tools;19.1.0" (sudo may be needed)
You can check the versions available using sdkmanager --list, and figure what you need to support and download tools for other versions. The download will not show any kind of progress, it'll only tell you it's done after a while.
I suppose it's not a big deal to keep Android Studio installed solely to have access to the sdk manager GUI, but I'll make do with the command line tools. That's very shady of Google, specially to people not really into their hacked up Intellij version.
I am trying to migrate my existing project from cordova 2.1 to the latest, 3.1 which can be installev vía command line,
I already have the Android SDK installed,
sudo npm install -g cordova // All good
cordova create hello com.example.hello HelloWorld // All good
cordova platform add android // Then it fires:
Checking Android requirements...
[Error: The command `android` failed. Make sure you have the latest Android SDK installed, and the `android` command (inside the tools/ folder) added to your path. Output: ]
So I installed Macports and tried:
sudo port install android
Which logs:
Warning: All compilers are either blacklisted or unavailable; defaulting to first fallback option
Warning: Xcode does not appear to be installed; most ports will likely fail to build.
---> Cleaning android
---> Scanning binaries for linking errors: 100.0%
---> No broken files found.
Any idea what am I missing here?
It's work cordova Android for MAC 1000000000%. I fought solution and now i'm working try this #Toni Michel Caubet. I will happy to share my Answer.
Open Your Terminal and followed by,
touch ~/.bash_profile
open ~/.bash_profile
PATH="/Users/System-Name/Documents/android-sdk-macosx/sdk/tools:/Development/android-sdk-macosx/sdk/platform-tools:$PATH" (This is Android SDK Location to stored in My system )
4.Save the file and quit the text editor.
5.Execute your .bash_profile to update your PATH:
source ~/.bash_profile
if you want to see your environment path:
7.In your terminal type: set
After you can see like
8.As far as your made it very correct. After your enter command like cordova platform add android. you get following error. because Java SDK doesn't too set environment PATH.
9.open ~/.bash_profile. Add JAVA_HOME value
10.You can see your environment like STEP 7 set. You should be able see:
11.Successfully created environment now you can create Android project with Cordova or PhoneGap
When you installed the Android SDK, it will come with a bunch of folders, like build-tools, platform-tools, tools, and some others. You need to add platform-tools and tools to your main $PATH environment variable.
See the docs here about how to add things to your PATH for whichever system you are on (Windows or Mac): http://cordova.apache.org/docs/en/3.1.0/guide_platforms_android_index.md.html#Android%20Platform%20Guide
Here is how you would edit the $PATH on Windows:
Click on the Start menu in the lower-left corner of the desktop,
right-click on Computer, then click Properties.
Click Advanced System Settings in the column on the left.
In the resulting dialog box, press Environment Variables.
Select the PATH variable and press Edit.
Append the following to the PATH based on where you installed the
SDK, for example: ;C:\Development\adt-bundle\sdk\platform-tools;C:\Development\adt-bundle\sdk\tools
Save and close both dialogs.
To install the cordova command-line tool, follow these steps:
First of all go through the Cordova Document
For Cordova command-line tools to work, you need to include the SDK's tools and platform-tools directories in your PATH environment. On Mac, you can use a text editor to create or modify the ~/.bash_profile file, adding a line such as the following, depending on where the SDK installs:
export PATH=${PATH}:/Development/adt-bundle/sdk/platform-tools:/Development/adt-bundle/sdk/tools
Next Steps:
Download and install Node.js from Here. Following installation, you should be able to invoke node or npm on your command line.
Install the cordova utility. In Unix(Mac), prefixing the additional sudo command may be necessary to install development utilities in otherwise restricted directories:
For Mac $ sudo npm install -g cordova
once successful installation of cordova is done ,now you can create your application
across all the platforms.
Create the Cordova Application
Go to the directory where you maintain your source code, and run a command such as the following:
$cordova create hello com.example.hello CordovaDemo
hello is the directory where you want to create your application
com.example.hello is the package name
CordovaDemo is the name of the Application
Once Successful creation of your project, some file will be created inside the directory i.e hello
Add Platforms
All subsequent commands need to be run within the project's directory, or any subdirectories within its scope:
$ cd hello
Now you need to specify a set of target platforms, Supported OS for Mac
$ cordova platform add android
plz tell me if you are still having problem.
[Error: The command `android` failed. Make sure you have the latest Android SDK installed, and the `android` command (inside the tools/ folder) added to your path. Output: ]
You just need to install the Latest version of Android i.e 4.3
Go to SDK Manager and install the latest SDK Platform.
And try run the command again.
Hope this will help you.
Here it solved my issue:
into the terminal.
touch ~/.bash_profile (create a bash profile)
open ~/.bash_profile (opening a bash profile)
in your opened file, please type the following, Make sure that you have given the correct path, in case you find it difficult to find your directory in which your Android SDK is installed , search into your terminal with ls -l.
[Let me clarify first that, this is windows specific suggestion, answer]
For particular cordova version there corresponds particular android API
First check out version of cordova with following command:
$ npm cordova -v
In my case cordova version was 1.4.28 , which corresponds to Android API 19
So the bottom line is don't waste time in downloading all "SDK Platforms"
instead just download corresponding Android API for concerned cordova version...
Hope this help....!!!
I have installed the Android SDK but I can't get the Adroid SDK manager to open.
I have looked everywhere on the internet and this is what I have already done which didn't help:
1. run sdk as administrator
2. adding a path pointing to the JDK in all of these forms :
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_21\bin;%SystemRoot%\system32;
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_21\bin;
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_21\
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_21
C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.7.0_21/bin;
none of them worked ..:-(
Step #1: Open up a command prompt.
Step #2: Use the cd command to move to wherever you installed your Android SDK.
Step #3: Run tools\android.
after doing it I got an error message that said that :
ERROR: No suitable Java found. In order to properly use the Android Developer
Tools, you need a suitable version of Java installed on your system.
4. deleting 3 times the sdk and reinstalling it.
5. Deleting the .android folder from the user (C:/Users/[User Name]) directory
By the way I have Windows 7 , and I have downloaded the 64 -bits sdk.
I am so helpless.. I ll appreciate a lot a solution...
I had the same problem. Try to add an environment variable :
JAVA_HOME : "C:\Java\jdk1.7.0_25\".
It solves problem for me.
WRT Ubuntu 14.04:
You may not have java installed globally in your machine. My fix was to do:
sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk
After was I able to run the SDK Manager.