I have installed the Android SDK but I can't get the Adroid SDK manager to open.
I have looked everywhere on the internet and this is what I have already done which didn't help:
1. run sdk as administrator
2. adding a path pointing to the JDK in all of these forms :
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_21\bin;%SystemRoot%\system32;
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_21\bin;
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_21\
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_21
C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.7.0_21/bin;
none of them worked ..:-(
Step #1: Open up a command prompt.
Step #2: Use the cd command to move to wherever you installed your Android SDK.
Step #3: Run tools\android.
after doing it I got an error message that said that :
ERROR: No suitable Java found. In order to properly use the Android Developer
Tools, you need a suitable version of Java installed on your system.
4. deleting 3 times the sdk and reinstalling it.
5. Deleting the .android folder from the user (C:/Users/[User Name]) directory
By the way I have Windows 7 , and I have downloaded the 64 -bits sdk.
I am so helpless.. I ll appreciate a lot a solution...
I had the same problem. Try to add an environment variable :
JAVA_HOME : "C:\Java\jdk1.7.0_25\".
It solves problem for me.
WRT Ubuntu 14.04:
You may not have java installed globally in your machine. My fix was to do:
sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk
After was I able to run the SDK Manager.
I was trying to install Android SDK with the help of the SDK command line tools downloaded from the link https://dl.google.com/android/repository/sdk-tools-linux-3859397.zip
on my Linux Ubuntu 16.04 PC.
i run the command following command for installation
./android update sdk
but the installation has stopped and gave the following message on terminal
The "android" command is deprecated.
For manual SDK, AVD, and project management, please use Android Studio.
For command-line tools, use tools/bin/sdkmanager and tools/bin/avdmanager
"android" SDK commands can be translated to sdkmanager commands on a best-effort basis.
Continue? (This prompt can be suppressed with the--use-sdk-wrapper command-line argument or by setting the USE_SDK_WRAPPER environment variable) [y/N]: y
Running /home/user/Android/Sdk/bin/sdkmanager --update
Warning: java.net.SocketException: Connection reset
Warning: Failed to download any source lists!
how to solve this error.or suggest me a way to install android sdk on my linux pc without installing android studio.
A bit late, but in the same situation. It looks like this isn't an error, but the way the tools evolved: they are pushing users to use Android Studio if they want the GUI for the sdk manager, it's usable only from the IDE.
You still have the command line available at bin/sdkmanager in this folder from the download, and instructions can be found here, but they are not great, either, so I'll share what I did:
downloaded the latest compressed file from this page (link way down there)
unzipped somewhere (I chose /opt/Android/android-sdk)
created a symlink to add sdkmanager to my path (ln -s /opt/Android/android-tools/bin/sdkmanager ~/.local/bin/sdkmanager)
installed platform tools and build tools for kitkat and up using sdkmanager "platform-tools" "platforms;android-19" "build-tools;19.1.0" (sudo may be needed)
You can check the versions available using sdkmanager --list, and figure what you need to support and download tools for other versions. The download will not show any kind of progress, it'll only tell you it's done after a while.
I suppose it's not a big deal to keep Android Studio installed solely to have access to the sdk manager GUI, but I'll make do with the command line tools. That's very shady of Google, specially to people not really into their hacked up Intellij version.
i downloaded the sdk from android official website and installed the latest build tools using android sdk manager. I set android home as said here
but when i run cordova build android i got ANDROID_HOME is not your path.
Then i did as same as here but no luck.
Please help me to solve this.
Please verify that the SDK you downloaded really is located at the location you set. Do this by:
echo $PATH
and verify that the last part of PATH and ANDROID_HOME is identical with where you unzipped the Downloaded zip.
If referring to here than you would have to replace "/opt/android/sdk" with the folder where you unzipped the SDK.
If using sudo you need to either call sudo with sudo -E flag or add the ANDROID_HOME to the Defaults env_keep in /etc/sudoers
I use Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.
My JDK version is 1.8.0_31.
I downloaded Android Studio archive, unpacked it and ran a studio.sh file. But every time the installation begins an error occurs:
Refresh Sources:
Failed to fetch URL http ://dl-ssl.google.com/android/repository/addons_list-2.xml, reason: File not found
Fetched Add-ons List successfully
Refresh Sources
Failed to fetch URL http ://dl-ssl.google.com/android/repository/repository-10.xml, reason: File not found
Refresh Sources:
Failed to fetch URL http ://dl-ssl.google.com/android/repository/repository-10.xml, reason: File not found
There is nothing to install or update.
The following SDK components were not installed: build-tools-21.1.1, source-21, sys-img-x86-addon-google_apis-google-21, extra-android-m2repository, android-21, extra-google-m2repository, addon-google_apis-google-21, platform-tools
Moreover, when I run the studio.sh file following text appears in terminal:
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=350m; support was removed in 8.0
Also I tried to install the Android Studio from Paolo Rotolo's repository, but the same problem occurs.
I am rookie in Ubuntu, so I hope only for your help.
I also met this problem. Even I can download the xml files from browser, the android update sdk process keep reporting file not found. A search from google leads me to here:
The first anwser reminds me of permission problem of ~/.android. I checked, and found that this hidden directory is not owned by me. Change the owner of the directory solve the problem.
Its not that tough actually, just follow the following steps:
first of all make sure your ubuntu is uptodate. open >Unity>Software updater.
Install latest Jdk - in my case its Java8
Installing java
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer
Make it default version
sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-set-default
Installing Android Studio
Download Android Studio from here, use All Android Studio Packages
Extract the archive file into an appropriate location for your applications, eg: /opt. Use the filename of your downloaded archive, in my example android-studio-ide-141.2178183-linux.zip
sudo unzip android-studio-ide-141.2178183-linux.zip -d /opt
To launch Android Studio, navigate to the /opt/android-studio/bin directory in a terminal and execute ./studio.sh. Or use a desktop file, see below. Make sure you type "./studio.sh"
You may want to add /opt/android-studio/bin to your PATH environmental variable so that you can start Android Studio from any directory.
sudo studio.sh
running it as root solved for me
I have installed android SDK and android eclipse plugin successfully on Ubuntu.
Every thing was working fine until I removed Ubuntu and installed Linux Mint.
I installed the SDK again and used the same eclipse copy I was using on Ubuntu but now all the android applications contain errors and I can not start the emulator.
When starting the emulator this message appears
Starting emulator for AVD 'test' Failed to start emulator: Cannot run program "/home/anas/android//tools/emulator": error=2, No such file or directory
While the android SDK is installed in the specified path and the file (emulator) is exists in the same path.
Also all my applications contains the same error R can not be resolved to a variable
What is the problem here?
Installed on Ubuntu successfully.
but not running avd
If you're running a 64-bit system, you need to install ia32-libs
sudo apt-get install ia32-libs
R can not be resolved to a variable
This can be due to following Reason
class is not the part of that package add proper package
not properly defined in manifest file class path define it properly
clear and run the avd it will work
If cmd from fist comment doesn't work like in my case (64bit Crunchbang) then you may also try with :
sudo aptitude install ia32-libs lib32ncurses5 lib32stdc++6
I solved it doing a backup of the "emulator" and creating a symbolic link to the correct emulator:
mv emulator emulator_bup
ln -s emulator64-arm emulator
I used the command-line tool android (android avd), and used Tools->Manage SDK to install 64 bit emulators. I then mv'ed emulator to emulator.old, and emulator64-arm to emulator. Now the AVD starts up.
You do not need install packages any more!
In directory tools, there are many types of emulator, while my computer works with emulator64-arm! My system is Linux Mint 16 amd64! Good luck!
./emulator64-arm #yxphone -sdcard yxsd -scale 0.8
Like you have written the specified path and the files are exists in the same path, but i suggest to check that one more time.
and like you are getting R cannot be resolved to a variable, do not worry:
Check Package name in Manifest File
If you are already getting something like this: import com.version.bajrang.january.R;
so first of all try to change package name here, or secondly just delete this line and
clean your program
If you are not getting something like: import com.version.bajrang.january.R;
then add import packagename.R;
I believe that you will get your answer.....
It looks like your SDK path in eclipse has a mistake:
Cannot run program "/home/anas/android//tools/emulator"
That double "//" may be the problem. Check in Eclipse: Window -> Preferences -> Android. There should be a field there pointing the SDK Location. Edit it.
Check your path : /home/anas/android/ to see if it really is where you put your SDK . If not repeat these steps to have it
The missing R resource message is a compile error right? Then in this case your emulator should not be the problem. However, if your SDK path is incorrect like I suspect, then .. you can expect this compile error along with any other android libraries import
This is sorted by running this on Ubuntu.
sudo cp ~/Android/Sdk/platform-tools/adb /usr/bin/adb
Refer this: Can't connect to emulator through ADB genymotion
I have downloaded the software and installed it for Android SDK I am then adding this command into the command prompt C:\Program Files\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools and it will not find the path.
I am not sure what to do, I don't know where platform tools sits on my computer and I am very nearly there but am completely stuck.
I have also tried most of these commands and they are not working either
How to Use Android ADB Command Line Tool
To set environment variables at runtime, you can use following steps.
set ANDROID_HOME=C:\<installation location>\android-sdk-windows
set PATH=%PATH%;%ANDROID_HOME%\tools;%ANDROID_HOME%\platform-tools